These group of people who lost their jobs must be said registered with Government Agencies like e2i or WDA or MOM - to undergo placement or training and then infuse to do the specially set aside Government Projects earning a monthly salary to ensure that they have an income but at the same time contributing to the Economy.
Meanwhile, potential employers can look and tap into this pool of people as their future employees as they can see for themselves the potential of this group of people while working on the Government projects.
This will ensure that they do not have to go without income and without a job after they got retrenched.
For those who are structurally unemployed for example sunset industries, they can get themselves retrained and on-the-job training.
Politically it will go down well, as this will win the appreciation from this group of people that the Government do in fact take care of them by actively providing jobs to them.
Virtually, there will be no unemployment in Singapore - because this stop gap measures of Government specially created projects to provide jobs to those who are 40 years and above who have been retrenched - will ensure that retrenched workers continue to get employed by e2i or WDA or MOM - and they can continue to feed their family.
ricky l • Remove
Eg. of such Government projects specially created for 40 and above who got retrenched - are setting aside an industrial park to be run by say e2i or WDA or MOM to cater for virtually every economic sectors - so that it will help as many such PMET and workers to get employed.
For those sectors that are not meaningful to reproduce, retraining and on-the-job training can be provided to work on areas where skillsets are required by e2i or WDA or MOM.
This specially set aside industrial park can be self-sustained to meet special objectives that are not covered by the industries.
ricky l • Remove
This will be better than coining more social welfare payout or social welfare programme - because instead of giving fishes for people to eat, the Government are providing fish rods to let people do their own fishing.
By doing so, the Government can in fact cut down social welfare payout or social welfare programme - as people can continue to earn their income to provide for their own needs and need not rely on the social welfare payout or social welfare programme.
ricky l • Remove
This will be the fastest, most effective and most efficient way to provide jobs for those who are currently unemployed - without having to wait for months or years looking for job.
Government can say allocate S$1 billion to set aside for this programme immediately.
Year on year, the Government can say set aside 1% of GDP to fund the operational cost of this programme.
This programme will also reaped economic benefit - because it create a multiplier spinoff effect of an Economy within the set aside industrial park to the larger Economy - in effect an Economy within a larger Economy.
Good idea?
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