ricky l • Remove
I think it is reasonable that it is the right of any Countries in the World to protect their own territory. This is the right of a soveriegn country.Reply
However, where cases which is not yet recognised on those disputed land or islands or waters - where 1 or more than one Countries also have claimed, then using force or coercion to stake the claim - has fall into the grey areas of hegemony or aggression.
This is because what China felt to be your territorial rights is also exactly what other claimants felt about their territorial rights - as long as the disputes are not wholesomely resolved.
Only resolving the disputed claims by :-
The 3 wholeome resolution methods with the "Neighbor Dispute Analogy" have the following elements :-
(1) direct talk and negotiate in a peaceful manner to resolve the dispute (through give-and-take attitude, through sweeten deals by incorporating other economic deals to resolve the territorial claim) ----- 人情。
(2) call a 3rd party – eg. Police, counsellor or someone where both can trust to settle the dispute eg. UN in a rational, logical and adult manner – with “give and take attitude” ----- 理。(讲理)
(3) Both neighbors subject themselves to Court Arbitration process – by producing documents to support their claim and honour the Court Judgement. This measure is undertaken by Singapore and Malaysia claim on 5 outcrop rocks follow by sweeten deals by incorporating other economic deals to resolve the territorial claim ----- 法。(法律)
人情,理, 法 - are the 3 best wholesome peaceful resolution methods to resolve dispute because both disputant parties will accept the outcome with 心服口服 - and will no longer trigger future dispute and conflict.
China is aspiring to be a SuperPower, but must possess the characteristics of a wholesome values of a SuperPower that International Community from their Heart and Mind are 心服口服 . A SuperPower that resolve issues by 人情,理, 法.
Please see the news report below :-
"It is important to note Taiwan people's growing distrust in the Chinese Communist Party is not only from what Beijing is doing to Taiwan such as blocking Taiwan's participation in international organizations, but also what Beijing is doing in Hong Kong and in the region," said Mingchuan University professor Chen Chao-chien, referring to China's seemingly provocative moves in both South and East China Seas amid rising tension among the various territorial claimants."
The above sentiment is felt by the International Community because 公道自在人心。
China has come very far to become an Economic Power. But for China to progress further whereby it is accepted by International Community with Heart and Mind as a wholesome SuperPower, China must progress with a more wholesome System as well as able to win respect and affection from the International Community by resolving issues with 人情,理, 法.
To be honest, USA has possessed this quality - this is what many members of the International Community felt - even their past adversaries or the current one.
- ricky l • Remove
To determine whether China has reached the stature of what USA is enjoying as wholesome SuperPower in the eyes of International Community (whether friends or adversaries) in terms of :-
Economic influence,
Political influence,
Education influence,
Science and Techology influence,
Social influence,
Military influence,
How the members of International Community react and respond to China is a good measure - whether the stature of wholesome SuperPower has been reached.ricky l • Remove
Honestly, other than Economic influence that China will catch up with USA soon
Political influence,
Education influence,
Science and Techology influence,
Social influence,
Military influence,
Plus the following areas still have a large gap whereby China need to improved on:-
(1) Legal System
(2) Political System
(3) Political, social freedom, free speech and human right
(4) Resolving disputes - especially territorial disputes based on wholesome resolution methods based on negotiation, arbitration or by legal international law. - ricky l • Remove
When i say influence, I mean reach, acceptance, learning, engaging and adopting.
USA and the West influence - are long, extensive and intensive to have reached the stature of wholesome SuperPower.
And USA and the West influence has such a reached - are not due to using of force or coercion - but what members of International Community felt that they are wholesome, freedom, engaging and progressing.
In this regard, China has a benchmark to strive to achieve.
And the fastest way China can achieved - is to Win the Heart and Mind of the International Community. And the fastest way for China to Win the Heart and Mind of the International Community is not to emphasize force or might - but through 人情,理, 法.
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