Sunday, June 8, 2014

Aerial reenactment caps D-Day celebrations THOMAS ADAMSON and THEODORA TONGAS | Associated Press 6 minutes ago
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
A timely reminder to Human Civilisation not to take peace for granted.

A historical reminder - whereby War(s) that will trigger World War - must be avoided at all cost - because Human Mankind cannot afford a World War 3 - that will end Human Civilisation.

Starting a war is easy, but end a war take a long time - that will be translated into huge human casualties - death, injuries, infrastructure damaged, property lost, devastated Economies, huge financial loss, human miseries and sufferings ...

Let us see the history of past and current Countries that have wage war(s) - and see whether the above statement is true or not?

ricky l

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ricky l • a second agoRemove

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