Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Gender, sexuality and dogma: One homosexual monk’s battle to nirvana http://contented.cc/http://contented.cc/By Joyce Ng | Contented 2 hours 53 minutes ago

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
When he/she is ordained as a monk, there is no issue of gay or not - because he/she will have to observe the precepts of celibacy.

Enlightenment and Nirvana is the training of the mind - anchor on morality, concentration and mindfulness. As long as these values exist, and he is able to achieve mental equilibrium - he can attain Enlightenment and Nirvana - what sexual orientation is not an issue.

Buddhism is a mutually inclusive religion - and does not discriminate a person - as long as the person renounce the mundane world, repent from sin and aspire to attain Enlightenment and Nirvana.
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Buddhism is also about - forgive and forget.
    As long as one has genuinely repented from his past sins and willing to renounce the mundane world - he can be ordained as a monk or nun. His past will not be carried over into his ordained life.

    The key is "genuinely repented from his past sins and willing to renounce the mundane world".

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