Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sunni-Shiite split stems from dispute over Prophet

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
The difference between Sunni and Shiite can be resolved if both sects emphasize and internalise the values of :-
(1) Accomodation - rather than Ostracizing the other sect.
(2) Emphasizing on common wholesome values - and not harping on the differences.
(3) Universal Compassion - rather than fueling hatred.
(4) Moderation - rather than Extremism
(5) Working together - rather than Against one another
(6) Power sharing - rather than Power Alienation
(7) Value diversity - rather than only 1 exclusive view.
(8) Emphasize Mutual Inclusiveness - rather than Mutually Exclusiveness

This is the only way both Sunni and Shiite coexist and live in harmony - bring Peace to the Middle East.

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