Iraq asks for airstrikes as US considers options

ricky l • Remove
The lesson learnt is that :-Reply
Government Administration must be separate from Religion.
Government Administration must be "Secular" so that it will be "Impartial" - and will not exclude citizens of other religions or other races - and result in unhappiness.
For eg. the Government want to adopt Religion A as the majority belong to Religion A by using its teachings to run the Government.
But citizens of Religion B and Religion C - are not able to associate with some of the teachings - and will feel alienated.
Over time, unhappy feelings will arise and frictions will arise.
Thus Government Administration must be "Secular" so that it will be "Impartial" - to prevent conflict, internal strife and civil war from breaking out - so that Policies to serve the citizens will be impartial and non-bias.
Whether it is an Islamic countries, whether it is a Buddhist countries, whether it is a Catholic countries - the lesson learnt is that Thus Government Administration must be "Secular" so that it will be "Impartial".
Religions are used to support the Secular Government - so that Mundane are subjected to Secular rule, and Supramundane are subjected to Spiritual rule --- only then it will conform to the "Universal Law of Relativity - the dualistic law" :-
Mundane vs Supramundane = only then Peace and Harmony can be preserved.
I think i post this many many times - and there are many many examples of such problem.
ricky l • Remove
Secular Government separate from Religion = Moderation or Middle Path.
(ie. Equilibrium of Mundane and Supramundane = Middle Path = Moderation) - as ruling of people require mundane law in the mundane world as opposed to religious precepts.
Thus there is a need for :-
Secular Government to separate from Religion.
ricky l • Remove
The internal conflict is also a fissure of ruling along sectarian line.
Previously, during Saddam Administration - the Sunnis enjoy the privilege at the expense of Shiite and the Kurds
Now, the Shiite enjoy the privilege and the Sunnis and Kurds felt being cut out.
Thus a Government Administration must adopt a Secular principle and not toeing the sectarian or religion line - that will cause polarisation or alienation of the majority or the minority - that give the potential of civil war - where no one win - where everyone lose - not only the ruler or the ruled - but also other countries around the region - and other countries who also have a stake in the region.
ricky l • Remove
This is because Moderation or Middle Path carry the 3 wholesome values of :-
(1) No-Self (or Selfless) - the Government Administration being Secular, is Impartial - to be able to take care of the citizens not only belonging to its own sects, but also citizens belonging to other sects, other religions and other races.
(2) Compassion - the Government Administration being Secular, is Impartial - coin Policies - to be able to take care of the citizens not only belonging to its own sects, but also citizens belonging to other sects, other religions and other races.
(3) Panna Wisdom - the Government Administration being Secular, is Impartial - being able to preserve the harmony and peace among different sects, different religions and different races - will ensure a stable society, a peaceful country - and thus will provide a conducive environment to build a country and bring prosperity to the country - minus instability, conflict, friction, internal strife - that lead to a civil war - that not only destabilise the country, but also the region and have an economic impact and even security impact to other parts of the World.
By mixing Religion with Government Administration - will cause OmniPotent to rear its head, intolerance of other sects, other religions and other races will set in - a fertile ground for instability, conflict, friction, internal strife - that lead to a civil war - that not only destabilise the country, but also the region and have an economic impact and even security impact to other parts of the World.
So it is :-
Wholesome values of No-Self, Compassion, Panna Wisdom (Constructive, Peace Prosperity, Stability) VERSUS Omnipotent (Destruction, War, Poverty, Chaos).
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