Not us, Perkasa and Isma say after PM’s ‘unreasonable’ remark

- ricky l • Remove
Extremist view (not in moderation) - will go onto the "destructive path" - as it is "mutually exclusive" and carry one of the inherent roots of "Hatred/Anger" - and inherit the value of "OmniPotent".
Moderation - will take the "constructive path" - as it is "Mutually Inclusive" and carry the component of "Universal Compassion". - ricky l • Remove
Moderation - prevents the disintegration of committing sins - such as killings, torturing, using the name of religions to justify violence and killings - in which the religion under "Universal Compassion" forbid.
Extremism - will invoke killings, torturing, using the name of religions to justify violence and killings - fuel by the value of "mutually exclusiveness" - incite by the roots of "Hatred/Anger".
This is the main difference between a "Moderate Religion" vs "Extremist Religion".
Enlightened Beings vs Devil or Satan.
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