Tuesday, June 10, 2014

China confirms attendance at U.S.-hosted naval exercises in June

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Hopefully this will be one of the confident building measures - that will contribute to more peaceful Asia Pacific region - whereby dispute in the region can be resolve in peaceful, responsible and adult manner - without resorting to force.

To stake a claim, claim have to be won with 心服口服 - so that there will be no residual roots that will ignite and inflame into conflict again.

Confident buildings will thus be an important engagement - that will help to build trust - so that in the event of dispute, dispute can be resolved peacefully through dialogues and communications with the following peaceful wholesome resolution methods :-

3 Wholesome Resolution methods with the "Neighbor Dispute Analogy" :-
Wholesome, peaceful and responsible ways to resolve the “territorial dispute” :-

(1) direct talk and negotiate in a peaceful manner to resolve the dispute (through give-and-take attitude, through sweeten deals by incorporating other economic deals to resolve the territorial claim)

(2) call a 3rd party – eg. Police, counsellor or someone where both can trust to settle the dispute in a rational, logical and adult manner – with “give and take attitude”.

(3) Both neighbors subject themselves to Court Arbitration process – by producing documents to support their claim and honour the Court Judgement. This measure is undertaken by Singapore and Malaysia claim on 5 outcrop rocks follow by sweeten deals by incorporating other economic deals to resolve the territorial claim.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Only with the above 3 peaceful resolution methods - both disputed parties will not have any more problem with the disputes - and no future blickering over the islands will arise.

Assume that the islands are won by force - the unhappiness will be buried and remain dormant until one day, ugly skirmishes will arise again - and it will become 没完没了 because the dispute is not resolved whereby both parties are 心服口服.

Alot of times and resources will be wasted by constant blickerings - & it will become a constant thorns in the flesh - instead of focusing on Economic development and mutual beneficial business relationships.

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