Facts That Prove Ghosts Are Baloney
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Buddha are real. Arahats are real. Prophets are real.
Some rare Enlightened Beings attain Nirvana are real.
But can scientific equipment prove and measures Nirvana.
Then how does science explain Body sariras and other sariras?
Can check in the Internet what are sariras.
Can science really explain everything in the Universe?
What is the percentage of Science explaining the mystery of the entire Universe?
How many type of consciousness in a human can be scientifically proven by psychology ?
Can psychology explain Jhana Samadhi - how many types, what ae the consciousness?
Can psychology explain the phenonmenon of Nirvana and the properties of Nirvana?
ricky l • Remove
Science cannot prove does not mean people who see - are psychologically unsound - because science are still unable to prove alot of things yet.
ricky l
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Can Science use science instrument to measure rebirth or reincanation?
If science instrument cannot, can science explain Dr Ian Stevenson's work?
Is he suffering from mental sickness, if not then can science explain?
Scientific Proof of Reincarnation
Dr. Ian Stevenson's Life Work
"Either he [Dr. Stevenson] is making a colossal mistake. Or he will be known as the Galileo of the 20th century." Dr Harold Lief in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
•About Dr. Ian Stevenson
•Omni Magazine's Interview with Dr. Ian Stevenson
•Sweet Swarnlata: An Example Case of Dr. Ian Stevenson's
Dr. Ian StevensonProbably the best known, if not most respected, collection of scientific data that appears to provide scientific proof that reincarnation is real, is the life's work of Dr. Ian Stevenson. Instead of relying on hypnosis to verify that an individual has had a previous life, he instead chose to collect thousands of cases of children who spontaneously (without hypnosis) remember a past life. Dr. Ian Stevenson uses this approach because spontaneous past life memories in a child can be investigated using strict scientific protocols. Hypnosis, while useful in researching into past lives, is less reliable from a purely scientific perspective. In order to collect his data, Dr. Stevenson methodically documents the child's statements of a previous life. Then he identifies the deceased person the child remembers being, and verifies the facts of the deceased person's life that match the child's memory. He even matches birthmarks and birth defects to wounds and scars on the deceased, verified by medical records. His strict methods systematically rule out all possible "normal" explanations for the child’s memories.
Dr. Stevenson has devoted the last forty years to the scientific documentation of past life memories of children from all over the world. He has over 3000 cases in his files. Many people, including skeptics and scholars, agree that these cases offer the best evidence yet for reincarnation.
Dr. Stevenson's credentials are impeccable. He is a medical doctor and had many scholarly papers to his credit before he began paranormal research. He is the former head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, and now is Director of the Division of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia.
ricky l • Remove
Rebirth is what Buddhism expounded.
Rebirth can take many forms - specifically 6 realms sentinent beings.
(1) Hell realm
(2) Hungry Ghosts realm
(3) Animal realm
(4) Human realm
(5) Asura realm
(6) Heavenly realm
and 4 other non-rebirth realm :-
(1) Buddha
(2) Bodhisattva
(3) Pacekka Buddha
(4) Arahat
Can Science identified all human races in Human realm?
Can Science identified all animals, insects, sea creatures, bio-organism, diseases etc in the Animal realm?
If cannot, why Science can come to the conclusion that when a person can see "Ghosts" - is consider mentally sick?
Does Science classified all Religions as "Mentally sick" for beliving in other realms other than what scientists can see - Human and Animal realms (cannot even exhaustively prove them) ?
Just to tell you that some Enlightened Beings can see other realms other than Human and Animal realms - does it means that these Enlightened Beings are mentally ill?
ricky l • Remove
If science and math are so powerful, can please provide the answer to a simple math :-
What is the answer for 0 divide 0 = ?
ricky l • Remove
If science is so powerful, can explain the mystery of all the disappearing ships and airplanes and human in the Bermuda and other mysterious disappearance?
ricky l • Remove
If science can tune in to the right frequency and channel of ghost realm - then science can prove the existence of hungry ghosts realms.
And the clue to tune in to the right frequency and channel of the ghost realm is to balance the
consciousness that are in synch with the ghost realm.
If science can tune in to the right frequency and channel of heavenly realm, then science can prove the existence of various heavenly realm.
Please note that there are many realms of heavenly realms and each heavenly realms have many sub0realms with different mix of consciousness.
If science cannot determine these consciousness, how can science tune in and prove the existence of these heavenly realms?
If science cannot, how can it conclude that people who are able to see and experience it are mentally unsound?
Does science infer that all the past Prophets, Saints, Buddha, the current Arahat and Saints are mentally ill?
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