Hand in those CVs: Job vacancies hit eight-year high

ricky l • Remove
The true fact is that despite so many job vacancies, mature PMETs and workers can send in as many CVs as possible - and many don't get the jobs after trying for many months and years.Reply
ricky l • Remove
If there is a few ongoing "Government catchment projects - for the retrenched" set aside by the MOF run by say e2i, retrenched Singaporeans PMETs and Workers can be registered as members of e2i and immediately be employed by e2i to be placed to do the "Government catchment projects - for the retrenched" depending on the fields and the skillsets of the retrenched.
For those skillsets and area of expertise that are not relevant, On-the-Job traing and training course can be provided to them so that they can also be productive in doing the "Government catchment projects - for the retrenched".
By doing so, the retrenched can continue to earn salary and at the same time be productive to the Economy.
Each Ministries and Statutory Boards can budget and set aside Government projects for this purpose - and $1 billion can be set aside for startup fund & a large swap of land for industrial estate can be set aside such as near seletar airport all the way to hougang can be used for this purpose (which can be name as Pioneer Silver Economic Zone) - since $8 billion can be set aside for Pioneer citizens, setting aside $1 billion is a small sum (sub-sub water) against a backdrop of a $200 - 400 billion Economy.
So with this programme in place, Singapore will virtually have "zero unemployment" and the issue of mature PMETs and Workers cannot find jobs for months and years will not arise.
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