Monday, June 30, 2014
ricky l • a second agoRemove
Yap a "terror hub " in the middle of Middle East have been officially formed as predicted.Reply
ricky l • a second agoRemove
This is posted previously - and the intuition has come true.
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentricky l • a second agoRemove
If this is not handle properly - whereby it is seen as Sunni vs Shiite - the whole Middle East indeed will turn into red hotspot - a religious war between the 2 Islamic sects.
US will be in a spot - if it is seen as siding any 1 sect.
However, if US succeeded in unifying the Shiite, Sunni and Kurds together - to prevent extremists from capturing territory to form a "Terror Hub" - then the volatility of Middle East will be controlled and not turn into a 2 Sects power struggle.
If handled carefully, this threat can turn into an opportunity to reconcile the 2 sects and turn the hotspot into a spot of peace and harmony.
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentricky l • a second agoRemove
Then the chances of the formation of a "Terror Hub" right in the middle of Middle East - will be greatly reduced. The "Terror Hub" forms - because of the struggle between the 2 sects.
Sunday, June 29, 2014

ricky l • 5 seconds ago Remove
I think it is reasonable that it is the right of any Countries in the World to protect their own territory. This is the right of a soveriegn country.Reply
However, where cases which is not yet recognised on those disputed land or islands or waters - where 1 or more than one Countries also have claimed, then using force or coercion to stake the claim - has fall into the grey areas of hegemony or aggression.
This is because what China felt to be your territorial rights is also exactly what other claimants felt about their territorial rights - as long as the disputes are not wholesomely resolved.
Only resolving the disputed claims by :-
The 3 wholeome resolution methods with the "Neighbor Dispute Analogy" have the following elements :-
(1) direct talk and negotiate in a peaceful manner to resolve the dispute (through give-and-take attitude, through sweeten deals by incorporating other economic deals to resolve the territorial claim) ----- 人情。
(2) call a 3rd party – eg. Police, counsellor or someone where both can trust to settle the dispute eg. UN in a rational, logical and adult manner – with “give and take attitude” ----- 理。(讲理)
(3) Both neighbors subject themselves to Court Arbitration process – by producing documents to support their claim and honour the Court Judgement. This measure is undertaken by Singapore and Malaysia claim on 5 outcrop rocks follow by sweeten deals by incorporating other economic deals to resolve the territorial claim ----- 法。(法律)
人情,理, 法 - are the 3 best wholesome peaceful resolution methods to resolve dispute because both disputant parties will accept the outcome with 心服口服 - and will no longer trigger future dispute and conflict.
China is aspiring to be a SuperPower, but must possess the characteristics of a wholesome values of a SuperPower that International Community from their Heart and Mind are 心服口服 . A SuperPower that resolve issues by 人情,理, 法.
Please see the news report below :-
"It is important to note Taiwan people's growing distrust in the Chinese Communist Party is not only from what Beijing is doing to Taiwan such as blocking Taiwan's participation in international organizations, but also what Beijing is doing in Hong Kong and in the region," said Mingchuan University professor Chen Chao-chien, referring to China's seemingly provocative moves in both South and East China Seas amid rising tension among the various territorial claimants."
The above sentiment is felt by the International Community because 公道自在人心。
China has come very far to become an Economic Power. But for China to progress further whereby it is accepted by International Community with Heart and Mind as a wholesome SuperPower, China must progress with a more wholesome System as well as able to win respect and affection from the International Community by resolving issues with 人情,理, 法.
To be honest, USA has possessed this quality - this is what many members of the International Community felt - even their past adversaries or the current one.
- ricky l • a second agoRemove
To determine whether China has reached the stature of what USA is enjoying as wholesome SuperPower in the eyes of International Community (whether friends or adversaries) in terms of :-
Economic influence,
Political influence,
Education influence,
Science and Techology influence,
Social influence,
Military influence,
How the members of International Community react and respond to China is a good measure - whether the stature of wholesome SuperPower has been reached.ricky l • a second agoRemove
Honestly, other than Economic influence that China will catch up with USA soon
Political influence,
Education influence,
Science and Techology influence,
Social influence,
Military influence,
Plus the following areas still have a large gap whereby China need to improved on:-
(1) Legal System
(2) Political System
(3) Political, social freedom, free speech and human right
(4) Resolving disputes - especially territorial disputes based on wholesome resolution methods based on negotiation, arbitration or by legal international law. - ricky l • a second agoRemove
When i say influence, I mean reach, acceptance, learning, engaging and adopting.
USA and the West influence - are long, extensive and intensive to have reached the stature of wholesome SuperPower.
And USA and the West influence has such a reached - are not due to using of force or coercion - but what members of International Community felt that they are wholesome, freedom, engaging and progressing.
In this regard, China has a benchmark to strive to achieve.
And the fastest way China can achieved - is to Win the Heart and Mind of the International Community. And the fastest way for China to Win the Heart and Mind of the International Community is not to emphasize force or might - but through 人情,理, 法.
China 'won't seek hegemony' says President Xi Kelly Olsen | AFP News – 15 hours ago
ricky l • a second agoRemove
I think it is reasonable that it is the right of any Countries in the World to protect their own territory. This is the right of a soveriegn country.Reply
However, where cases which is not yet recognised on those disputed land or islands or waters - where 1 or more than one Countries also have claimed, then using force or coercion to stake the claim - has fall into the grey areas of hegemony or aggression.
This is because what China felt to be your territorial rights is also exactly what other claimants felt about their territorial rights - as long as the disputes are not wholesomely resolved.
Only resolving the disputed claims by :-
The 3 wholeome resolution methods with the "Neighbor Dispute Analogy" have the following elements :-
(1) direct talk and negotiate in a peaceful manner to resolve the dispute (through give-and-take attitude, through sweeten deals by incorporating other economic deals to resolve the territorial claim) ----- 人情。
(2) call a 3rd party – eg. Police, counsellor or someone where both can trust to settle the dispute eg. UN in a rational, logical and adult manner – with “give and take attitude” ----- 理。(讲理)
(3) Both neighbors subject themselves to Court Arbitration process – by producing documents to support their claim and honour the Court Judgement. This measure is undertaken by Singapore and Malaysia claim on 5 outcrop rocks follow by sweeten deals by incorporating other economic deals to resolve the territorial claim ----- 法。(法律)
人情,理, 法 - are the 3 best wholesome peaceful resolution methods to resolve dispute because both disputant parties will accept the outcome with 心服口服 - and will no longer trigger future dispute and conflict.
China is aspiring to be a SuperPower, but must possess the characteristics of a wholesome values of a SuperPower that International Community from their Heart and Mind are 心服口服 . A SuperPower that resolve issues by 人情,理, 法.
Please see the news report below :-
"It is important to note Taiwan people's growing distrust in the Chinese Communist Party is not only from what Beijing is doing to Taiwan such as blocking Taiwan's participation in international organizations, but also what Beijing is doing in Hong Kong and in the region," said Mingchuan University professor Chen Chao-chien, referring to China's seemingly provocative moves in both South and East China Seas amid rising tension among the various territorial claimants."
The above sentiment is felt by the International Community because 公道自在人心。
China has come very far to become an Economic Power. But for China to progress further whereby it is accepted by International Community with Heart and Mind as a wholesome SuperPower, China must progress with a more wholesome System as well as able to win respect and affection from the International Community by resolving issues with 人情,理, 法.
To be honest, USA has possessed this quality - this is what many members of the International Community felt - even their past adversaries or the current one.
Friday, June 27, 2014
This Site Shows Who Is Hacking Whom Right Now — And The US Is Getting Hammered

ricky l • a second agoRemove
With current Network and IT technologies, I thought mapping likely cyberattack into graphic interface - from source to destination plus what type of attack are not a too difficult things to do.Reply
In fact, aritificial intelligence such as expert system to recommend counter measures to block, prevent, mitigate or rectify cyberattack can also be developed.
For eg. valid IT transactions are what is expected - based on what they are programmed to do. The moment the supposedly vaild transactions or "out-of-the norm" actions are done to access a host, a website, a server or a network devices - then it is deemed to be a cyberattack, and when this happen the source devices that attempt to do this "abnormal access activities" and in particular, abnormal repeated access should be raised as alarm and appear on the graphic interface of the suspected cyberattack monitoring system.
For eg. of authorised, normal and valid IT transactions are :-
(1) Web access - to do normal public web or intranet web browsing, posting, valid online form completion etc.
(2) Application access - normal application transaction based on what IT programs are written to do - eg. accepting inputs from web-services, update database etc.
(3) Database access - normal database access by application program as programmed.
For eg. of unauthorised, abnormal, invalid IT transactions are :-
(1) ping sweep - to detect and learn IP address of all the network devices, servers, virtual machines and servers etc.
(2) tcp sweep - to detect tcp ports for access to tcp applications
(3) udp sweep - to detect udp ports for access to udp applications
(4) many unauthorised access - like attempt access directory services, access database bypassing application program access, keylogging of userid & passwords, sniffing and capturing system data, snmp data, logging data, rmon mibs, snmp mibs, access files and folders, access system folders, files, registry etc
There are many security products, software, system out there that can detect many abnormal IT or network activites - when they are properly correlated, perform security analysis, forensic etc. - will be able to provide a good estimate that cyberattack has taken place - and this can be send to the graphic interface of the suspected cyberattack monitoring system.
Eg. of security products, software, system that can prevent or detect suspected cyberattacks are :-
(1) firewalls
(2) IPS or IDS - ie. Intrusion Prevention System, Intrusion Detection System - network or host
(3) SIEM - Security Intrusion Enteprise Management System
(4) Anti-virus software - to detect, quarantine or clean virus, worms, spyware, malware etc.
(5) Data diode
(6) IPsec VPN, SSL VPN
(7) Central Logger - to consolidate all system, server, network logs
ricky l • a second agoRemove
In addition, the following are already possible :-
(1) Network Management System - can already make use of SNMP MIBs v3, v2c, v2, v1 and RMON MIBs or ICMP discovery - to display the health, availability, performance etc of all network devices, servers, Virutal Machines.
(2) Application Management System - can already monitor the health, availability, performance etc of most if not all Web services, Application services, Application Program, Databases etc - using the respective applications templates and platform or TCP, UDP discovery.
(3) Security Monitoring System - based on the all the system logs, secuity logs, access logs etc collected from all devices, security probes etc = to do detection, analysis, forensic etc
Thus developing a Cyberattack Monitoring, Alert System is not a too difficult task to do.
Moreover, everything happening in the Internet are based on TCPIP - whether IPv4 or IPv6 that are using standard protocols and internet services like mac address ip, snmp, dns, dhcp, telnet, ssh, ssl, ipsec vpn, html, xml, tcp, udp etc = which are traceable from end to end - ie. from source to destination and from destination to source.
ricky l • a second agoRemove
In other words, what we need is a :-
"Internet Monitoring System" !!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
North Korea's take on new US movie: "Act of war" Press – 1 hour 14 minutes ago
I think the movie that show the assasination of a living Leader is not appropriate - no matter how much the political differences are.
Kelly Shergood • 52 minutes ago Report Abuse
Lets see....crazy, unstable, unpredictable "leader" in a country of fanatically devoted followers who is in charge of nuclear weapons and missile technology. If ever there was a leader for which assassination is appropriate, this is definitely the guy. You don't happen to be an alias for Kim Jong Un are you?
Steve • 22 minutes ago Report Abuse
ricky 1,
The 1 must represent the fact you are the number 1 loser to ever post a comment in yahoo.
Go back to your hole, loser! - ricky l • 36 minutes ago Remove
Jerkyg - if you line up all your past adversaries - i believe your fingers cannot count them all who have threatened to kill you - you mean your system advocate Assasination on all of them ?
Do you know what you are saying - and understand the implication before you blow your words. -
ricky l • a second agoRemove
And when i say political adversaries - there are no permanent adversaries as your adversaries can 1 day be your friends.
And when i use the word "political adversaries" - i did not use the word "enemy" - because enemy will be a point of no return.
Having say so, should "Assassination" be the culture or part of the political solution? -
Tom • 1 minute 44 seconds ago Report Abuse
Rickity lame brain idiot. You and your NK leader can go F yourselves.
ricky l • 2 minutes 56 seconds ago Remove
Kelly Shergood - can you relate your experience with Syria chemical weapons experience and with Iran's nuclear's experience?
- Though the nucluear issue is less than forthcoming - Assassination is not a political solution.
- Adam • 1 minute 42 seconds ago Report Abuse
ricky, this is 'merica, buddy - land of the freen and home of the brave, and we can do and say whatever we want. How much is North Korea paying you for your broken english responses? North Koreans would be much better off (ie they would not be starving) if they had a better government/leader
- Elliot • 5 minutes ago Report Abusev1/comments/context/497908db-ce0f-3bbd-8929-3c4f3ca407ca/comment/1403688036759-d81f3d48-1e6c-4e42-beca-214cc560a6d9/reply/0001fg000000000000000000000000-7cac14a9-2110-4c34-9215-379bcfe3d72c
If Kim Jong Un is assassinated, then the North Korean leadership will have a power vacuum. His generals will fight amongst themselves for the top position, dragging China, SK, US, and perhaps Japan into the conflict.
To my knowledge, assassinations never work out as expected. Just look what happened to Iraq when Saddam Hussein was killed. - v1/comments/context/497908db-ce0f-3bbd-8929-3c4f3ca407ca/comment/1403688036759-d81f3d48-1e6c-4e42-beca-214cc560a6d9/reply/00021b000000000000000000000000-676b4fcb-0804-4739-bec4-8c32fa252b91
- Elliot • 4 minutes 21 seconds ago Report Abuse
Though technically not an assassination, the power vacuum left behind by Saddam Hussein's death left Iraq in chaos.
ricky l • 5 hours ago Remove
The maker of movie has degraded itself to be a "terrorist" - which is not appropriate.
Comment is hidden due to the low rating. Show Comment -
ricky l • 4 hours ago Remove
I believe no one want to be threatened with assasination whether subtly, real or perceived - including yourself or family members isn't it?
Comment is hidden due to the low rating. Show Comment -
Kelly Shergood • 3 hours ago Report Abuse
Lets see....crazy, unstable, unpredictable "leader" in a country of fanatically devoted followers who is in charge of nuclear weapons and missile technology. If ever there was a leader for which assassination is appropriate, this is definitely the guy. You don't happen to be an alias for Kim Jong... More
Steve • 2 hours 37 minutes ago Report Abuse
ricky 1,
The 1 must represent the fact you are the number 1 loser to ever post a comment in yahoo.
Go back to your hole, loser! -
ricky l • 2 hours 12 minutes ago Remove
You mean carry out assasination of your political adversaries is the value system advocated by your system?
Comment is hidden due to the low rating. Show Comment -
ricky l • 2 hours 8 minutes ago Remove
US has succeeded recently in the diplomatic fields - in winning many international friends and adversaries
through political diplomacy, economic diplomacy, military diplomacy - the latest being Iran.
I believe the Assasination culture is not part of US culture - that is the champion for... MoreComment is hidden due to the low rating. Show Comment -
Jerkyg • 2 hours 7 minutes ago Report Abuse
@Ricky Dicky - Aha!!! "by your system"!!! You are some little Korean a.zzhole! You threaten to kill us..and we are going to kill you right back! Hoorah! Better leave now moron and go to bed!
ricky l • 2 hours 3 minutes ago Remove
Otherwise, whatever diplomatic gains that have been made for the past 8 years will be wasted.
Think carefully - the larger context.Comment is hidden due to the low rating. Show Comment -
ricky l • 1 hour 58 minutes ago Remove
Jerkyg - if you line up all your past adversaries - i believe your fingers cannot count them all who have threatened to kill you - you mean your system advocate Assasination on all of them ?
Do you know what you are saying - and understand the implication before you blow your words.Comment is hidden due to the low rating. Show Comment -
ricky l • 1 hour 58 minutes ago Remove
Jerkyg - if you line up all your past adversaries - i believe your fingers cannot count them all who have threatened to kill you - you mean your system advocate Assasination on all of them ?
Do you know what you are saying - and understand the implication before you blow your words. -
ricky l • 1 hour 18 minutes ago Remove
And when i say political adversaries - there are no permanent adversaries as your adversaries can 1 day be your friends.
And when i use the word "political adversaries" - i did not use the word "enemy" - because enemy will be a point of no return.
Having say so, should "Assassination"... More -
Seek The Truth • 1 hour 12 minutes ago Report Abuse
Ricky, just stop. You're embarrassing...just no!
ricky l • 1 hour 7 minutes ago Remove
Seek The Truth - you are embarrassing - just no - one day you talk about human right - the next you talk about Assassination - are you practising double standard?
Tom • 38 minutes ago Report Abuse
Rickity lame brain idiot. You and your NK leader can go F yourselves.
Kelly Shergood • 36 minutes ago Report Abuse
@ricky, KJU is not really a leader in the normal sense of the word. He is a paranoid schizophrenic with access to nuclear weapons, and a leech on the people of N. Korea. There is no possibility of negotiating with him, and the best thing for the world is to get him out of power by any means... More
ricky l • 32 minutes ago Remove
Look at the Iran experience and relate to NK experience.
Are you all jeopardising or helping? -
Anonymous • 29 minutes ago Report Abuse
It's immature to make a movie like this. You can have your freedoms, but why freely do something that is going to upset a crazy man? At the very least he'll probably beat a servant or something. No reason to provoke a crazy man to make a buck..
ricky l • 26 minutes ago Remove
Kelly Shergood - can you relate your experience with Syria chemical weapons experience and with
Iran's nuclear's experience? -
ricky l • 19 minutes ago Remove
Kelly Shergood - can you also relate the recent progress make in Japan & NK talk.
And in the earlier SK and NK - Kaesong crisis as well as the reunification session between SK and NK.
Though the nucluear issue is less than forthcoming - Assassination is not a political solution. -
Adam • 16 minutes ago Report Abuse
ricky, this is 'merica, buddy - land of the freen and home of the brave, and we can do and say whatever we want. How much is North Korea paying you for your broken english responses? North Koreans would be much better off (ie they would not be starving) if they had a better government/leader.
Adam • 15 minutes ago Report Abuse
ricky I, this is 'merica, buddy - land of the free and home of the brave, and we can do and say whatever we want. How much is North Korea paying you for your broken english responses? North Koreans would be much better off (ie they would not be starving) if they had a better government/leader.
Elliot • 11 minutes ago Report Abuse
If Kim Jong Un is assassinated, then the North Korean leadership will have a power vacuum. His generals will fight amongst themselves for the top position, dragging China, SK, US, and perhaps Japan into the conflict.
To my knowledge, assassinations never work out as expected. Just look what... More -
Elliot • 10 minutes ago Report Abuse
Though technically not an assassination, the power vacuum left behind by Saddam Hussein's death left Iraq in chaos.
ricky l • 6 minutes ago Remove
Adam - your old medicine of firing missile at your hips and raining missiles at will did not work - and most of the time cause more harm than good.
Leave it to your current President Obama Administration - they have been doing a much better job.
The old medicine of machine guns blazing cripple your Economy and yet did not achieve the political goals but leave a trace of destruction. -
NSI • 2 minutes 17 seconds ago Report Abuse
I Agree Ricky I... but you can tell the mind set of the American Idiots here who find noting wrong with it. We are doomed as a Nation, I tell you.
Politically Incorrect • 0 seconds ago Report Abuse
ricky you've milked this threadf for all it's worth LOL! Nice trolling!
ricky l • a second
Well this is a free World, you can film whatever movie you like - but just don't mess up the World Affairs - that condemn thousands or millions of lives unnecessarily - where sometimes, a simple political solutions will have achieve a much better outcome.
Another opinion • 2 minutes 2 seconds ago Report Abuse
Another tyrant of the planet trying to impose by force positions to the USA free speech. Kim Jong is another cancer of the world and needs to be sending to the misery he and his family already send millions...
Beauty • 0 seconds ago Report Abuse
Ricky, head on over there, see how you're treated.
Ask to see the camps.
Ask why there's no cars on the road.
Ask him why he's fat when his country is starving.
Then ask why you're such a dumbsh1t
Don't forget to mention his 4 million man army could be 1 million by the end of the week. -
ricky l • a second agoRemove
All the woes in the World cannot be solved overnight by force.
It needs time.
It required the right conditions to ripen.
And when the right time come, a simple solution will solve it - without leaving a trail of destruction that will harm your interest more than what you will gain.
ricky l • a second
US has succeeded recently in the diplomatic fields - in winning many international friends and adversaries
through political diplomacy, economic diplomacy, military diplomacy - the latest being Iran.
I believe the Assasination culture is not part of US culture - that is the champion for Human Right, isn't it?
Otherwise, whatever diplomatic gains that have been made for the past 8 years will be wasted.
Think carefully - the larger context.
Jerkyg •
45 minutes ago Report Abuse
@Ricky Dicky - Aha!!! "by your system"!!! You are some little Korean a.zzhole! You threaten to kill us..and we are going to kill you right back! Hoorah! Better leave now moron and go to bed!v1/comments/context/497908db-ce0f-3bbd-8929-3c4f3ca407ca/comment/1403688036759-d81f3d48-1e6c-4e42-beca-214cc560a6d9/reply/0000dg000000000000000000000000-92999a74-adff-44f5-adaa-bf91a24ecba2
Seek The Truth • 2 minutes 47
seconds ago Report Abuse
Ricky, just stop. You're embarrassing...just no!
It's immature to make a movie like this. You can have your freedoms, but why freely do something that is going to upset a crazy man? At the very least he'll probably beat a servant or something. No reason to provoke a crazy man to make a buck..
ricky l •
43 seconds ago Remove
Adam - your old medicine of firing missile at your hips and raining missiles at will did not work - and most of the time cause more harm than good.
Leave it to your current President Obama Administration - they have been doing a much better job.
The old medicine of machine guns blazing cripple your Economy and yet did not achieve the political goals but leave a trace of destruction.
Michael •
5 minutes ago Report Abuse
@Ricky- So what you're asking is for us to impose sanctions on Seth Rogen and James Franco? hahahahahahahahahah. Whatever.
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