Thursday, May 31, 2018

US allies hit back at Washington's steel, aluminum tariffs

 (Updated: )

Richard Siow
YES. Let the "war" begin. The world vs USA. Show Trump not to mess with countries that dare retaliate and bring far more damage to USA.

For consumer elsewhere in other countries. If you don't agree with Trump and seen him as bullies, you can play your part by not purchasing any more USA products, extending any service provided by US companies.
Sh Ong · 

The world should UNITE by fighting back against this BIG BULLY.
Ricky Lim · 
U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue warned in a letter seen by Reuters to the body's board that current trade policies could threaten “economic progress” and cause the loss of more than 2 million jobs, mostly in states that voted for Trump and Republican candidates.
Look like the World need to teach Trump-led US an expensive lesson.
Daniel Tan
The mad cowboy trump. Trade war arent easy to win.
I would like to see how trump wins this war

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