Singapore narrows 2018 growth estimate to 2.5-3.5% as Q1 GDP expands faster than expected
The Ministry of Trade and Industry now expects 2018 growth to be between 2.5 per cent to 3.5 per cent, compared with the previous estimate of between 1.5 per cent and 3.5 per cent.
(Updated: )
Ricky Lim ·
Official data also showed the economy expanded by 4.4 per cent on a year-on-year basis in the first quarter of this year, faster than the 3.6 per cent in the previous three months, with manufacturing as its strongest growth driver.
Official data also showed the economy expanded by 4.4 per cent on a year-on-year basis in the first quarter of this year, faster than the 3.6 per cent in the previous three months, with manufacturing as its strongest growth driver.
For a developed mature Economy like Singapore to achieve a 4.4% growth in GDP is a very strong performance.
Looking at other equivalent Economy like Japan, US, EU etc - the growth is about 1-3% - and is already consider good performance.
This mean ITM (Industry Transformation Map) and Future Economy programme --- are reaping very good outcome.
Looking at other equivalent Economy like Japan, US, EU etc - the growth is about 1-3% - and is already consider good performance.
This mean ITM (Industry Transformation Map) and Future Economy programme --- are reaping very good outcome.
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Ricky Lim ·
This mean Singapore businesses have successfully transformed its business model - to be able to grow much more than it could using the ITM and reap very good growth - and successfully override its peak performance as it did not stay in the old business model when it cannot grow further.
Should our business unable to transform from ITM - probably our growth will be a low 1 - 2% which will be consider a good growth in a mature Economy.
Should our business unable to transform from ITM - probably our growth will be a low 1 - 2% which will be consider a good growth in a mature Economy.
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Ricky Lim ·
With ITM reaping such a good outcome --- now our Government should focus on training and placing Singaporeans and later PRs ---- into good jobs with good wages ---- so that all Singaporeans and Residents can reap the good outcome from the ITM which has successfully tackle disruptive tech.
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Ricky Lim ·
不管是灰猫还是白猫 - 只要能抓老鼠的猫 - 就是好猫。
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Gerrard Villa ·
Works at AIA
What a wonderful piece of news; June is coming ! next month all Civil servant will recieve one month of variable bonuses. If don’t announce this way, how to justify ? Ask the private sector, a lot of companies still struggling.....
Dave ·
High Flyer at Flyer
Any use ? Citizens r crying .
: A Tale of 4 citizens
1. Ah Kow is a Malaysian from Penang. He came to work in Singapore and became a Permanent Resident. After decades of working in Singapore, he COLLECTED his CPF SAVINGS and returned to Penang to retire comfortably in a bungalow with a Mercedes car.
2. Li Ning is a student from China sponsored by the Singapore government to study in Singapore. She was given a living allowance and free education from Secondary One to University. After graduation, the Singapore government employed her and asked her to be a citizen. She declined, continued working for 5 years and went back to China for a better-paying job (as people who can speak English are valued in China, thanks to sponsorship from Singapore) after collecting her CPF SAVINGS.
3. John is a New Zealand (Kiwi) citizen. He was employed as an English teacher and got his permanent residency after just three months. He worked for ten years and COLLECTED his CPF SAVINGS and went home to buy a bungalow and a Volvo car.
4. Krishnan is a Singapore Citizen and worked as a technician until he was retrenched as the boss employed a cheaper foreign talent. Then he became a taxi driver and found he could not renew his taxi licence unless he paid money into his CPF. When he was 55 years old, he found he could not withdraw his CPF SAVINGS. When he reached 65, he found that the CPF Board only refunded him $500 a month of his own money for his living expenses. Then they told him that he has to pay medical insurance premiums from 1st November this year or be thrown into jail.
Which government can treat its own citizens in these immoral, unethical, unlawful and deviant ways? Who allowed them to do these evil acts?
If a CHANGE IS NEEDED... share with 10 people
Received this from a Friend this morning:
I don't want a new PM from the current party.
In fact, I don't want the current ruling party to be in power again.
Because while they are in power
1. They increased water bill, and they tax on top on water tax
2. They increased electricity bill
3. They increased medical fees
4. They increased transport fares
5. They increased school fees
6. They increased town council fees
7. They increase petrol prices
8. They increased CPF minimum sum
9. They increased flat prices
10. They increased gas prices.
11.they also sued people who voice out.
12.They also going to have a new law under the 'fake news' pretence to stop people from speaking up
13. They start imposing all sort of requirements for blue collars.
Eg: O level English and maths to be a plumber. This was on the Chinese news paper.
14. They suspend your working license if you don't pay medisave even though you have reach the required amount imposed by the ruling party.
15. They keep prolonging your CPF withdrawal age.
16. They implement an amount on the CPF amount you are allow to use when you are sick. When you have money in your CPF, yet you still got to fork out cash.
17. They are increasing GSTs as we speak, even though many are jobless and can't make ends meet.
18. Most of them, or infact, all of them, live in ivory tower.
Not knowing what the people are going through everyday.
19. With people jobless, many turned to PHV but the ruling party are not allowing the drivers to deduct their operating cost off tax. All of them had to pay tax for Erps, which is another tax upon tax.
20. They told our children going to school is not important anymore. because a degree cannot guarantee you a job. Because it was cheaper to import degrees from god knows where.
I really don't want the ruling party to be in power anymore.
Or any of their 4 G whatever they call it.
They don't and they refused to comprehend the people's problems.
They said a lot, but a lot was not done.
I don't want to end up collecting cardboards when I am 70, If I live that long ...
Because we will never stop paying, they will always have new things to make us pay.
I don't want my children becoming a third class citizen when the government encourage the children to stop studying while they import cheap degrees.
I really don't want the new 4G as my PM
I really don't want the current ruling party to be my government any more.
Aunty Debbie
: A Tale of 4 citizens
1. Ah Kow is a Malaysian from Penang. He came to work in Singapore and became a Permanent Resident. After decades of working in Singapore, he COLLECTED his CPF SAVINGS and returned to Penang to retire comfortably in a bungalow with a Mercedes car.
2. Li Ning is a student from China sponsored by the Singapore government to study in Singapore. She was given a living allowance and free education from Secondary One to University. After graduation, the Singapore government employed her and asked her to be a citizen. She declined, continued working for 5 years and went back to China for a better-paying job (as people who can speak English are valued in China, thanks to sponsorship from Singapore) after collecting her CPF SAVINGS.
3. John is a New Zealand (Kiwi) citizen. He was employed as an English teacher and got his permanent residency after just three months. He worked for ten years and COLLECTED his CPF SAVINGS and went home to buy a bungalow and a Volvo car.
4. Krishnan is a Singapore Citizen and worked as a technician until he was retrenched as the boss employed a cheaper foreign talent. Then he became a taxi driver and found he could not renew his taxi licence unless he paid money into his CPF. When he was 55 years old, he found he could not withdraw his CPF SAVINGS. When he reached 65, he found that the CPF Board only refunded him $500 a month of his own money for his living expenses. Then they told him that he has to pay medical insurance premiums from 1st November this year or be thrown into jail.
Which government can treat its own citizens in these immoral, unethical, unlawful and deviant ways? Who allowed them to do these evil acts?
If a CHANGE IS NEEDED... share with 10 people
Received this from a Friend this morning:
I don't want a new PM from the current party.
In fact, I don't want the current ruling party to be in power again.
Because while they are in power
1. They increased water bill, and they tax on top on water tax
2. They increased electricity bill
3. They increased medical fees
4. They increased transport fares
5. They increased school fees
6. They increased town council fees
7. They increase petrol prices
8. They increased CPF minimum sum
9. They increased flat prices
10. They increased gas prices.
11.they also sued people who voice out.
12.They also going to have a new law under the 'fake news' pretence to stop people from speaking up
13. They start imposing all sort of requirements for blue collars.
Eg: O level English and maths to be a plumber. This was on the Chinese news paper.
14. They suspend your working license if you don't pay medisave even though you have reach the required amount imposed by the ruling party.
15. They keep prolonging your CPF withdrawal age.
16. They implement an amount on the CPF amount you are allow to use when you are sick. When you have money in your CPF, yet you still got to fork out cash.
17. They are increasing GSTs as we speak, even though many are jobless and can't make ends meet.
18. Most of them, or infact, all of them, live in ivory tower.
Not knowing what the people are going through everyday.
19. With people jobless, many turned to PHV but the ruling party are not allowing the drivers to deduct their operating cost off tax. All of them had to pay tax for Erps, which is another tax upon tax.
20. They told our children going to school is not important anymore. because a degree cannot guarantee you a job. Because it was cheaper to import degrees from god knows where.
I really don't want the ruling party to be in power anymore.
Or any of their 4 G whatever they call it.
They don't and they refused to comprehend the people's problems.
They said a lot, but a lot was not done.
I don't want to end up collecting cardboards when I am 70, If I live that long ...
Because we will never stop paying, they will always have new things to make us pay.
I don't want my children becoming a third class citizen when the government encourage the children to stop studying while they import cheap degrees.
I really don't want the new 4G as my PM
I really don't want the current ruling party to be my government any more.

Aunty Debbie
Ricky Lim ·
Guess the Government must watch out for such complaints - as it reflects what is happening on the ground.
Government must do an indepth study on each household - whether the cost of living are affecting the individual household badly - as even though the Economy is doing well --- the wealth is not spread across all the household.
Some people will be doing exceedingly well, some moderately, while some may fall through the crack or worst some may get retrenched or unemployed and as such will not be able to benefit from the good Economy - while having to foot the increasing bill.
Government must do an indepth study on each household - whether the cost of living are affecting the individual household badly - as even though the Economy is doing well --- the wealth is not spread across all the household.
Some people will be doing exceedingly well, some moderately, while some may fall through the crack or worst some may get retrenched or unemployed and as such will not be able to benefit from the good Economy - while having to foot the increasing bill.
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Ricky Lim ·
Ultimately, the Trump phenomenon, Brexit, Malaysia Brexit, populism movement etc - are something that the Government must look out for ------ as the least Singapore want is a "Brexit phenomenon" happening here --- when such "genuine concern" is not adequately addressed.
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