(Updated: )
What's the point increase just a small percentage of interest and minimum sum keep increasing make no different.
2.5 to 6% is not a small percentage.
If you look at all relatively risk free investment - less than 2.5% interest can be earned.
Moreover minimum sum for retirement attract much higher interest - 4 - 6% - and the monthly payout are much higher.
If you look at all relatively risk free investment - less than 2.5% interest can be earned.
Moreover minimum sum for retirement attract much higher interest - 4 - 6% - and the monthly payout are much higher.
Luigi Liew ·
Ricky Lim
No need to talk so much. Just give us our blood, sweat and tears money.
No need to talk so much. Just give us our blood, sweat and tears money.
Reply · 45m
Jane Smith
Luigi Liew that guy is our very own Roger Cheah or G Don Eric or whatever. Men in White pay a lot for troll army too, not just Bro Jib.
Reply · 24m
Ricky Lim ·
Luigi Liew - Like someone suggest here, you can get all your CPF back by giving up your IC.
We don't need you here and if you spend all your money after you receive your CPF - we don't need to take care of you by using taxpayer money - which is all other Singaporean's money.
You have a choice.
And if you are a Malaysian like Jane Smith - who come to Singapore to work by getting higher salary here and benefit from Singapore's CPF system --- and now start to criticise our system - you can give up your job in Singapore, terminate your work permit - you can get your CPF back.
We don't need such an ungrateful person like you and Jane Smith - and don't strain our taxpayer coffer for ungrateful people like you.
We can give the 2.5 - 6% interest to deserving Singaporeans or PRs who willingly and gratefully make contribution to Singapore - not those mega complainers - and those who try to abuse our system for their benefits only at the expenses of all other Singaporeans.
We don't need you here and if you spend all your money after you receive your CPF - we don't need to take care of you by using taxpayer money - which is all other Singaporean's money.
You have a choice.
And if you are a Malaysian like Jane Smith - who come to Singapore to work by getting higher salary here and benefit from Singapore's CPF system --- and now start to criticise our system - you can give up your job in Singapore, terminate your work permit - you can get your CPF back.
We don't need such an ungrateful person like you and Jane Smith - and don't strain our taxpayer coffer for ungrateful people like you.
We can give the 2.5 - 6% interest to deserving Singaporeans or PRs who willingly and gratefully make contribution to Singapore - not those mega complainers - and those who try to abuse our system for their benefits only at the expenses of all other Singaporeans.
Folks,our gov knows you are angry for holding up your CPF money, so they discuss and increase 1% interest more to make you happy but the gov have forgotten the money we contribute into CPF is our hard earn money why implement so much restriction and cant even buy a HDB house using CPF money when you reach 55. Loan from bank still need to pay interest rates or bank dont even want to loan cos you are already 55
CPF original intent is meant for everyone's retirement.
Singaporeans previously live up to about 60 - 65 years old - thus taking out CPF at 55 years old make sense.
But now, with advancement in medical care, Singaporeans live up to 83 - 85 years old - some live up to 90 over years old.
Thus increasing retirement miniumum sum to earn more interest and subscribe to CPF Life insurance to ensure in old age, there are money to sustain everyone's monthly living expenses make sense.
Singaporeans previously live up to about 60 - 65 years old - thus taking out CPF at 55 years old make sense.
But now, with advancement in medical care, Singaporeans live up to 83 - 85 years old - some live up to 90 over years old.
Thus increasing retirement miniumum sum to earn more interest and subscribe to CPF Life insurance to ensure in old age, there are money to sustain everyone's monthly living expenses make sense.
If Government allow people to withdraw their CPF by 55 years old - and everyone spend all their CPF by 65 years old - but still have 85 years of life - then how do people live without money for another 20 years old?
Then it will become a big social problem created for Singapore - because many elderly will not have the knowledge to invest in insurance gratuity to ensure they have monthly income to sustain their last 20 years of life.
Now CPF Life are doing this to help all CPF elderly at a very good interest of 4 - 6% interest - which is a very good interest income - which is relatively risk free.
Study show that alot of people once received their life pension - either gamble, invest in wrong investment and lose all their life savings, got conned, spend money on women etc --- and contribute to huge elderly problem to the Country.
Then it will become a big social problem created for Singapore - because many elderly will not have the knowledge to invest in insurance gratuity to ensure they have monthly income to sustain their last 20 years of life.
Now CPF Life are doing this to help all CPF elderly at a very good interest of 4 - 6% interest - which is a very good interest income - which is relatively risk free.
Study show that alot of people once received their life pension - either gamble, invest in wrong investment and lose all their life savings, got conned, spend money on women etc --- and contribute to huge elderly problem to the Country.
This is what a responsible Government is doing - by taking care of the lives of Singaporean --- from cradle to grave - without causing undue burden on Singapore coffers that bankrupt the Government and paralysed the Government from operating.
Yet some Singaporeans and some foreigners working in Singapore --- have many misgivings of Singapore Government's intention - instead of being grateful.
Yet some Singaporeans and some foreigners working in Singapore --- have many misgivings of Singapore Government's intention - instead of being grateful.
Luigi Liew ·
Ricky Lim
No need to talk so much lah...
As it is it is a big social problem... no cash
You can have all the long term mission and vision but the minute you don't have cash flow, you mati liao.
Ask the businessmen. Banks don't even lend you money is you don't have what they consider good, safe and claimable collateral.
No need to talk so much lah...
As it is it is a big social problem... no cash
You can have all the long term mission and vision but the minute you don't have cash flow, you mati liao.
Ask the businessmen. Banks don't even lend you money is you don't have what they consider good, safe and claimable collateral.
Luigi Liew - Ask those who are 62 years old and older - did they receive their monthly gratuity when due?
Don't talk on what if - talk based on facts.
Don't talk on what if - talk based on facts.
If the CPF did not pay monthly gratuity after 62 years old through CPF Life - you can complain and can even sue.
But if CPF pay - and you still say what if - then the reverse can happen - because you are creating unnecessary fake news to cause public alarm.
But if CPF pay - and you still say what if - then the reverse can happen - because you are creating unnecessary fake news to cause public alarm.
Jane Smith - why did you interfere with our internal political system if you are not a Singaporean?
What is there got to do with you?
What is there got to do with you?
Luigi Liew - You can ask all Singaporeans are they willing to use their taxpayer money to finance you as social benefit - if you flaunt and use up all your CPF money once you received your CPF money ---- or will they asked you to give up your IC and stop receiving social benefit if you want all your CPF money back.
You cannot get your CPF - flaut it away - and when old, no money - expect the Government to finance you with taxpayers' money - which belong to all other Singaporeans. You are trying to abuse the system and abuse other Singaporean's money.
Let all Singaporeans vote on this.
See whether Singaporeans want to pay more GST to finance the social benefits for people like Luigi Liew.
(That means 你爽,你要别人付钱给你爽?) - Then 你不是爽死那个?- 别人付钱你来爽。那有天理?那有因果?
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim ·
Luigi Liew - This is only what you are capable of.
When your argument cannot stand water - this is the best you can come out with.
When your argument cannot stand water - this is the best you can come out with.
Like · Reply · 1m
Jane Smith
Luigi Liew this pap-ricking troll seriously more long winded than Roger & Co Sia. Even scrolling through his posts is already a huge waste of time, let alone reading them.
Ricky Lim ·
Jane Smith - you go home and stop interfering in Singapore affairs.
Your home has alot more problem for you to troll - not here.
And also you have nothing good to offer - why waste space and time here.
There is nothing to benefit you - except it display your kpo.
And also if you find it alot to read, huge waste of time - why you read, why you post, - this means you are just hypocrite - say one thing, but do another thing --- also why you kaypoh here?
Go and fight your battle at home.
Your home has alot more problem for you to troll - not here.
And also you have nothing good to offer - why waste space and time here.
There is nothing to benefit you - except it display your kpo.
And also if you find it alot to read, huge waste of time - why you read, why you post, - this means you are just hypocrite - say one thing, but do another thing --- also why you kaypoh here?
Go and fight your battle at home.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Jane Smith
Ricky Lim I didn't read your previous posts man. It is now standard procedure: see Ricky Lim label + huge chunk of words below = just scroll
Jane Smith
Trust me readers. You really feel like a winner when you scroll past Ricky's BS. Close your eyes and feel it.
Ricky Lim ·
Jane Smith - you can't solve your problem at home - and try to interfere with another Country's affair is it?
Do you have a sinister intention to subvert another Country?
And you think Singaporeans will believe and listen to what you post here?
Do you have a sinister intention to subvert another Country?
And you think Singaporeans will believe and listen to what you post here?
Like · Reply · 1m
Jane Smith
Ricky Lim Your tyrant idol already up lorry 2015 and cheated lots of votes you no need plp anymore lah. Or you can follow him soon and continue your plp? I cannot plp like you and fool fellow Singaporeans and it hurts my nails too
Ricky Lim ·
Jane Smith - Singaporeans now is alert to this Jane Smith - who is out to sabotage Singaporeans and their future.
And you see that this Jane Smith start to talk nonsense - and starting to become incoherent.
Jane Smith is nothing but a shameless parasite (赶都不走).
Obviously Jane Smith has successfully pull down her previous government at home and try to replicate her effort here.
Be alert to Jane Smith and what she wrote - because she meant harm to Singapore and Singaporeans - see what she wrote in her postings and her intention.
One way to tackle such parasite - is to ignore her - so that this parasite has no feed - and will die a natural death.
And you see that this Jane Smith start to talk nonsense - and starting to become incoherent.
Jane Smith is nothing but a shameless parasite (赶都不走).
Obviously Jane Smith has successfully pull down her previous government at home and try to replicate her effort here.
Be alert to Jane Smith and what she wrote - because she meant harm to Singapore and Singaporeans - see what she wrote in her postings and her intention.
One way to tackle such parasite - is to ignore her - so that this parasite has no feed - and will die a natural death.
Like · Reply · 1m
Michael Morgan ·
Ricky Lim I think Jane Smith have her right to speak her mind as our government had let her in to our society? No?
If you do not like it, ask our government institutions to shut her up.
They allowed her to work and live here whole 300k local PMETs suck thumb.
Cheap labor ma. Our institutions love cheap labor. Which cap EPs at 3.5K. That make local wages lower with lower CPF.
Andvthan still not enough to retire work in security or cleaner until die
If you do not like it, ask our government institutions to shut her up.
They allowed her to work and live here whole 300k local PMETs suck thumb.
Cheap labor ma. Our institutions love cheap labor. Which cap EPs at 3.5K. That make local wages lower with lower CPF.

Andvthan still not enough to retire work in security or cleaner until die

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