Thursday, May 24, 2018

Singapore says regrets cancellation of summit between United States and North Korea

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 

Posted on :-
28 Apr 2018 02:36PM (Updated: 28 Apr 2018 05:09PM)

Ricky Lim ·
If Singapore is to host this historic (globalwide interest) event - need to convey to both US and N Korea - that they will have to handle this very well.

Singapore cannot be responsible if both go out of script - that led to unfruitful outcome.

1 month is very short - have US and N Korea agreed on all the specific terms beforehand = before the talk is held?

Success or Failure -
The devil is in the detail.
It also depends on the chemistry of the US Leader and the N Korea Leader.
Ricky Lim · 

As worried - the negative outcome did happen .........
Ricky Lim · 
United States President Donald Trump called off the planned Jun 12 summit between his country and North Korea.
Ricky Lim ·
So far, Trump has been a persistent international "deal breaker" in many international deals.

Trump is not known to be an "international deal maker" --- which require "win-win outcome", which require "empahty" - "I am ok, You are ok".

Trump is known to be "I win, you lose" - "I am ok, you are not ok" = "is ok to me and to you".

Under such mindset --- it is difficult to achieve success in such a "high stake deal" - a nuclear deal that has a holocaust implication to the World.

Also, every side need to understand the Korean culture, the mindset, the history, the expectations of all sides ---- in this case "2 political blocs" interest - not just the 2 Korean interest.

By 12 May we will know how "Iran nuclear deal" will end up with - is a good indication how "high stake deal" will be handle carefully or recklessly - and this will determine if Trump is a "deal maker" or "deal breaker".
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