Thursday, May 17, 2018

South Korea to play 'mediator' to resolve North Korea-US summit doubts: Official

17 May 2018 11:44AM
Ricky Lim · 

To enable US-N Korea summit talk to take place, only if the following conditions exist will then is possible to happen :-
(1) Both sides display and provide conducive environment by stopping hostilites activities, speech, actions - but display and do encouraging activites, speeches, actions.
(2) Look for Win-Win solutions
(3) Ability to emphatise
(4) Adopt "You are ok, I am ok" approach.

Refrain from :-
(1) Continue hostile or unfriendly activities, speeches, action.
(2) Win-lose solutions
(3) Unable to emphatise - one side always give but never take, one side always take but never give.
(4) adopt "I am ok, you are not ok - is ok to me and to you".
---- This will surely ensure summit will not take place.
Ricky Lim · 
Posted on:-
01 Feb 2018 11:05AM

Ricky Lim · Singapore
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :- 05 Feb 2018
The below opinion will still be useful.
Ricky Lim ·
Asia culture is one that start slow, build trust, build confidence, start with something that seems small, a small step, do something that seems unimportant - and slowly move into something that is of interest to both parties.

This is unlike Western culture that go straight into the main topic and want immediate result - that is still cold, very sensitive and still unyielding - and if things don't happen as expected - try to use high-hand tactics. This will not work for Asia culture.

Hence, let S Korea Leaders lead the way in this - as they understand N Korea culture better than anyone do.

"Exchange of Heart" 交心 - is the crux that may lead to breakthrough.
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