Thursday, May 3, 2018

'Wasted opportunity' if KL-Singapore high-speed rail is cancelled: MyHSR CEO

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim · 

Mahathir don't seems to be able to work well with other Countries - and will likely to cause international tension.

First he said China investment into Malaysia is a sell-out to China.
Now he said he want to cancel this high speed train - part of One Belt One Road initiatives that will spur economic and business activities.

Hope BN win this election.
Ricky Lim · 

Mahathir is trying to play the racial card again - by pitching Malays against Chinese - to stir the so call "Malay tsunamis".

Careful for Malaysians to see through Mahathir evil streak - that play on dangerous racial card - as it will cause unnecessary racial tension.

So far, Najib has perform very well in international relationship - that promote trade, investment and business among ASEAN, CPTPP, RCEP, OBOR etc.

But Mahathir on the other hand is hurting such initiatives.

Ricky Lim · 

Mahathir who badly wanted to win this election to defeat Najib - is even wanting to risk Malaysia's international relationship to offend China, risk busineess activities, investment with China.

If Mahathir win, Malaysia will be in a very bad shape if China decide to punish Mahathir.

G Don Eric
Yes I agree with you Ricky. The danger of a disunited opposition with no clear vision & direction just for the sake to overthrow the leader will lead to even greater divide and chaos and destruction. Just look at Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iraq and Indonesia. These are all Muslim majority countries just like Malaysia. These countries after changing govt became worse and chaotic. It may be a step backwards for us if we give the inconsistent oppositions to rule power. your assets will be devalued, jobs & economic growth will be cut, current projects like High speed rail, MRT, east coast rail, investments will be stopped, currency will be worse than now . just think about it. history will repeat itself.

Najib has made good relationships with singapore, philippines, Saudi Arabia, India, China and even USA. During his time Tun M always "cari gaduh" with everybody. and make many U-Turns.. It's time he reflect on his failures instead of critic others, He even accuse and destroyed Anwar of SODOMY calling him an anal sex maniac & divided the nation because of personal agenda.

Ricky Lim · 

Malaysia can do well economically if it maintain good relationship with other Countries.
This is why BN can do well under Najib - as he maintain friendly relationship with ASEAN, China, etc.

But Mahathair on the other hand - always antagonise its neighbors and even now trying to offend China - the Economic Giant in the region.

Wonder how will Mahathair lead Malaysia to do well if Mahathair keep offending other Countries which have strong economic ties with Malaysia in which Najib has build up?
Pigmoon K
Ricky Lim Dont feed the trolls ricky

CM Micheal
Pigmoon K Why are you demonizing others? Debate with facts on the topic

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