Tuesday, May 15, 2018

North Korea casts doubt on Trump summit, cancels talks with Seoul

Pyongyang also cancelled high-level talks due on Wednesday with Seoul over the joint military exercises being held between the US and South Korea.
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/north-korea-trump-summit-south-talks-cancelled-10237420
 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 

To be honest :-
(1) N Korea want security assurance that it will not be attacked.
(2) US want denuke.

To show sincerity for the summit, shouldn't the 2 conditions be improved to show sincerity?
(1) US cancel the air drill - to provide security assurance to N Korea?
(2) N Korea dismantle the nuclear test site as the 1st step to denuke?

In preparation for Peace Talk - both sides should show sincerity to de-escalate and set a conducive climate for Peace Talk 
 - and not do something that is seen to be 心口不一 (Heart and Action not in synch)。
Ricky Lim · 

(1) N Korea will not want to be in a situation where - after it denuke completely, US invade N Korea and N Korea have no means to protect themselves.

(2) US on the other side, is worried that after it stop all exercies and provide economic benefit, N Korea refuse to denuke.

So for both sides to show sincerity, both sides should denuke in tandem with security assurance.
Only then can Peace Talk be successful.
Ricky Lim · 

Posted in :-
12 May 2018 02:37AM

Ricky Lim ·
"There's a danger here of the peace track moving more quickly than the denuclearization track," warned Abraham Denmark, an Asia expert and former senior US defense official.
The above scenario will not arise if the denuclearization track is a subset of the peace track - believe this is US position.

N Korea position will be peace track is the subset of denuclearization track.

The Middle Ground position will be denuclearization talk in tandem with peace track. Then summit talk will be successful.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited

Ricky Lim · Singapore
This mean both denuke talk and peace talk are mutually dependent.
Peace talk can only be concluded after denuke talk is concluded and vice versa.

This will be the Win-Win outcome.
Kok Jin Li · 
Very naive of President Moon to go ahead with the provocative military exercise with the USA even though peace is on the horizon. He could have postponed the exercise after the Trump/Kim submit on 12 June 2018. If the submit failed to achieve the desired outcome, than Skorea and USA can continue with the military exercise if they wish to do so. They should give peace a chance, now everyhing seems to be lost.
Lenard Tan · 
June 12 meeting very likely no go...

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