Thursday, May 24, 2018

Charging parking fees at schools about 'self-discipline': Ong Ye Kung

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 
It had called this a "hidden subsidy" which went against government guidelines for public servants.

Hidden subsidy means the rest of the populations are subsidising the small group of car drivers in schools.

It means those GST, taxes that Singaporeans and Residents paid - are financing this group of car owners in schools for free parking.

Felt that who use the services, who should pay --- so that Singaporeans can delay or pay lesser taxes or GST --- as we do not need to subsidise this "privilege group" of car owners.

Note that free car park is a "privilege" not an "entitlement".

If the rest of civil servants pay their car park fees at office, this group of car drivers should also pay up - to plug the loopholes.

Ricky Lim · 
Teachers job - that teaches our children are noble.

But other civil service jobs that serve the public - are also equally noble.

Similarly, commercial jobs are also noble.

Since all pay car park fees - why teachers have "special privilege"?

Ricky Lim · 
Those who can own car and drive - are not low income earners.

Moreover, teachers are pay relatively well - vis-a-vis the rest of the civil servants.

If can own cars, why need the rest of the populations to subsidise this "relatively well paid income earners"?

If teachers feel unjustify to pay the car park fees - in which they have been enjoying for so many years ---- then take public transport - which are very accessible to all schools --- then teachers will save alot.

Singaporeans need to know that everyone is subsidising all these car owners driving to school - about $100 million in car park fees per year if all car park lots are taken up.

Imagine Singaporeans have to pay less taxes or GST by $100 million a year?
Valen Chen Tany
Ricky Lim disagree unless you want the teachers to teach our students that nothing is ever free in singapore. Everything is pay pay and more pay except our monthly pays. Student all become cookies monsters and all parents become pay masters.
Ricky Lim · 
Having say so, despite the Economy is improving, not all household will benefit.

(1) Some household will do exceedingly well
(2) Some household will do moderately well
(3) Some household will fall through the crack and will benefit little from the improving Economy
(4) Others household may be retirees, unemployed, retrenched, low-income earners - that are suffering

The increasing bills on quite a number of items will hit some household quite hard.

With the era of Big Data/Meta Data ---- Government should actively and precisely do an indepth study on how those increasing bills hit every individual household.

Relief and targeted relief will need to be package to help those household - that fail to benefit from the improving Economy.

Government will need to be extraordinary mindful on the recent political developments that are affecting many Countries across the Globe.
Many incumbent Government are topple by disgruntled populism - fuel by disruptive tech that impact business and jobs.
Though Economy grow in many of these Countries - wealth are not shared evenly among the household - that have led to Trump phenomenon, Brexit, populism, Malaysia Brexit, Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street etc.

Singapore will have to be alert to such trend -- and affordable targeted relief will have to be dispensed to help Singaporeans to cope with the rising cost of livings.
Joey Yuen
Ricky Lim "Imagine Singaporeans have to pay less taxes or GST by $100 million a year?"
You continue with your imagination and dream on.
Can you provide evidence that we got to pay less tax because teachers are exercising their self discipline. oxymoron.
Ricky Lim · 
Joey Yuen - your teacher did not teach you manners to call others oxymoron?
It just show that 你没家教。

Ricky Lim · 

Budget surplus will traditionally benefit Singaporeans in the following manner :-
(1) Given as GST credit to Singaporeans (similar to this year - where every Singaporeans above 21 years old) will have something.

(2) Given as social welfare benefits to needy Singaporeans like GST vouchers, bursaries, medical subsidies, town council rebates, power/water rebates, etc.

(3) Increase or maintain the relatively high interest payment to all CPF holders.

(4) Invest in infrastructure that will benefit all Singaporeans and Residents.

(5) MOE will ask for less budget from MOF by $100 million (assume this amount of money is collected from the free car park) - and this mean MOF will have a budget surplus.

(6) Budget surplus will have been transfer to Sovereign Fund to be invested and the additional income earned from the larger capital will mean higher Government revenue - and the pressure to increase tax will be lesser.
Additional income can be plough back to finance more social benefit for Singaporeans.

So the additional collection of car park fees will benefit Singaporeans as a whole.
Jane Smith
Lol Ricky Lim I was looking for you and here you are! Rest assured I did not read your BullSh!t as I stand by my motto: See Ricky Lim and his huge chunk of party propaganda - just scroll past. LMAO!!
Joey Yuen
Ricky Lim This is oxymoron "Imagine Singaporeans have to pay less taxes or GST by $100 million a year? because teachers became self discipline in paying overdue parking fees.", not that you are; well if you think so.
Joey Yuen
Ricky Lim By the way, don't ever insult my teachers nor my family.
Your insult spoke volume of your character.
Sonatan Peter
Valen Chen Tany there is a party called pay and pay, in existence for 60 years already.
Jimmy Hui
Ricky Lim, you're some sort of govt troll or PAP "faithfool" I suspect. You always write grandma stories to justify your pro-govt views. Are you also paid like the utusan trolls during our neighbour's recent GE run up?

Ricky Lim · 

Jimmy Hui ---- if you think i am some sort of govt troll --- you are wrong.

I am Singapore troll (not representing any parties) --- what benefit the Nation and Singaporeans and their future - I will post my views on what is right and not what is populist in the short run - but bankrupt the Country and the people in the long run.

Because if things are not done correctly - everyone in Singapore will suffer - including ourselves, our parents, our children, our grandchildren and our future descendants.

What I write represent my views - not the Government views, not the Opposition views.

For eg. I don't agree with Mr Seah the PAP MP of Marine Parade --- and all my views above is countering his arguments - because his views will cause problems to Singapore in the long run.

Mr Seah's argument of free car park - is a "privilege" accorded to a small group of rich car owners using "scarce economic resources" as hidden subsidy - which is subsidise by all Singaporeans not using the car park.
This is a wrong "economic principle" and a wrong "social principle" - which is a loophole - that need to be plug.
So that the final revenue - can be redistributed to all Singaporeans - which is the right economic priniciple and right social principle.

If teacher's job is noble, then what about Government doctors and nurses? what about other civil servants? what about commercial job workers? Why others do not have the privilege of "free car park" but teachers do?
Ricky Lim · 
If Compassion come before Wisdom --- then it means "to be fair, free car park should be given to all civil servants and commercial workers".

This will mean, multi-million dollars of revenue will be lost by the Government.
As it is not possible to implement higher income tax or corporate tax - that will chase away businesses and rich individuals ---- that will be translated into job losses to many Singaporeans --- the only way is to raise higher GST to recover the revenue lost - else the Nation will bankrupt.

And if this happen - all Singaporeans will suffer - as they are subsidising all these privilege car owners enjoying the free car park - but are paid by Singaporeans not using the free services.

So should I agree with Mr Seah's view on "privilege of free car park" - that Compassion should come before Wisdom?

No i do not - because it is an unsound "economic principle and an unsound social principle".

Does it make me sound like a govt troll?

No, it make me more a Singapore troll - because my argument is to protect Singapore's interest and the People's interest - as it is based on sound economic principle and social principle.

Does I sound like a person with no heart or no Compassion - wrong.

I must set the economic principle right first (based on Wisdom) - and once this is done (ensuring the Nation will not be financially burden or bankrupt) - then I talk about Compassion and Heart - to help the People in need.

My Compassion is not a misplaced Compassion - that kill the Goose that laid the Golden Eggs. A fool compassion that is done once - and then all People die with it.

My Compassion is based on Wisdom - using sustainable resource so that I can finance my Compassion for as long as possible to help People in need.

Chee Bah Lau
Why are teachers entitled to free parking in the first place?

Most people here are arguing for arguments' sake.

I wonder if the reaction will be so strong if the govt decides to give teachers free parking from now on.. I bet everyone will be whining ... why are teachers entitled to such previleged....

This is the state we are in now..... just arguing for its own sake
Ricky Lim · 

Yes you are right. So far you are one of the more rare rational mind admist those many emotional one in this board.

Assume if the Government announce all civil servants are exempted from paying car park fees as "priviliege" --- wonder how will all this people react?

Implement with heart mah.

Ricky Lim · 

In Governance :-
1st thing that must be done - one must do thing that is "Selfless" - not to be corrupt - to benefit self at the expense of other.
This will ensure that what is done benefit the Nation and the People.

2nd thing that must be done - is to do what is right based on "Wisdom" - to carve out policy that are economically sound, rationally right - not what is popular that will plunge the Country into disarray or bankrupt the Country.

3rd thing that must be done - is to implement policy based on "Compassion" - to implement policy with "Heart" --- to look at how policy that have implemented are sound and sustainable -- but at the same time look at household or people who have been hurt or fall through the crack -- how they can be compensated, and how relief can be introduced to ensure that those people who suffer from the policy are compensated and not badly hurt.

As long as policy are centred around the 3 cardinal principles :-
(1) Selfless
(2) Wisdom
(3) Compassion

----- there is no reason to fear.
Ricky Lim · 

And the sequence of implementing National policies - must follow this sequence :-

Selfless --> Wisdom ---> Compassion.

If this sequence is not follow ---- it will lead to policy that are not optimise, result in wastage or will not fully benefit the Nation.

Because resources and money are scarce - if Compassion come before Wisdom - Nation will bankrupt very quickly.

(Unlike Nirvana :-
Selfless --> Compassion ---> Wisdom.

Sentinent beings sufferings are infinite.

Nirvana are all encompassing and finite.)

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