07 May 2018 02:18PM
Ricky Lim ·
06 May 2018 02:40PM (Updated: 06 May 2018 03:41PM)
Ricky Lim ·
South China Morning Post
Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un likely to meet in Singapore for historic talks in June
PUBLISHED : Sunday, 06 May, 2018, 6:50pm
UPDATED : Sunday, 06 May, 2018, 11:04pm
US President Donald Trump had floated the idea of holding the historic talks in the deeply symbolic setting of the demilitarised zone along the border between North and South Korea, but the two sides have instead chosen city state Singapore as a third-party host, unnamed sources told both the Chosun newspaper and Yonhap news agency.
Reports from both China media and Korea media - indicate that the summit may be held in Singapore - if indeed it happens.
Singapore will have a high stake to ensure the denuke talk need to be successful.
But alot of goodwill and good faith need to come from both US and N Korea to ensure the talk a success.
Both sides should avoid provoking one another - so that a conducive climate can be produced that lead up to the summit talk.
I think Singapore will try our best to facilitate and help both US and N Korea to succeed in the talk.
Oh 我的妈 - 15 years of social media engagement --- and karma really is like a magnet - that attract it to come to Singapore to resolve this Korean Peninsula issue.
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Ricky Lim ·
South China Morning Post
Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un likely to meet in Singapore for historic talks in June
PUBLISHED : Sunday, 06 May, 2018, 6:50pm
UPDATED : Sunday, 06 May, 2018, 11:04pm
US President Donald Trump had floated the idea of holding the historic talks in the deeply symbolic setting of the demilitarised zone along the border between North and South Korea, but the two sides have instead chosen city state Singapore as a third-party host, unnamed sources told both the Chosun newspaper and Yonhap news agency.
Reports from both China media and Korea media - indicate that the summit may be held in Singapore - if indeed it happens.
Singapore will have a high stake to ensure the denuke talk need to be successful.
But alot of goodwill and good faith need to come from both US and N Korea to ensure the talk a success.
Both sides should avoid provoking one another - so that a conducive climate can be produced that lead up to the summit talk.
I think Singapore will try our best to facilitate and help both US and N Korea to succeed in the talk.
Oh 我的妈 - 15 years of social media engagement --- and karma really is like a magnet - that attract it to come to Singapore to resolve this Korean Peninsula issue.
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Ricky Lim ·
Ricky Lim · Singapore
Ricky Lim · Singapore
Posted on:-
01 Feb 2018 11:05AM
Ricky Lim ·
Searching for ways to resolve Korean Peninsula confrontation and nuclear crisis. Trawl the internet on 1950s Korean war
And look through various videos of 1950s Korean war.
Noted that what cause Korean War - are just due to :-
(1) Ideological differences (Communism vs Democracy)
(2) Political differences - Cold War mentality and which side rule
(3) Economic differences - State-Run vs Market Economy
There are no inherent hated by both Koreas - as they are of the same blood, blood brothers.
But what make them start and fight the war are the above cause by physical separation at the 38 parallel.
What antidote can help the 2 Koreas to really reconcile, stop confrontation and finally denuclearise, should be :-
(1) Emphasize people-to-people relationship, emphazie they are from the same blood, same root, same ancestorship.
(2) Emphasize both have strong desires for peace, for safety, for security.
(3) Emphasize the desires for economic development, business, investment, raise the living conditions and standard of living of the people.
(4) Establish several layers and levels of linkages, military hotline, maintain communication links -- no matter what happen - even when tension arise.
(5) Works towards real conciliation and non-confrontation - such as addressing military exercies and missiles/nuclear tests --- by downgrading the scale of exercises and reducing missile/nuclear tests --- to finally stopping them.
(6) Finally, find ways to ramp up more social contacts, more economic contacts and integration while reducing and finally eliminating military tension and confrontation.
This will be the only way to resolve the 2 Koreas Peninsula issue. Whether will the 2 Korea reunified or stay as 2 States (but a more amicable and brother state - spice with more economic integration and exchanges minus military tension) ---- will be a real positive improvement from the past tense relation.
Asia Pacific is a bedrock of "Peace, Prospeity, Business, Wealth, Prosperity".
Both Koreas must take advantage of Asia Pacific - to benefit themselves - and not spoil and poison this "Utopian" bedrock of peace and prosperity.
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Ricky Lim ·
The core of the antidote is :-
“交心” - "Exchange of Heart".
The genuine desires - to improve relationship, reduce tension - and move away from the extremely unpleasant tension, confrontation - and the consequences of hardship and sufferings.
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
There will be hiccups and unhappiness - along the way - in forging “交心” - "Exchange of Heart" --- especially when the Winter Olympics is over - and both sides resume their past usual way of lives.
But whatever linkages, communication, hotlines and relationships - must not be broken - and let it continue ------- using “交心” - "Exchange of Heart" --- as the bedrock and strong desire to improve the relationship and avoid escalation and tension.
Both Koreas must always pull back to this focus point - “交心” - "Exchange of Heart" - whenever things are not going as smoothly.
And unhappiness and tension can be resolved.
What is important ---- is to improve, not go backward ---- which is not good for both Koreas --- as well as for Asia Pacific not to mention US.
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :- 05 Feb 2018
The below opinion will still be useful.
Ricky Lim ·
Asia culture is one that start slow, build trust, build confidence, start with something that seems small, a small step, do something that seems unimportant - and slowly move into something that is of interest to both parties.
This is unlike Western culture that go straight into the main topic and want immediate result - that is still cold, very sensitive and still unyielding - and if things don't happen as expected - try to use high-hand tactics. This will not work for Asia culture.
Hence, let S Korea Leaders lead the way in this - as they understand N Korea culture better than anyone do.
"Exchange of Heart" 交心 - is the crux that may lead to breakthrough.
Ricky Lim · Singapore
Posted on:-
01 Feb 2018 11:05AM
Ricky Lim ·
Searching for ways to resolve Korean Peninsula confrontation and nuclear crisis. Trawl the internet on 1950s Korean war
And look through various videos of 1950s Korean war.
Noted that what cause Korean War - are just due to :-
(1) Ideological differences (Communism vs Democracy)
(2) Political differences - Cold War mentality and which side rule
(3) Economic differences - State-Run vs Market Economy
There are no inherent hated by both Koreas - as they are of the same blood, blood brothers.
But what make them start and fight the war are the above cause by physical separation at the 38 parallel.
What antidote can help the 2 Koreas to really reconcile, stop confrontation and finally denuclearise, should be :-
(1) Emphasize people-to-people relationship, emphazie they are from the same blood, same root, same ancestorship.
(2) Emphasize both have strong desires for peace, for safety, for security.
(3) Emphasize the desires for economic development, business, investment, raise the living conditions and standard of living of the people.
(4) Establish several layers and levels of linkages, military hotline, maintain communication links -- no matter what happen - even when tension arise.
(5) Works towards real conciliation and non-confrontation - such as addressing military exercies and missiles/nuclear tests --- by downgrading the scale of exercises and reducing missile/nuclear tests --- to finally stopping them.
(6) Finally, find ways to ramp up more social contacts, more economic contacts and integration while reducing and finally eliminating military tension and confrontation.
This will be the only way to resolve the 2 Koreas Peninsula issue. Whether will the 2 Korea reunified or stay as 2 States (but a more amicable and brother state - spice with more economic integration and exchanges minus military tension) ---- will be a real positive improvement from the past tense relation.
Asia Pacific is a bedrock of "Peace, Prospeity, Business, Wealth, Prosperity".
Both Koreas must take advantage of Asia Pacific - to benefit themselves - and not spoil and poison this "Utopian" bedrock of peace and prosperity.
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Ricky Lim ·
The core of the antidote is :-
“交心” - "Exchange of Heart".
The genuine desires - to improve relationship, reduce tension - and move away from the extremely unpleasant tension, confrontation - and the consequences of hardship and sufferings.
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
There will be hiccups and unhappiness - along the way - in forging “交心” - "Exchange of Heart" --- especially when the Winter Olympics is over - and both sides resume their past usual way of lives.
But whatever linkages, communication, hotlines and relationships - must not be broken - and let it continue ------- using “交心” - "Exchange of Heart" --- as the bedrock and strong desire to improve the relationship and avoid escalation and tension.
Both Koreas must always pull back to this focus point - “交心” - "Exchange of Heart" - whenever things are not going as smoothly.
And unhappiness and tension can be resolved.
What is important ---- is to improve, not go backward ---- which is not good for both Koreas --- as well as for Asia Pacific not to mention US.
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :- 05 Feb 2018
The below opinion will still be useful.
Ricky Lim ·
Asia culture is one that start slow, build trust, build confidence, start with something that seems small, a small step, do something that seems unimportant - and slowly move into something that is of interest to both parties.
This is unlike Western culture that go straight into the main topic and want immediate result - that is still cold, very sensitive and still unyielding - and if things don't happen as expected - try to use high-hand tactics. This will not work for Asia culture.
Hence, let S Korea Leaders lead the way in this - as they understand N Korea culture better than anyone do.
"Exchange of Heart" 交心 - is the crux that may lead to breakthrough.
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Ricky Lim ·
Ricky Lim · Singapore
Ricky Lim ·
When Mr Lee Kuan Yew visit China and meet the then Mr Deng Xiao Ping - "Exchange of Heart" 交心 - is the crux that lead to the breakthrough - that change China's heart to integrate with the World economically.
Think this could be possible if the "right key" is used correctly on N Korea.
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Ricky Lim ·
We should take a cue on how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos - break out from economic and political isolation to embrace the World and integrate with the World economically.
(1) China by "Exchanging of Heart" with Singapore and then open up economically and integrate with the World. China work with someone they can trust - which is Singapore.
(2) Vietnam work with Asean by joining ASEAN to open up economically.
(3) Cambodia, Laos work with both China and joining ASEAN to open up economically.
N Korea will have to work with "someone" he can trust - and do similar things like what China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos did.
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
Ricky Lim ·
When Mr Lee Kuan Yew visit China and meet the then Mr Deng Xiao Ping - "Exchange of Heart" 交心 - is the crux that lead to the breakthrough - that change China's heart to integrate with the World economically.
Think this could be possible if the "right key" is used correctly on N Korea.
Ricky Lim ·
When Mr Lee Kuan Yew visit China and meet the then Mr Deng Xiao Ping - "Exchange of Heart" 交心 - is the crux that lead to the breakthrough - that change China's heart to integrate with the World economically.
Think this could be possible if the "right key" is used correctly on N Korea.
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Ricky Lim ·
We should take a cue on how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos - break out from economic and political isolation to embrace the World and integrate with the World economically.
(1) China by "Exchanging of Heart" with Singapore and then open up economically and integrate with the World. China work with someone they can trust - which is Singapore.
(2) Vietnam work with Asean by joining ASEAN to open up economically.
(3) Cambodia, Laos work with both China and joining ASEAN to open up economically.
N Korea will have to work with "someone" he can trust - and do similar things like what China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos did.
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
Ricky Lim ·
When Mr Lee Kuan Yew visit China and meet the then Mr Deng Xiao Ping - "Exchange of Heart" 交心 - is the crux that lead to the breakthrough - that change China's heart to integrate with the World economically.
Think this could be possible if the "right key" is used correctly on N Korea.
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