Friday, May 18, 2018

4G leaders to engage Singaporeans in series of discussions to chart future together: Heng Swee Keat

The new batch of political leaders will “listen with humility and respect” while considering views “with an open mind”, says Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat.
 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim · 

In what he described as a “Whole-of-Singapore effort”, the discussions will see the 4G leaders sharing their ideas while seeking the population’s views on them.
“We will partner Singaporeans each step of the way in our journey of building our future Singapore,” said Mr Heng.
Mr Heng noted that the public is interested in how the fourth generation political leadership is taking shape, but to build new ideas, new bonds, and new connections, leadership must be developed in all parts of our society.
This is a good piece of speech.
This will harness the ideas of Singaporeans to jointly build Singapore - where we all belong.

Particularly like the idea of "leadership must be developed in all parts of our society" ---- as situational leadership must come in - when it is politically not possible or appropriate for political leaders to comment, intervene ---- but is required to do so ---- to make our Nation safer, our interest safeguarded and the World safer, the World interest safeguarded 
---- in this era of "social media proliferation" --- whereby comments, fake news, opinion etc can come out online, in realtime --- and spread to every parts of the World quickly -- that may have immediate ramnifications - if not respond to effectively and efficiently.
Ben Wee
I'm sorry, but as I know it, a democracy is two or more parties, each with their own vision of the future and they make their pitch to the voting public who then decide who to vote for. If you need/want our ideas, then it shows, you have no vision or that you wrongly believe that you you will rule forever . So please, make your best pitch and WE the people of Singapore will decide.

Many people might say such a stance is adversarial and not constructive, but like in the commercial world, your customer /boss does not have to ensure your success if you can't do it (make them happy) and someone else can, then sorry, your on the way out.
Ricky Lim · 

There are 4 types of leaderships - which will be relevant to different stages of national development.
(1) Autocratic leadership - usually happen in the formation of a Nation - to respond to a crisis, where people are less educated and need a strong visionary leader.
This is where people will have very little say - as most decisions are make by the leader.

(2) Participative leadership - when the Country is growing - leadership will involve more stakeholders to participate in decision making and the leader will make final decision.

(3) Strategic leadership - when the Country reach the peak of economic growth and reaches economic maturity - there is a need to transform the Economy through strategic leadership and transforming the economy.

(4) Team leadership - when the Country has been over the peak and transform into a new Economy, with new and unfamiliar territories in all sector - Team leadership to tap all sectors of the Society become necessary.
Ricky Lim · 

If at various stage of national development - use wrong leadership style - will spell trouble.

Eg. if now an autocratic leadership to dictate all sectors of Economies - where all sectors are new, unfamiliar, unchartered - where the whole World are still prodding, finding their ways ---- you think it will work?

Now imagine everyone want an autocratic who is a knowers of all sector :-
(1) in banking sector - he need to know fintech - and don't know what else when disruptive tech comes.
(2) in retail - need to know online cloud retail and payment
(3) in manufacturing - need to know 3D printing 
and other advanced precision manufactuing
(4) in energy sector - need to know fuel, now LNG, solar, don't know what else
(5) in transport - need to know rail, road, planes - now need to know flying taxi, hyperbole don't know what, need to know grab, uber, ryde, go jek etc don't know what
(6) in IT - need to know cloud, drone, IoT, cybersecurity, mobile apps, big data, meta data etc in future don't know what

etc etc etc ----- now can an autocrat leadership know everything in the era of disruptive tech?

If not team leadership --- then what leadership is more suitable?

You think an autocratic leader will be able to know all these "don't know what under the sun" - and make decision without team decision making?

Ricky Lim · 

Minister Heng by taking care of ITM (Industry Transformation Map) and the Future Economy --- seems to understand this implication and understand that team leadership at all sectors, hobby groups, interest groups ---- etc --- in this era of disruptive tech ---- is the way to go.

That is why, i say this is a good speech.
Ben Wee
Ricky Lim you don't really know about leadership do you? Leaders do not need to know everything, but have a vision and be able to inspire people to that vision. That's what I mean when I say, make your pitch, convince me to vote for you. If you have to ask me for ideas, you have no vision. When you think of vision, think Steve Jobs as an example, he may not know everything but he had a vision for Apple. I want political leaders to have a vision for Singapore and sell me on their ideas.
Ricky Lim · 

Ben Wee - I think you should read Minister Heng's speech again properly.

He say he will share with the people his ideas (which is the 4G leaders' vision), framework, direction - and let the people, the various sectors to feedback on their ideas - to fit his ideas, vision, framework, direction.

This is his leadership style.

Minister Heng is a humble guy - and look at his vision of ITM and how he transform 23 economic sectors to tackle disruptive tech.

And look at his vision that after tackling 23 vertical sectors - his vision is to horizontally cluster sectors that have economies of scale.

This is not leadership vision than what is?

Can you differentiate a leader with humility versus a fiery leader?
Ricky Lim · 

Based on his vision as a Leader that drive the ITM and Future Economy - 50% of the business have successfully transform and make profit from the newly restructured business based on each ITM vertical.

And 25,000 jobs have been trained and placed in this new ITM newly created jobs.

And ITM was introduced and start implementing in 2016 - now is 2018 - and we already see very good result.

So if this is not Leadership, then what is?

Ricky Lim · 

Having say so, you will need "Team Leadership" - not "Autocratic Leadership".

For eg. Minister Heng has been in MOE, MOF, Police all this year.

He can't be deciding on vision for let say Ministry of Communication for IT - because he needs Leaders who understand the intricacies of IT.

(1) He will need to decide should the Country focus on cloud technology?
(2) Should the Country focus on Big data, Meta data
(3) Should we focus on IoT
(4) Should we focus on Mobile Apps
(5) How to leverage Digital Economy to build and develop new sector to boost our Economy?

You will not expect a Minister with no knowledge on IT to provide visions and leadership on IT will you?

You must at least have a good grasp of the IT tech (not at detail level) - to provide visions and leadership in IT.

This is where Team Leadership comes in.

Ricky Lim · 

And one more thing --- Singapore is the first Country in the World that adopt ITM (Industry Transformation Map) to tackle disruptive tech ---- and have proven relatively good result.

Other Countries adopt protectionism, restrict trade, to tackle disruptive tech.

If this is not Leadership with Vision - then what is?

Ricky Lim Let him make his pitch. If it doesn't resonate with me, I will not be voting for him. All I see is he introduced ARF for motorcycles with the hope that COEs will be under control which has not worked, and a GST increase when there are budget surpluses. He has not made life easier.
Ricky Lim · 

Ben Wee - i am not aware about arf for coe --- because this is under the scope of LTA.

As for GST increase --- do you know that every household are given GST credit every year to cover the GST?

The GST credit will be more than cover the GST - if you did not change your spending habits.
You should calculate how much GST credit you get versus the GST you pay.

Majority of the household have surplus from the GST credit - as 84% of the GST are collected from the top 40% of the high income earners.

Ricky Lim · 

And in case people got the wrong idea that I am pitching for Minister Heng to be the leader ---- i am neutral --- because it is the Cabinet that decide who the PM will be.

I am just giving the credit when due - because his speech resonate with my thinkings ---- that this 4GL - stage of leadership ---- must be a "Team Leadership" for Singapore to do well into the next phase and beyond.
Ricky Lim · 

And in case you are not aware how the ITM vertical are run ---- each ITM is led by 1 MOS (Minister-Of-State) to shape the ITM vertical in each economic sector.

This is a full-blown display of "Team Leadership" ---- situational leadership ---- to do a massive facelift and transformation of every economic sectors --- given the challenges we face (albeit the Whole World face) -- that are challenge and disrupted by disruptive tech.
Ben Wee
Ricky Lim The ARF was announced by Heng 2 years ago. It's not an LTA thing. And did you know in Australia GST is not chargeable on basic foodstuffs and only on processed items, isn't that fairer? . If the GST is such a great thing, why give GST credits anyway? Make life better for ALL Singaporeans or risk losing out. Let him make his pitch, as it stands, it's not looking great.
Ricky Lim · 

Ben Wee - ARF is worked out by LTA that control and manage the vehicle population and announced by MOF if you know how the Government work.
MOF will not overstep LTA who is solely responsible on vehicle control.
If you have concern on ARF, you should direct your queries to LTA via REACH and let them respond to you.

As for GST, if based on what you say, you GST some items and don't GST on other items --- there will be alot of merchants will try to evade GST by modifying their food to avoid GST.

And the implementation cost on GST will shoot up - and we have to pay more GST to recover the loss.

Also $4billion of GST credit is set aside for 1 million household - on average each household get $4,000 GST credit.

$4,000 not enough to cover your GST?

Lawrence Seow
LKY, for all his dictatorial and autocratic leadership style, was indeed a true leader - a visionary who knew exactly what needed to be done. I didn't like him but I respected him.
Next came GCT the seat-warmer. He never could shake off that nickname but to his credit, he had a steady hand and he didn't try to wear LKYs shoes. He wore his own shoes and did fairly well.
The "dishonourable son" is a wimp and since he took over, Singaporeans have been taken for a ride. He fell out with his siblings and blocked Cheng Bock in favour of compliant makchik.
Then we are going to have this 4G leaders - none of whom have a clue what is needed for Singapore. They can't even agree and tell a straight story.
Worse part is we've got all these blind followers/supporters who keep harping how clean and efficient a government we have - compared with the region.
Ricky Lim · 

I think no leader in your eyes is worth to be a leader.
You think you will be the best leader.

Strange, if you think no leaders is worth the leader - how does Singapore perform so well for the last 50 to 60 years?

And how will you accumulate your wealth and sit here to shoot the leaders?

Lawrence Seow
Ricky Lim did you not hear what I said about LKY and GCT? To argue with someone who has abandoned all reason (you) is like giving medicine to the dead. And explain to me about Tan Cheng Bock.
Ben Wee
Ricky Lim · 

Lawrence Seow - I did not fully disagree nor agree with you on the 1st and 2nd generation leaders.
They have made valuable contributions to Singapore - and Singaporeans have reaped benefits from them and are grateful to them.

But your comments about the current leaders and future leaders - are not justifiable.
These leaders have been helming the governance for more than a decade and Singapore is not doing badly - where in fact we have emerged from the danger of disruptive tech.

You just harp on 1 or 2 issues that you are not happy about - and discredit all their contributions.
Destructive criticisms and unreasonable comments - will not help to hold up the Country - but will cause harm to the Country --- if you look at the upheavals across the globe.

I can't be kind to you - if you are destroying Singapore future - where everyone's future including Singaporeans, son and daughter and future generations depends upon.

In particular - your comments about "abuse of power, tyranny and corruption" in another posting.
This is a serious allegation and you have not provide evidence to proof your allegation.

And you still have not apologise and retract your statement - if you have no proof to support your allegation.

Ricky Lim OK, you're talking about GST and ITM when the original point of my post was that if they need me to tell them what to do, they should not be leading. It's like the NS PC that gets lost on exercise and when the men show him the way he says " Alright men, follow me, I know the way "
Ben Wee - OK. Let them tell you when the time come.

As for me, I am convinced they have led, and are on the right track - except it is not apparent to some.

If not our Economy will not be doing well now and the job situation for Singaporeans will not be improving.

And you should know that this disruptive tech disruptions - has caused a major upheaval across the globe and change many incumbent governments from Arab Spring, to Occupy Wall Street to Chrysathemum movement.

Singapore is one unique Country that have effectively tackle the disruptions by disruptive tech and have for the 1st time - improve productivity across the board for 2 years that we have not be able to be done before - through ITM and through Future Economy programme.

Also hope you are well-informed by then who can really lead the Country and make our lives better. Because a wrong choice - we all will be doomed.
Else i will not be spending time typing all these.
Lawrence Seow
Ricky Lim This self-styled leadership guru Ricky makes me laugh - he is like our paper generals who look good on paper but when faced with th real situation on the ground, they have no clue what to do.
There was a single man who went about lecturing on 10 Commandments of Parenting. When he got married and had one child, he changed it to 10 Guidelines. Then he had the second child, he changed it to 10 Tips. When the third child came, he gave up lecturing and started to attend parenting classes. Ricky is like that...LOL.
Ricky Lim · 

Lawrence Seow - you are just a mega complainers - empty vessel that make the most noise. nothing good will come out from your mouth. Just look at all your postings.
Everywhere you go will be the same.

Your ego is bigger than everything. no one will take you seriously.

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