Saturday, May 19, 2018

Ten dead in Texas school shooting, student arrested

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim · 

Trump's gun policy is evidently not working and is making things worst.

Trump cozying up to NRA is definitely a "death knell" to solving the US gun problem.
Ricky Lim · 

Donald Trump and NRA say - ban assault automatic weapons like AR15, AK47. uzi, bum stock - will do.

Now you see even shotgun and revolver --- can cause so much damage - 10 killed and 10 injured.

Common sense will tell you that as long as you have a gun - no matter auto or not - it will kill enmass.

Unless you ban gun - then you will not have this massacre.
Ricky Lim · 

Trump policy of getting armed guards to engage the shooter - did not work.
The armed guard was shot and injured and the gunman continue to claim 10 lives and injure 10 others.

Trump policy of background check of gun owners also did not work - as this gunman is a license gun owner and he is not of unsound mind.

To prevent such gun massacre - is to ban gun.

Very shameful for Trump and lawmakers - not to protect the lives of Americans ---- but cosy up to NRA - who get the license to issue guns for people to kill.

Sonatan Peter
Not possible to have arms control unless there is monumental force and willpower to repeal constitution 2nd amendment. I don't see that happening during next 80 years. This is how trumpet made US great again through allowing daily killings and then say my heart is with you always. This is fake concern and useless words.

Ricky Lim · 
Trump's words are just empty words --- meant to play to the gallery of his voters.

Trump has no intention to solve real problems.

As long as there are populist demand to make him the President, he will play on it - he will not consider whether what he do is good or no good for the US people.

He is a celebrity and he like glamor and showmanship - anything that please the crowd attention, he will do it else he will not.

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