Friday, May 11, 2018

Historic Trump-Kim summit set for Jun 12 in Singapore


Ricky Lim · 

Hardliners in the North are believed to see possession of a nuclear weapon as the only guarantee against US-led efforts to topple Kim's regime.
Posted in :-
17 Jan 2018 05:13AM (Updated: 17 Jan 2018 05:13AM)

Ricky Lim ·
Think that international community must be able to give strong assurance to N Korea that its security will not be compromised - in exchange for denuclearisation talk.

Flip flop of signed International Agreement is not a good sign of such assurance.

Integrity of International Agreement is the important assurance - before N Korea will be confident to come out forward boldly for denuclearisation talk.
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Ricky Lim ·
Next is important for S Korea and N Korea talk to bear fruits - as more talks, more trust, more confident will be built.

In so doing, security assurance that war will not break out in Korean Peninsula can slowly formed and more integration of both S Korea and N Korea can be made ---- to build "insurance", to build more "joint stakes" by both sides.

With more such efforts, when trust is build up when "security assurance" is almost a certainty - hopefully there is a possibility of denuclearisation talk.
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Ricky Lim ·
Thinking aloud, any hermit State, being isolated for many decades, it will not be easy for it to come out and trust the World.

Thinking aloud and remembering during 1978, when the then Mr LKY went to China and talk to the then Mr Deng Xiao Ping - a private conversation takes place.

It goes like this :-
(1) If a generation make up of peasants and labourers can build a modern society, why not a big Countries with so much resources and scholars remains behind.

This cause a big hermit isolated State to come out, trust the World and become a successful Country.

The same thing should go for N Korea.
It can be done.
What N Korea needs - is someone he trust to come out.

There are 3 N Korea can trust - S Korea (your blood brother), China and Russia - and this should be a good security assurance to come out and be confident to face the World - not with "nuclear" - but confident that your Economy can do a facelift and uplift.

International Community should provide security assurance to N Korea - that it will not invade N Korea nor force a regime change.
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Ricky Lim ·
If China can do it.
If Vietnam can do it.
If Cambodia can do it.

If Myanmar can do it.

Cannot see why N Korea cannot do it.
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Ricky Lim ·
N Korea can be assured that if N Korea do well in uplifting its Economy and prosper, US big boy will not bother you - because you are not taking away its rice bowl.

But if N Korea continue to lock horn with US using nuclear -- it can be very sure that US will not let N Korea go - and may act (which actually is an avoidable war).
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Ricky Lim ·
Also Vietnam (US ex-foe),
Cambodia (US ex-foe),
Myanmar (formerly sanction by US) ---- all don't have nuclear.

US did not bother them - and allow them to do well and prosper with Economy uplifting.

Why US pick on N Korea? Because N Korea want to use nuclear to threaten it --- that is why US is adamant not to let go of N Korea unless N Korea held denuclearised talk.

Thus it will be safer for N Korea - to finally expressing willingness to denuclearise in exchange for security assurance + economic development.

N Korea can do well economically, prosper and thrive --- like China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar --- if N Korea is brave enough to come out, face the World bravely in search for peace.
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Mohan Packrie
Why Singapore. Our poor serviceman have to standby for those idiots to meet and chat. Just fxuk off and set your meeting in Bangladesh

Ricky Lim · 

Why Singapore for this historic Peace summit?
Because :-
(1) We are honoured to be selected for such historic Peace Talk - that have bug the World for the last 50 years of war, hostility, confrontation - and the real possibility of achieving Permanent Peace in Korean Peninsula - that will have a positive impact to whole of Asia Pacific - where Singapore is part of it - for without peace Singapor and the whole region will not have trade, business, investment and travel ---- the region Economy albeit the Global Economy will be impacted.

(2) By hosting such historic event - it will boost Singapore reputation for the ability to host World events and contribute to World Peace and Prosperity.

(3) Being selected - in the eyes of the World - Singapore is reputed for being a safe, secured, fair and honest broker - to arbitrate, mediate, facilitate World events that contribute to the well-beings of World Community.

(4) More and more Countries will like to be friends with Singapore - to do business, to travel, more legal mitigation, to invest in Singapore - as a trusted, neutral and honest International Hub.

All the above - no amount of money can buy or confer ---- it is earned through the way Singapore carry out ourselves, conduct ourselves - consistently, persistently - whether domestically and internationally.

Ricky Lim · 
And most important of all ---- we are implicitly sending this wholesome message to the World :-
"Be Friends to All.
With Adversary to None."

To build a better World - for Peace and Prosperity - to All Humanity on Earth.

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