Friday, May 18, 2018

Singapore firms incurred S$23.8b economic losses from cyberattacks last year: Microsoft study

The economic loss from cyberattacks for Asia Pacific as a whole was US$1.75 trillion (S$2.3 trillion) in 2017, according to new study.
 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 

“The rest of the organisations either think about cybersecurity only after they start on the project or do not consider it at all,” the study said.
If the report is true, $23.8b economic losses from cyberattacks is very high.

All projects should include cybersecurity protection at the planning, budget, design, implementation and maintenance --- not an after-thought.

All design should have include cybersecurity at all the OSI layers - be it at physical layer, mac-layer, network layer, transport layer, presentation layer, apps layer and at the user usage layer - so that there are no weakest link - for any security is as good as the weakest link.
Ricky Lim · 
If after a project run into operation - then try to put in security --- it will be alot of patch work, cause tremendous disruption to the IT services, and it cannot be done a thorough job.

IT Security must be embeded into the overall initial design - not like using plasters to try to plaster security holes - it doesn't work this way.

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