Saturday, May 12, 2018

South Korean, US officials plot path to Trump-Kim nuclear summit

12 May 2018 02:37AM
Ricky Lim · 

"There's a danger here of the peace track moving more quickly than the denuclearization track," warned Abraham Denmark, an Asia expert and former senior US defense official.
The above scenario will not arise if the denuclearization track is a subset of the peace track - believe this is US position.

N Korea position will be peace track is the subset of denuclearization track.

The Middle Ground position will be denuclearization talk in tandem with peace track. Then summit talk will be successful.

Ricky Lim · 
This mean both denuke talk and peace talk are mutually dependent.
Peace talk can only be concluded after denuke talk is concluded and vice versa.

This will be the Win-Win outcome.

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