Friday, June 1, 2018

Singapore asks Malaysia to clarify position on KL-Singapore HSR: Khaw Boon Wan

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 

When Malaysia proposed the project to Singapore in 2013, Singapore agreed because it was convinced of the project's benefits to Singapore, said the minister.

Singapore continues to support the project and to fulfill its obligations under the bilateral agreement, said Mr Khaw.
Mr Lim said that Malaysia "understand(s) the sensitivity ... that the cancellation of these projects has cost to neighbouring countries".
Posted on :- 30 May 2018

Ricky Lim ·
Expenses have been spend on the project - and this are taxpayers money that need to be recovered.

Zero expenses recoverable are not possible.

HSR is the Malaysia project and initiated by Malaysia, now is terminated by Malaysia.
Thus the amount of compensation for monies spend - should be an issue of discussion.
Ricky Lim · 
He said that Singapore made this request through "diplomatic channels" following media reports of Malaysia's decision to terminate the project. He also said that Singapore would exercise its rights to compensation if the project was terminated.
"We have informed the Malaysian Government that Singapore is continuing to incur costs on this project as it awaits Malaysia’s clarification, and that in the event Malaysia terminates the project, Singapore will study the implications and exercise our rights (including any right to compensation for expenses incurred) in accordance with the terms of the HSR bilateral agreement," said Mr Khaw.

International Agreement signed - are like contracts - and are enforceable by International Law.

Else which Country in future will want to enter into contracts with Malaysia from now on - if it does not honour International Agreement signed?

Ricky Lim · 

This HSR project has attracted many international Countries interest and their respective conglomerates have submitted tender bids for it - that include China, Japan, EU, US, S Korea etc.

Even some Leaders have indicate interest on this project notably China, Japan leaders.

Ricky Lim · 

Whether this HSR will go ahead or not - need to be formally addressed - as huge costs have been spend to prepare for this project - not only by Government officials on both sides - but also by commercial bidders from many Countries.

Adhering to the contractual agreement become paramount as it affect many parties.

Malaysia reputation is hanging on the balance - in the eyes of International Countries - depending on how this project is handle.

Ricky Lim · 

If Malaysia did not handle the HSR project properly in accordance to the International Agreement ---- International Countries will take the cue ---- and will be deterred from investing in Malaysia - when Malaysia need investment the most.

If this happen, the cost to Malaysia will be much much higher than the cost of compensation as stated in the contract.

Ricky Lim · 


Ricky Lim · 

Thought always hear this across the Causeway :-
"We must follow the rule of law......".

Let see whether "the rule of law is follow or not."

Ricky Lim · 

Enshrine in the International Agreement, the contract - encompass Mutual Understanding, Mutual Benefits, Trust, Commitment --- that must be honour - as it is signed and legally binding to demonstrate seriousness and commitment --- so that tremendous amount of time, effort and resources are committed to it to ensure the joint-project will be a success.

The International Agreement, the contract - represent Open and Transparent - which in Malay means "Bersih" - which is enforced by Rule of Law.

If Malaysia now decide not to carry on this project - where tremendous resources, monies and effort have been committed up to the stage of tender bid --- then exit clause according to the signed International Agreement or contract - must be adhere to and executed as per the Agreement.

Ricky Lim · 
Only then, the true spirit of "Bersih" and "Rule of Law" - is truely fulfilled.

If "Bersih" or "Rule of Law" is exercised when it benefit self --- but "Bersih" or "Rule of Law" will not apply when it don't benefit self ----- then the true spirit of "Bersih" and "Rule of Law" - is not the True "Bersih" and "Rule of Law" --- it is the bohong "Bersih" and "Rule of Law".

And all the movement of "Bersih" and "Rule of Law" ---- come back to the square one.

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