Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Commentary: A global revival of nationalists looms, as their resonance with voters grows

Nationalist political parties are on the rise and taking inspiration from each other, says Financial Times' Gideon Rachman.
 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim
Donald Trump is central to this development. The US president is often portrayed as an isolated maverick on the world stage. But, in fact, he is emerging as the informal leader of an international movement. By shifting American politics in a more nationalist direction, Mr Trump has changed the tone of politics everywhere.

A second problem is that the new nationalists often ignore the complexity of the modern world.
Abolish all those fussy international laws and you are on the route to anarchy, a trade war — or a real war.

So while the nationalists are making common cause in taking on their liberal internationalist foes around the world, the “nationalist international” is intrinsically unstable. A world in which nation-states see each other above all as rivals is one that is primed for conflict.
Look like World War 3 is looming.....

Ricky Lim
This was how World War 2 get started...

Ricky Lim
In fact, both World War 1 and World War 2 - started in the West --- under the same exact scenarios.

This growing trend mirror the same scenarios as in WW1 and WW2.

Ricky Lim
Posted in :-
Fri 20 Jan, 2017 3:26 AM

ricky l 0 seconds ago
Hour before the announcement of US Election result :-

One Big Bang comes ------ Lightning strike and Thunder roar - when reading the 1st headline of US Election result .....
And a "Vision appear" --------- there will be One Big Bang.......

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