By Lianne Chia@LianneChiaCNA
and Vanessa Lim@VanessaLimCNA
28 Jun 2018 10:23AM (Updated: 28 Jun 2018 11:14AM)
Ricky Lim
Great that we shall ensure self-sufficiency in our water supply - and not let ourselves and our survival be held hostage by another Countries.
The far sighted vision of striving for self-sufficiency in water supply is big kudos to the Government.
The far sighted vision of striving for self-sufficiency in water supply is big kudos to the Government.
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Ricky Lim
So for Singaporean, we must know that the 30% water tax we have been paying monthly - is to safeguard ourselves for being taking hostage by Dr M - who constantly threaten our water supply.
It is a painful decision that the Government has taken --- but absolutely necessary to ensure our water survival.
It is a small sacrifice we must make - to ensure our Sovereignty, water security and our survival are intact.
So this desalination plant can secure 1/3 of our water needs - which is our smallest desalination plant to date.
We have 3 desalination plants, newater plants and resevoir --- hm hm --- look like we can survive very well.
It is a painful decision that the Government has taken --- but absolutely necessary to ensure our water survival.
It is a small sacrifice we must make - to ensure our Sovereignty, water security and our survival are intact.
So this desalination plant can secure 1/3 of our water needs - which is our smallest desalination plant to date.
We have 3 desalination plants, newater plants and resevoir --- hm hm --- look like we can survive very well.
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Ricky Lim
Now Singapore is in a very strong position.
Actually, Singapore has a very good option :-
If Dr M insist on revising the water agreement --- we can take Malaysia to the International Court of Justice - to seek a huge compensation sum - and then terminate the water deal.
We can use this compensation sum to build more desalination plant, power plant, MRT etc ---- and we can thus effectively end this Dr M's threat of our water supply once and for all.
This will turn the table on Dr M --- to bring our disadvantage position into a strength for us.
Let see will Dr M bring up the revision of water deal again or not.
Actually, Singapore has a very good option :-
If Dr M insist on revising the water agreement --- we can take Malaysia to the International Court of Justice - to seek a huge compensation sum - and then terminate the water deal.
We can use this compensation sum to build more desalination plant, power plant, MRT etc ---- and we can thus effectively end this Dr M's threat of our water supply once and for all.
This will turn the table on Dr M --- to bring our disadvantage position into a strength for us.
Let see will Dr M bring up the revision of water deal again or not.
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Ricky Lim
That is why evil heart, bad hearted person will never pay.
Universal Law of Karma - will always dispense :-
"Goodness to Good people.
Sufferings to Evil people."
That is why :-
We must always do good.
Refrain from evil.
Dr M 害人终害己。
Universal Law of Karma - will always dispense :-
"Goodness to Good people.
Sufferings to Evil people."
That is why :-
We must always do good.
Refrain from evil.
Dr M 害人终害己。
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Georgie Lee
Ricky Lim That 92 year old snake has got no balls anymore. We have shot him down on this Water Agreement issue. Nesx will he HSR project.We can easily cut him into size and put him in his chair. Who doesnt know he hates Singapore.
Ricky Lim
Georgie Lee - Actually HSR is not our project - it is Malaysia project and it will benefit them more than us - as it has 5 or 6 stations in their towns and cities to make them vibrant.
Their costs are much higher to build and if build it will benefit them more.
HSR is not a life and death situation for us - except some costs we have spend in building up the tender, acquisition of site - and we have only 1 site.
But we will hold Dr M on the agreement - and make them pay compensation as per the contract if he rescind the contract.
Legally and Morally --- Dr M is in a very poor situation - in the eyes of the Law and in the eyes of the World - as Dr M project himself as a person who lack integrity, untrustworthy, unreliable person to deal with.
Their costs are much higher to build and if build it will benefit them more.
HSR is not a life and death situation for us - except some costs we have spend in building up the tender, acquisition of site - and we have only 1 site.
But we will hold Dr M on the agreement - and make them pay compensation as per the contract if he rescind the contract.
Legally and Morally --- Dr M is in a very poor situation - in the eyes of the Law and in the eyes of the World - as Dr M project himself as a person who lack integrity, untrustworthy, unreliable person to deal with.
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Georgie Lee
Can we tell that 92 year old snake that we can eventually supply good clean water to Malaysia.
Ricky Lim
Umeshu Tan - Dr M look like a very desperado beggar and swindler with a heart that aim to benefit himself and hurt others who are trying to help.
Does he deserve to be helped with his evil heart meant to hurt others when others are trying to help him?
Does he deserve to be helped with his evil heart meant to hurt others when others are trying to help him?
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Ricky Lim
Unker Will - Dr M once mock us in front of his people - that Singapore are drinking urine and seweage water.
Now Dr M realise that Malaysia will run out of water ---- and will one day need us to supply Malaysia drinking water.
This is call "Karma" ---- he reap what he sow.
And Universal Law of Karma is very fair, divine and just ---- it will come around one day to slap him tight on his face.
Now Dr M realise that Malaysia will run out of water ---- and will one day need us to supply Malaysia drinking water.
This is call "Karma" ---- he reap what he sow.
And Universal Law of Karma is very fair, divine and just ---- it will come around one day to slap him tight on his face.
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Georgie Lee
Ricky Lim It would be better for us to have this HSR so that we can spend our weekends in Malaysia. Also very convenient and cheap. Go in the morning and be back in the afternoon. How nice.
Ricky Lim
Georgie Lee - It takes 2 hands to clap.
If Dr M understand what is mutual benefits - i am ok, you are ok --- then we can be a good friend.
Our foreign policy is :- "Friends with All, Adversary with None".
But if some one with bad heart - try to harm us (such as threatening our survival on water supply) --- then we have to put up our defense and send a firm, just and fair message to him to teach him a lesson --- how to be "a good human with a good heart" - and a message that "bad heart with bad actions don't pay".
If Dr M understand what is mutual benefits - i am ok, you are ok --- then we can be a good friend.
Our foreign policy is :- "Friends with All, Adversary with None".
But if some one with bad heart - try to harm us (such as threatening our survival on water supply) --- then we have to put up our defense and send a firm, just and fair message to him to teach him a lesson --- how to be "a good human with a good heart" - and a message that "bad heart with bad actions don't pay".
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Ricky Lim
Tun Osman — Dr M is bad hearted. But Singapore is not bad hearted.
Malaysia are drinking the Johore treated water as per the water agreement.
Dr M want to do evil things, he will reap his bad karma.
But Singapore must consistently do good so that we reap good karma, and we must be a true honest reliable trustworthy people that the World can trust.
We must be inherently good in our heart - not pretending to be good, pretending to be bersih --- but true bersih.
Malaysia are drinking the Johore treated water as per the water agreement.
Dr M want to do evil things, he will reap his bad karma.
But Singapore must consistently do good so that we reap good karma, and we must be a true honest reliable trustworthy people that the World can trust.
We must be inherently good in our heart - not pretending to be good, pretending to be bersih --- but true bersih.
Ricky Lim
However if one day, Malaysia decide to buy water from Singapore, we will have the following options for Malaysia :-
(1) Newater - recycle water at $x (cheaper price) due to lower production cost.
(2) Desalination water - at $x + $y (at higher price) due to higher production cost.
(3) Reservoir water (not for sale as rain water is limited).
So if Malaysia want a lower price or can only afford at $x, Dr M can buy the Newater (the water that he mock at us for drinking urine and sewage).
We must be transparent and open with our water ---- and cannot do anything shady or hanky, panky.
We have good reputation to uphold - and we must uphold it all the time.
(1) Newater - recycle water at $x (cheaper price) due to lower production cost.
(2) Desalination water - at $x + $y (at higher price) due to higher production cost.
(3) Reservoir water (not for sale as rain water is limited).
So if Malaysia want a lower price or can only afford at $x, Dr M can buy the Newater (the water that he mock at us for drinking urine and sewage).
We must be transparent and open with our water ---- and cannot do anything shady or hanky, panky.
We have good reputation to uphold - and we must uphold it all the time.
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Ricky Lim
Singapore has been designated by China as Country-of-Honour.
The reason :-
"China has truly value what Singapore has done for China - whether in helping to build industrial park, eco-city, investment, conducting business, helping in BRI in China.
Singapore use our "Heart" in the conduct of business with China --- that is why we have been designated by China as Country-of-Honour."
Thus we must be a true honest reliable trustworthy people that the World can trust.
No shady dealing, no hanky panky.
The reason :-
"China has truly value what Singapore has done for China - whether in helping to build industrial park, eco-city, investment, conducting business, helping in BRI in China.
Singapore use our "Heart" in the conduct of business with China --- that is why we have been designated by China as Country-of-Honour."
Thus we must be a true honest reliable trustworthy people that the World can trust.
No shady dealing, no hanky panky.
Pigmoon K
Ricky Lim
Can we dont take water from Johor eventually?
Unker Will - Dr M once mock us in front of his people - that Singapore are drinking urine and seweage water.
Now Dr M realise that Malaysia will run out of water ---- and will one day need us to supply Malaysia drinking water.
This is call "Karma" ---- he reap what he sow.
And Universal Law of Karma is very fair, divine and just ---- it will come around one day to slap him tight on his face.
Now Dr M realise that Malaysia will run out of water ---- and will one day need us to supply Malaysia drinking water.
This is call "Karma" ---- he reap what he sow.
And Universal Law of Karma is very fair, divine and just ---- it will come around one day to slap him tight on his face.
Jon Lee
that what we are planning to do all along isn't?
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Peter Tee
Foong Mun Loh Read the article. “This is made possible by right-pricing water to reflect the long-run marginal cost of producing our next drop of water, which is likely to come from NEWater and desalinated water.” Cost of water is already right priced so in the case when the tap from Johor runs dry, there won't be a huge increase in the price of water.
Georgie Lee
Can we tell that 92 year old snake that we can eventually supply good clean water to Malaysia.
Sgfifty Singapore
In regards to water supply in Singapore, the government should have been more proactive, far-sighted and WISER in the planning towards total self-sufficiency. The TPP was agreed by US but revoked later. The Pedra Blanca issue was thought to be resolved years ago but challenged again. Now the water agreement is brought up again. What's the point of having first class airport facilities to showcase to others when internally our MRT has issues? What's the point of creating an "intelligent" island when the island itself has water supply issues? Resolve the pertinent issues first! Plan and mobilise more land and resources to build more water desalination and recycling plants (actually MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than MRT stations)! Build them now ASAP!
Lun Tan
Well done!
We need to self relience on water..
Don't depend on malaysia for water.
Sick and Tired of M, who use water as threat...
We need to self relience on water..
Don't depend on malaysia for water.
Sick and Tired of M, who use water as threat...
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Lee Chee How
Self sufficiency is a key to security.. tat old fox up north is up to his old tricks again after winning the elections.. we gotta show the old b##stard we cannot be threatened by this issue
Kit Chen
Singapore BOLEH !!!

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Hlt Tan
Singapore has rarely been short of raining season, in fact, it even encounters flash flood occasionally nowaday, thus the issue is to find more space to collect this rain water that is wastedly drained away to the sea.
finding way to build more reservoirs either in our surrounding small islands or at seashore n undergroung of the main island to store rain water that would help tamper the overall water price is worth considering instead of solely depending on desalinatation.
finding way to build more reservoirs either in our surrounding small islands or at seashore n undergroung of the main island to store rain water that would help tamper the overall water price is worth considering instead of solely depending on desalinatation.
Paul Tan
Unfortunately Hyflux Tuas Spring desalination plant is pledged as collateral to Maybank, If Hyflux defaulted, the desalination plant could be seized by the creditor and in this case it is a Malaysia bank. We would be back tracked by 10 years in term of water self reliance.
Ricky Lim
Hyflux should have signed a contract with the Government in providing water to Singapore Government.
Even if the Tuas plant is pledge as collateral to Maybank, Maybank cannot void the contract in which Hyflux signed with Singapore Government - and shall honor Hyflux obligation.
So there should be no risk - as Maybank will be obligated to continue Hyflux's obligation to supply water to Singapore Government.
Changing of ownership (from Hyflux to Maybank - in the advent of bankruptcy if it happen) - does not absolved the rights of Hyflux and Maybank - from fulfilling all the terms and conditions of the contract with the Singapore Government.
Maybank will have to fulfill all the T&Cs of the water contract if it take over ownership of Hyflux's Tuas Plant.
I think there should be many precedents of such court case.
Even if the Tuas plant is pledge as collateral to Maybank, Maybank cannot void the contract in which Hyflux signed with Singapore Government - and shall honor Hyflux obligation.
So there should be no risk - as Maybank will be obligated to continue Hyflux's obligation to supply water to Singapore Government.
Changing of ownership (from Hyflux to Maybank - in the advent of bankruptcy if it happen) - does not absolved the rights of Hyflux and Maybank - from fulfilling all the terms and conditions of the contract with the Singapore Government.
Maybank will have to fulfill all the T&Cs of the water contract if it take over ownership of Hyflux's Tuas Plant.
I think there should be many precedents of such court case.
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