Sunday, June 3, 2018

No more Mr Nice Guy: Canada's Trudeau gets tough

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has a reputation for playing it safe on burning political issues, showed a new level of grit in the face of two crises, and it may help him win re-election in 2019.
02 Jun 2018 10:15AM
Ricky Lim · 

In the end, "this fight is not going to be resolved through diplomacy or at the G7 next week; it's going to be political developments in the United States," he added, noting that Canadian tariffs on US consumer goods aimed to sway voters in key districts in the upcoming US mid-term elections.
This could be the only way to stop Trump led US protectionist trade policies from harming US and the World.
Daniel Tan
Hope all countries that are targeted by trump do the same and fight back

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