17 Jun 2018 04:36PM
Ricky Lim ·
China has taken North Korean officials on study tours of Beijing, Shanghai and its coal-rich provinces to try to encourage them to follow its example, and diplomats say it is offering detailed development planning.
But they add that Pyongyang is wary of being too dependent on Beijing, and prefers to look to Vietnam for an example of how a smaller Communist country has been able to adopt capitalism while not weakening the authorities' hold on power.
Posted on :- 05 Feb 2018
Ricky Lim ·
We should take a cue on how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos - break out from economic and political isolation to embrace the World and integrate with the World economically.
(1) China by "Exchanging of Heart" with Singapore and then open up economically and integrate with the World. China work with someone they can trust - which is Singapore.
(2) Vietnam work with Asean by joining ASEAN to open up economically.
(3) Cambodia, Laos work with both China and joining ASEAN to open up economically.
N Korea will have to work with "someone" he can trust - and do similar things like what China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos did.
But they add that Pyongyang is wary of being too dependent on Beijing, and prefers to look to Vietnam for an example of how a smaller Communist country has been able to adopt capitalism while not weakening the authorities' hold on power.
Posted on :- 05 Feb 2018
Ricky Lim ·
We should take a cue on how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos - break out from economic and political isolation to embrace the World and integrate with the World economically.
(1) China by "Exchanging of Heart" with Singapore and then open up economically and integrate with the World. China work with someone they can trust - which is Singapore.
(2) Vietnam work with Asean by joining ASEAN to open up economically.
(3) Cambodia, Laos work with both China and joining ASEAN to open up economically.
N Korea will have to work with "someone" he can trust - and do similar things like what China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos did.
Ricky Lim ·
Ricky Lim ·
But they add that Pyongyang is wary of being too dependent on Beijing, and prefers to look to Vietnam for an example of how a smaller Communist country has been able to adopt capitalism while not weakening the authorities' hold on power.
Posted on :- 6 Jun 2018
Ricky Lim ·
If N Korea successfully denuke and concentrate on Economic Development - N Korea has very wide and deep potential.
Just look at their
(1) missile development and nuclear technology,
(2) their own smartphone and telecomm development,
(3) their army assets
(4) their cyber and IT capabilities
--- they are doing all these with their internal resources with very little help.
Their human resources, big country, rich material resources --- will have very deep and wide potential for economic development if they open up and concentrate on Economic development.
In short and medium term - they can be like Vietnam economic development - and contribute substantially to Asia Pacific and Global Economy.
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Posted on :- 6 Jun 2018
Ricky Lim ·
If N Korea successfully denuke and concentrate on Economic Development - N Korea has very wide and deep potential.
Just look at their
(1) missile development and nuclear technology,
(2) their own smartphone and telecomm development,
(3) their army assets
(4) their cyber and IT capabilities
--- they are doing all these with their internal resources with very little help.
Their human resources, big country, rich material resources --- will have very deep and wide potential for economic development if they open up and concentrate on Economic development.
In short and medium term - they can be like Vietnam economic development - and contribute substantially to Asia Pacific and Global Economy.
Like · Reply · 1m
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