Wednesday, June 13, 2018

South Korea says halt to US drills may be needed to help denuclearisation talks: Report

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 

The objective of Korean Peninsula Summit is to achieve :-
(1) transforming a Truce - into a Permanent Peace Treaty
(2) achieve denuclearisation in the Korean Peninsula
(3) provide security assurance that US will not invade N Korea
(4) ensure N Korea will not start a war with S Korea
(5) coax N Korea to join the World Economic Community and come out from isolation.
(6) Focus on Economic development, trade, business and investment.

To achieve all the above objectives --- to start with converting a Truce to a Peace Treaty, and to provide security assurance to both N Korea and S Korea ---- it is imperative for S Korea and US to halt the joint-drill.

Upon this peace overture, N Korea will be convinced to start denuke.
Ricky Lim · 

All this step by step peaceful overture by both sides ---- will surely and steadily - truly achieve permanent peace in Korean Peninsula.

Henry Chua

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