Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Legally binding positions key to keeping things ‘professional and impartial’: Tan Chuan-Jin on water issue

Former Ambassador-at-Large Bilahari Kausikan also suggested that Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is raising the water issue only as a diversionary tactic in preparation to ask for a waiver or reduction of the compensation due to Singapore if Malaysia formally cancels the high-speed rail project.
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/tan-chuan-jin-water-supply-issue-malaysia-legally-binding-10470250

Legally binding positions key to keeping things ‘professional and impartial’: Tan Chuan-Jin on water issue

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim
He said Dr Mahathir’s “intention is to make the Singapore government look unreasonable hoping, first, that Singaporeans will pressure our government on his behalf, and, second, to set up an alibi with his own people".
The Malaysian Prime Minister "knows full well that the price of water was set by an international agreement under the terms of which Malaysia also buys treated water from Singapore at a low price, and buys considerably more than it is entitled to buy under the terms of the agreement”, Mr Bilahari added.
He said Malaysia would not agree to the terms of the agreement unless it is getting a good deal.
“We have gone through this umpteen times when he was last PM. He knows we are not going to change our position,” Mr Bilahari said.
“The reason is simple: if we allow Malaysia to change the terms of solemn international agreements anytime the terms of the agreement become inconvenient to them, where will it end?”
“All this is out of Dr M’s standard play-book. Singaporeans should not be deceived. Good neighbourliness ought to be a two-way street,” Mr Bilahari added.

Posted on :-
25 Jun 2018 07:07PM (Updated: 25 Jun 2018 07:23PM)

Ricky Lim
Ricky Lim
Contract sign means signed.
Agreement sign need to be honour means needs to be honour.

This is the true "rule of law".

Re-negotiate any oh how -- show he lack integrity and untrustworthiness.
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Ricky Lim
Ricky Lim
Dr Mahathir keep saying that Malaysia must value "rule of law".

International signed agreement - such as this water deal - is the legally binding "rule of law".

By flip-flopping and keep wanting to re-negotiating the deal --- is a gross violation of "rule of law".

Dr Mahathir don't seems to follow what he preach.
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Ricky Lim
If Dr. Mahathir keep wanting to breach international signed agreement - then International Court is the best place to settle the dispute.
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Ricky Lim
The World, other Countries and other Government --- will be wary of dealing and signing any international agreement with Malaysia - as Dr Mahathir is prone to breaching international signed agreement and keep flip-flopping.
Foreign investors must also be careful not to commit investment into Malaysia - as Dr Mahathir seems to flip-flop any agreement or contract signed - and will burnt investment to the advantage of Malaysia.
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Ricky Lim
If white can be black, black can be white ---- then what will the World Order be?

This is against the Universal Law of Karma -- that is why Malaysia is going through alot of topsy turvy --- failing to observe the Universal Law of Karma.
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Ricky Lim
In his Facebook post, Mr Tan said: “As a friend and neighbour, we do what we can. But being friendly and supportive doesn’t mean that we should accede to whims and fancies to show sincerity.
“When one wants his way and doesn’t get it, it isn’t because we aren’t friendly. It’s because it needs to be fair, equitable and consistent for our people. That’s the basis on which equals conduct business.”

Ricky Lim
John Cheng - when we are morally right - we must stand firm and not be cowed.

Else black become white and white become black --- and the whole World order become lawless.

Bersih - means clean - means white and pure.
Not when someone keep chanting "Bersih, Reformasi, observe "rule of law" --- then when come to its own advantage :-

Bersih - become gray, white can become black, bersih can become dirty --- this become "hyprocrisy" ---- and the whole movement of "Bersih, Reformasi, observe "rule of law"" --- all go down the drain.
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Ricky Lim
Singapore has been operating with rule of law and gain reputation internationally - for being a clean, trustworthy, reliable, honest Country worldwide.

We have since become a reputable International Hub.

This is the value and moral that we must uphold ---- and not let so call the "psuedo bersih and not so bersih movement" - inflict their "grey values" on us.
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John Cheng
Ricky Lim, I will be very surprised if old monkey forget to make issue on the old Malayan Railway Land parcel.....
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Ricky Lim
John Cheng - International Courts will be the best place to settle all these disputes.
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PossIble great lies of paying 3 Sen for one thousand gallons of water coz the melayu r not that stupid. Sg must have lined the pockets of Najib n the Johor sultan paying them few ringgit for one thousand gallon of untreated water. Try to think out of the box
Like · Reply · 13h

Your 2018 HDB same price s 1962 ?
Like · Reply · 13h

Derrick Low
Dave by your logic sg also need increase price from 50sen since 2018 is diff from 1962... Y u dun wan talk bouz this but keep harping on the 3 sen...
Like · Reply · 11h

Georgie Tan
Ricky Lim
This is M rule of law, only can be use in Malaysia. To him there is no law in other country only Malaysia.
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Ricky Lim
Dave - An international signed agreement is a legally binding contract. Morally and legally both signed parties shall abide by the contract.

There is no need to "say 3 talk 4" - 说三道四 as a contract or agreement need to be honour has to be honour - that is enforceable in the Court of Law。

If not happy, bring all the Agreements to the International Court of Justice - and settle all the disputes in the Agreements once and for all.

This will stop all the "crooked arguments" and cut all the "say 3 talk 4" - 说三道四.
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Ricky Lim
Georgie Tan - That is why Dr M lose the high moral ground of chanting observing "rule of law", "bersih", "reformasi" ---- because he preach double standard.

To his advantage - he will chant observing "rule of law", "bersih", "reformasi" - and not to his advantage - he will say "rule can bend", "bersih can be grey", "reformasi can take a back seat".

This is all about Dr M - and next time when you hear him chant observing "rule of law", "bersih", "reformasi" ----- all our "goose pimples" will pop out - because he lose all the high moral ground.
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Ho Chee Keong
we will renegotiate the 3 sen
over our dead bodies
Jeyabalen Balasingam
Let's ignore Bilahari and the paper generals and look at it objectively. Malaysia needs help and as a neighbour we should play our part to assist. As much as we flog the patriots message, we must never forget that ethnically we are very much one with families and friends on both ends.
Tun Osman
You n your dumb ideology.
Ricky Lim
Jeyabalen Balasingam - Now this Dr M practically want to review all Agreement signed - and you say you want to compromise to help?

Then where is our Sovereignty? Where will be the end?
It end up we are suckers all the time - to be taken advantage of .

If you signed contracts and agreements with your banks, your suppliers --- and they keep revising their rates or levy charges on you --- will you comply everytime?

You are talking nonsense.

Ricky Lim
Jeyabalen Balasingam - when Dr M went to Japan to give a speech that he want to revise the CPTPP --- the Japan leaders did not bother to respond to him.

Similarly, when Trump say he want to come back to join TPP after he rescind the TPP - all the TPP leaders keep him out.

Dr M say he want to review the China projects - China leaders similarly did not respond to him.

Breaking an International signed agreement - is showing a lack of integrity and untrustworthiness - whether as a Country leader or in business ----- and people will not trust or deal with such people who lack professionalism.

A signed agreement or contract --- is the foundation, is basis in which a business can be conducted professionally, with trust and protected by law - so that signed parties can carried out their obligations without fear or distrust.

If you and Dr M fail to understand this fundamental of "Law of Contract" - then you should not be running any business, or be in government or sign any contracts or agreements.

Ricky Lim
If you want a proper legal definition of "Law of Contract" - read this and understand it thoroughly :-

"A contract is a promise or set of promises that are legally enforceable and, if violated, allow the injured party access to legal remedies. Contract law recognises and governs the rights and duties arising from agreements."

Ricky Lim
If you want a proper legal definition of "Law of Contract" - read this and understand it thoroughly :-

"A contract is a promise or set of promises that are legally enforceable and, if violated, allow the injured party access to legal remedies. Contract law recognises and governs the rights and duties arising from agreements."

Forget talking about "bersih" - if Dr M and you cannot understand this.
Under table money, makan lui, and all type of shady dealings will come in ---- if Dr M and you fail to understand the "sacred values" of a signed agreement or contract.

No one will want to deal with Dr M and you.

We need to realize that the mainstream media harps non stop on the Mahathir water price issue as a diversionary tactic to the unhappiness due to the cost of living increases in Singapore. Water tax went up 30% before Mahathir even got elected.
Ong Chun Teck
Ah... looks like what Bikahari was right - DTM using Singaporeans to pressure the government.
Ong Chun Teck it's a fact that the water tax was already decided upon regardless. It is also a fact that there was already unhappiness about the increase in prices in Singapore. Malaysia wasn't even in the picture yet. So what pressure? If the SG govt can't even sense the ground sentiment properly then too bad for them when the time comes.
Ricky Lim
ビンオマール宗作 - if Dr M turn off the tap from Johore, Singapore will not survive without water.

The tax on water is to build desalination plants, new-water plants, build our reservoir etc --- to ensure Singapore can continue to survive.

So don't be used by Dr M to turn against Singapore to benefit Dr M.

If you cannot see through Dr M ploy - then you have been used as pawn by Dr M to bring chaos to Singapore.

Ricky Lim
Definition of "Law of Contract" :-

"A contract is a promise or set of promises that are legally enforceable and, if violated, allow the injured party access to legal remedies. Contract law recognises and governs the rights and duties arising from agreements."

Forget talking about "bersih" - if Dr M cannot understand this.

Under table money, makan lui, and all type of shady dealings will come in ---- if Dr M fail to understand the "sacred values" of a signed agreement or contract.

No one will want to deal with Dr M.
Ricky Lim
If Dr M want to review the Agreement ---- Dr M essentially is breaking the contract ---- and under the Law of Contract :-

"A contract is a promise or set of promises that are legally enforceable and, if violated, allow the injured party access to legal remedies."

So we are the aggreived parties --- and in the International Courts of Law - we will be entitled to legal remedies.

Ricky Lim
When Dr M went to Japan to give a speech that he want to revise the CPTPP --- the Japan leaders did not bother to respond to him.

Similarly, when Trump say he want to come back to join TPP after he rescind the TPP - all the TPP leaders keep him out.

Dr M say he want to review the China projects - China leaders similarly did not respond to him.

Breaking an International signed agreement - is showing a lack of integrity and untrustworthiness - whether as a Country leader or in business ----- and people will not trust or deal with such people who lack professionalism.

A signed agreement or contract --- is the foundation, is basis in which a business can be conducted professionally, with trust and protected by law - so that signed parties can carried out their obligations without fear or distrust.

If Dr M fail to understand this fundamental of "Law of Contract" - then Dr M should not be running any business, or be in government or sign any contracts or agreements.

Ricky Lim
And if people view that what Dr M do is right and is supporting Dr M's flip flopping as a right and is supporting his views and actions ----- then people are encouraging Dr M to create chaos in World Order, to break contracts and agreements with whims and fancies as long as it benefit Dr M.

Then all hell will break loose.

Ricky Lim
And if people view that what Dr M do is right and is supporting Dr M's flip flopping as a right and is supporting his views and actions ----- then people are encouraging Dr M to create chaos in World Order, to break contracts and agreements with whims and fancies as long as it benefit Dr M.

Then all hell will break loose.

All commercial contracts will fall apart.
All government tenders, contracts, agreements - become toilet paper - can roti-prata and flip-flop any oh how, any whim and fancies.

This means all business cannot be properly conducted in the World :-
- because rule can be bend,
- law can be broken,
- bersih can be tainted with a little bit of coffee money, under-table money,
- contract and agreement can be change any oh how with shady dealings.

--- then what movement of "bersih" is about?
--- then what movement of "rule of law" is about?
--- then what movement of "reformasi" is about?

---- then must as well demolish all laws, rules, regulations, contract, agreement --- because they are all meant to be broken.

The whole World --- will then go back to how it trigger the World War 1 and World War 2.

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