Saturday, June 9, 2018

'I come back very impressed': Vivian Balakrishnan on trip to North Korea

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim · 
“To be frank with you, I come back very impressed,” Dr Balakrishnan said to Singapore media on Saturday in Beijing, where he made a brief stopover after flying from Pyongyang in the morning.

“Frankly, my views have also altered based on what I saw, heard, and (after I had) spoken to people,” he said, sharing his reflections on North Korea. “Clearly, the government has been hard at work all these decades to upgrade their infrastructure."

Dr Balakrishnan also said he saw beyond the hardware in North Korea.
“I also got to experience the rugged, disciplined, determined, self-reliant society,” he said. “They know they have had enormous challenges for well-nigh a century in North Korea. But they are proud of themselves and of their identity, and I can see there is that determination to move on, get ahead and to progress."
“So the society itself is a very impressive society and a city in its own right,” he added.

Posted on :- 6 Jun 2018
Ricky Lim ·
If N Korea successfully denuke and concentrate on Economic Development - N Korea has very wide and deep potential.

Just look at their
(1) missile development and nuclear technology,
(2) their own smartphone and telecomm development,
(3) their army assets
(4) their cyber and IT capabilities

--- they are doing all these with their internal resources with very little help.

Their human resources, big country, rich material resources --- will have very deep and wide potential for economic development if they open up and concentrate on Economic development.

In short and medium term - they can be like Vietnam economic development - and contribute substantially to Asia Pacific and Global Economy.
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Ricky Lim · 
为仆先知 .......

The prophecy is correct .........

You did a fake funny expression! How this communist country has latest technologies and equipments in hospital likes Singapore ( it is a true diplomatic talk to give way for Mr. Kim to put his feet on Singapore soil)
Ricky Lim · 
The eye machine in the picture - Ryugyong General Ophthalmic Hospital - is also used by the eye specialist in Singapore hospital.

You certainly make an accusation without checking the fact.

Ricky Lim · 
BTW, Dr.Balakrishnan is an eye specialist.
He certainly know whether the eye equipment is the latest or not.

Ricky Lim · 
From 1993 to 1995, Balakrishnan worked at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London as a specialist senior registrar, where he subspecialised in paediatric ophthalmology. He later returned to Singapore, where he was appointed as a consultant ophthalmologist at the Singapore National Eye Centre and National University Hospital, and an associate professor of ophthalmology at the National University of Singapore in 1998. In 1999, he was appointed the Medical Director of the Singapore National Eye Centre, and later became chief executive officer of the Singapore General Hospital in 2000.
Jimmy Hui
Ricky Lim, you're just a pap troll and nothing else. Always long grandma stories about them. 为仆先知 suits you very much.
Ricky Lim · 

Jimmy Hui - Responding to you is a total waste of time. And be assured this will be the last response to you.

There is nothing you write on board that has any values - except mega complains and attacking others with views that you oppose.

And if you think your this dirty tactics will discourage people with good views to stop posting - then you will be very wrong. 
Because more good views (extremely long grandmother stories when necessary) will come when call for. 
And it will disturb you further.

Ricky Lim · 

Note that the picture of housing development in the entire city Pyongyang ---- is not a stage show ---- because it will cause billions of dollars to build such a big city.

Noting that N Korea have very little help from outside and are using their internal resources - whether human resources, internal resources - and believe some help from China ---- the city development is certainly impressive.

Just looking at their cyber IT skills - can tell N Korea skillset can match any of the top IT Countries in the World.

Thus if N Korea succeeded in denuke, sign the Peace Treaty and eventually integrate with the World Economically ------ the potential of N Korea in Economic Development - can catch up with Countries that are developing very fast.
Ricky Lim · 

Also noted that the metro (basically MRT or train) - as the internal public transport system - presumably build by the N Koreans ----- with little or no help ---- is also a proof of the N Korea transport engineering capability.

Ricky Lim · 

And N Korea also build their own smartphone, their own phone operating system, build their own 3G, 4G telephone infrastructure network --- all using their internal resources with little or no help ---- is also a testimony of their IT, telecom engineering capability.

Ricky Lim · 

Looking at the tall building build in Pyongyang --- they will have heavy cranes, lift capability, construction expertise ---- all in house.

Thus their building development and engineering cannot be underestimated.

Ricky Lim · 
Peace is within reach for N Korea.

If N Korea really succeed in the coming Summit --- denuke, sign Peace Treaty, secure security assurance and successfully integrate with the World Economic Community ----- I am very sure that N Korea will be an up and coming Economic powerhouse --- and will be able to contribute immensely to Asia Pacific and World Economy.

---- end of Grandmaster stories for this topic ....... 

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