Legally binding positions key to keeping things ‘professional and impartial’: Tan Chuan-Jin on water issue
Former Ambassador-at-Large Bilahari Kausikan also suggested that Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is raising the water issue only as a diversionary tactic in preparation to ask for a waiver or reduction of the compensation due to Singapore if Malaysia formally cancels the high-speed rail project.
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If Malaysia doesn't comply with the 1962 agreement, there is nothing Singapore can do about it and prepare for water suppy cut off before contract expires. This agreement was signed during British colonial times and 3 cents then different from now.
You may want to read up SGP position when dealing with Dr M on the same issue. Readup Tony Tan replies. If Dr M think he has a case, bring it to the international court. This is no child play.
Poi Pat - If Dr M refuse to comply with the signed water agreement, there are many things Singapore can do :- 1. Singapore can bring Malaysia to International Court of Justice for breaching of contract - and demand remedies. 2. If Malaysia is found to have breach the contract and refuse to pay remedies as judged by the Court --- then Malaysia will face a trust deficit in the eyes of the World.
Reputation damages to Malaysia will be huge. i. You can see now the ringgit value is plunging --- which indicates that foregin investors are selling ringgit in exchange for foreign currencies and are pulling out their currencies out of Malaysia financial market --- due to the huge financial scandal announced. ii. Foreign investors are slowly pulling their investment out of Malaysia - due to whim and fancies announcement of reviewing China investment projects, HSR and water review with Singapore --- which are spooking financial investors and business investment.
--- All these means Malaysia are losing business and jobs will be lost and cash outflow become the norm ----- this will grossly affect the Economy of Malaysia --- further exacerbating the economic conditions of Malaysia.
Poi Pat - once Malaysia project itself as unreliable, untrustworthy, lack integrity, flip flop ---- you can be very sure that the World, foreign leaders, foreign investment, business etc will stop dealing with Malaysia.
Malaysia will become increasingly isolated - politically, economically and socially ---- because lacking in integrity and trustworthiness - will also means lacking credit trustworthiness.
The World will just bypass Malaysia and deal with other more trustworthy Countries.
Poi Pat - once Malaysia project itself as unreliable, untrustworthy, lack integrity, flip flop ---- you can be very sure that the World, foreign leaders, foreign investment, business etc will stop dealing with Malaysia.
Malaysia will become increasingly isolated - politically, economically and socially ---- because lacking in integrity and trustworthiness - will also means lacking credit trustworthiness.
The World will just bypass Malaysia and deal with other more trustworthy Countries.
What is right and what is wrong --- the World can tell - no one is stupid or gullible.
People will only deal with Country, Leaders, People and Business - who are trustworthy, reliable, honest and clean.
People will shun or refrain from dealing with a Leader - who are seen to be unreliable, flip-flop, sly, petty, unreliable, dishonest and pretending to be bersih.
What a load of crap. Is the Sg gov really feel guilty now n asking all its running dogs to start barking about its innocence ? Was Mahathir’s message so powerful that the whole parliament of Sg cannot have a good night’s sleep ? If u think that it’s a legal binding contract n u did not go into a unconscionable contract to put mys at a disadvantage to th3 extent of daylight robbery, why repeat this issue ? Why not let it take its natural course, let Mahathir file a legal complaint ? Why jump the gun ? OMG, only guilty parties like Najib keep on harping on his innocence. What’s the use ? Let the law take its course. What is this crap about professional n impartial? What’s this bullshit MFA is trying to order Mys to fully comply with the 1962 water agreement? Is the Sg gov making n accusation against the PM of mys ? What crap has the Sg gov gone to ? Keep on drumming up the “ brainless “ Sg ppl to tell them that mys is guilty of breach of contract ? I m sure many Sg ppl r not brainless n had read enough. U don’t pay 1962 HDB flat prices for new 2018 flats. Unless the 3 sen per thousand gallons of water was paid by Sg was with currupt money of more than 3 sen that the Sg public was not allowed to know
Bridget Bourdon , that’s the way . Make hay while the sun shines. If my s is capable it would stop giving even the dirtiest water to Sg n start it’s own treatment plants which would b peanuts at today’s price compared to treatment plants made in 1965. Got the idea ? So the smartest shit Sg could do is to keep its mouth shut n get water at any of today’s price that it is worth. So don’t u think the Sg PM n all pap cronies right down to every Sg idiot ( I m excluding the smart ppl like me) to cry foul on Mahathir’s claim that 3 sen or less than 1 Sg cent of fresh water ( other than sea water which is free) per thousand gallon is daylight robbery ? U may charge I million dollar per cup of treated water if u like to sell back to mys, the point is mys is going to sell Sg more than 1 cent per thousand gallons of untreated water. The figure could b perhaps under one million dollar per thousand gallons so long s it’s a commercial deal. Mahathir knows that he got no love lost for Sg in spite of all these bullshit of Sg’ hypocritical claims of we were brothers or sisters. So go large scale now while the cost is cheap to make your own drinkable new water n tell mys off that u can go n fly kite, we Sg is not needing one oz of whatever shit water u wish to sell. For your info, many states of mys wanted to buy Johor water coz they have water rationing. So why sell to a foreigner when your own ppl got no water a. Got the idea big brain ?
Dave - you are instigating alot of foreign powers to act against Singapore interest over the social media for many months and years. You are on the watch list.
Singapore needs to be vigilant against those who seek to mount insidious information campaigns to influence segments of Singaporeans for their own ends, said former president Tony Tan Keng Yam yesterday.
''Singapore cannot tolerate attempts by foreign countries or entities to manipulate our people's sentiments,'' Dr Tan told 800 diplomats and students in his first public lecture since his six-year presidential term ended on Aug 31.
He highlighted how foreign influences like religious extremism are already worsening societal divisions in other countries.
Singapore will not be spared.
He warned that attempts may be made by external forces to divide Singapore along racial and religious fault lines.
In the face of such attempts to manipulate sentiments, the ties that bind Singaporeans as one people are vital, he said at the annual S. Rajaratnam Lecture organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
''At the end of the day, a successful foreign policy also requires strong domestic support at home.
''Notwithstanding any differences we may have internally, we have to close ranks and stand firm on issues that have significant impact on Singapore's national interests,'' he added.
In a 30-minute lecture titled The Domestic Context of Singapore's Foreign Policy, Dr Tan made the case that for a small country like Singapore, domestic and foreign policies are inextricably linked.
Singapore must not shy away from standing up for its vital interests, even if bilateral relations turn sour for a while, he stressed. And Singaporeans need to have the confidence to stand together as a nation and weather such turbulence.
He cited two instances.
One is the dispute over Pedra Branca, which is a sovereignty issue, and the other is on honouring important international agreements such as the terms of the Water Agreements and the Points of Agreement with Malaysia.
''Each time and at each test, we have stood firm,'' said Dr Tan, who is now honorary patron of Singapore Management University.
The rocky outcrop of Pedra Branca is back in the spotlight, after Malaysia asked the International Court of Justice in February to review its 2008 decision to award it to Singapore.
Dr Tan said Singapore also needs to stay cohesive and resilient to succeed.
But, he added, there is one major threat to Singapore's domestic and foreign policy: the spread of fake news and misinformation.
Big and small states realise they can use misinformation to undermine the will of nations they have problems with, Dr Tan noted.
And smaller players can manipulate social media to do this at little cost, he added.
The technique is new but the goal is age-old, he said. ''They seek to divide a country against itself.''
Singapore is vulnerable as it is one of the world's most Internetconnected societies, and one of the most diverse nations on earth.
To guard against this threat, Dr Tan urged people not to take information at face value. ''The next time you read a foreign policy commentary or op-ed, ask yourself who stands to benefit from the proposed course of action.''
Singaporeans also need to be well-informed and understand not just a diversity of views but also the trade-offs that
come with each policy position, he added.
For instance, training officers from other countries may divert resources from local policies, but will go a long way in generating goodwill for Singapore, said Dr Tan.
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