(Updated: )
Ricky Lim
Contract sign means signed.
Agreement sign need to be honour means needs to be honour.
This is the true "rule of law".
Re-negotiate any oh how -- show he lack integrity and untrustworthiness.
Contract sign means signed.
Agreement sign need to be honour means needs to be honour.
This is the true "rule of law".
Re-negotiate any oh how -- show he lack integrity and untrustworthiness.
Ricky Lim
Dr Mahathir keep saying that Malaysia must value "rule of law".
International signed agreement - such as this water deal - is the legally binding "rule of law".
By flip-flopping and keep wanting to re-negotiating the deal --- is a gross violation of "rule of law".
Dr Mahathir don't seems to follow what he preach.
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Ricky Lim
If Dr. Mahathir keep wanting to breach international signed agreement - then International Court is the best place to settle the dispute.
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Ricky Lim
The World, other Countries and other Government --- will be wary of dealing and signing any international agreement with Malaysia - as Dr Mahathir is prone to breaching international signed agreement and keep flip-flopping.
Foreign investors must also be careful not to commit investment into Malaysia - as Dr Mahathir seems to flip-flop any agreement or contract signed - and will burnt investment to the advantage of Malaysia.
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Dr Mahathir keep saying that Malaysia must value "rule of law".
International signed agreement - such as this water deal - is the legally binding "rule of law".
By flip-flopping and keep wanting to re-negotiating the deal --- is a gross violation of "rule of law".
Dr Mahathir don't seems to follow what he preach.
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
If Dr. Mahathir keep wanting to breach international signed agreement - then International Court is the best place to settle the dispute.
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
The World, other Countries and other Government --- will be wary of dealing and signing any international agreement with Malaysia - as Dr Mahathir is prone to breaching international signed agreement and keep flip-flopping.
Foreign investors must also be careful not to commit investment into Malaysia - as Dr Mahathir seems to flip-flop any agreement or contract signed - and will burnt investment to the advantage of Malaysia.
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If white can be black, black can be white ---- then what will the World Order be?
This is against the Universal Law of Karma -- that is why Malaysia is going through alot of topsy turvy --- failing to observe the Universal Law of Karma.
This is against the Universal Law of Karma -- that is why Malaysia is going through alot of topsy turvy --- failing to observe the Universal Law of Karma.
Mahathir called Trump "mercurial". Seems like he himself isn't far off.
Reply · 10m
Meng Yang - Both suffer from this :-
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Individuals with this disorder exhibit a lack of ability to empathize with others and an inflated sense of self-importance.
The hallmarks of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) are grandiosity, a lack of empathy for other people, and a need for admiration. People with this condition are frequently described as arrogant, self-centered, manipulative, and demanding. They may also concentrate on grandiose fantasies (e.g. their own success, beauty, brilliance) and may be convinced that they deserve special treatment. These characteristics typically begin in early adulthood and must be consistently evident in multiple contexts, such as at work and in relationships.
People with narcissistic personality disorder believe they are superior or special, and often try to associate with other people they believe are unique or gifted in some way. This association enhances their self-esteem, which is typically quite fragile underneath the surface. Individuals with NPD seek excessive admiration and attention in order to know that others think highly of them. Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder have difficulty tolerating criticism or defeat, and may be left feeling humiliated or empty when they experience an "injury" in the form of criticism or rejection.
Narcissistic personality disorder is indicated by five or more of the following symptoms:
Exaggerates own importance
Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence or ideal romance
Believes he or she is special and can only be understood by other special people or institutions
Requires constant attention and admiration from others
Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
Takes advantage of others to reach his or her own goals
Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy
Is often envious of others or believes other people are envious of him or her
Shows arrogant behaviors and attitudes
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Individuals with this disorder exhibit a lack of ability to empathize with others and an inflated sense of self-importance.
The hallmarks of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) are grandiosity, a lack of empathy for other people, and a need for admiration. People with this condition are frequently described as arrogant, self-centered, manipulative, and demanding. They may also concentrate on grandiose fantasies (e.g. their own success, beauty, brilliance) and may be convinced that they deserve special treatment. These characteristics typically begin in early adulthood and must be consistently evident in multiple contexts, such as at work and in relationships.
People with narcissistic personality disorder believe they are superior or special, and often try to associate with other people they believe are unique or gifted in some way. This association enhances their self-esteem, which is typically quite fragile underneath the surface. Individuals with NPD seek excessive admiration and attention in order to know that others think highly of them. Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder have difficulty tolerating criticism or defeat, and may be left feeling humiliated or empty when they experience an "injury" in the form of criticism or rejection.
Narcissistic personality disorder is indicated by five or more of the following symptoms:
Exaggerates own importance
Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence or ideal romance
Believes he or she is special and can only be understood by other special people or institutions
Requires constant attention and admiration from others
Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
Takes advantage of others to reach his or her own goals
Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy
Is often envious of others or believes other people are envious of him or her
Shows arrogant behaviors and attitudes
John Cheng
Ricky Lim, that old monkey is just doing some old tricks to show many gullible Malaysians that he honor his post election promises. Wait another one year more, all those gullible desperate followers will know that a leopard never shed it's spots.
John Cheng - when we are morally right - we must stand firm and not be cowed.
Else black become white and white become black --- and the whole World order become lawless.
Bersih - means clean - means white and pure.
Not when someone keep chanting "Bersih, Reformasi, observe "rule of law" --- then when come to its own advantage :-
Bersih - become gray, white can become black, bersih can become dirty --- this become "hyprocrisy" ---- and the whole movement of "Bersih, Reformasi, observe "rule of law"" --- all go down the drain.
Else black become white and white become black --- and the whole World order become lawless.
Bersih - means clean - means white and pure.
Not when someone keep chanting "Bersih, Reformasi, observe "rule of law" --- then when come to its own advantage :-
Bersih - become gray, white can become black, bersih can become dirty --- this become "hyprocrisy" ---- and the whole movement of "Bersih, Reformasi, observe "rule of law"" --- all go down the drain.
Ricky Lim
Singapore has been operating with rule of law and gain reputation internationally - for being a clean, trustworthy, reliable, honest Country worldwide.
We have since become a reputable International Hub.
This is the value and moral that we must uphold ---- and not let so call the "psuedo bersih and not so bersih movement" - inflict their "grey values" on us.
We have since become a reputable International Hub.
This is the value and moral that we must uphold ---- and not let so call the "psuedo bersih and not so bersih movement" - inflict their "grey values" on us.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
John Cheng
Ricky Lim, I will be very surprised if old monkey forget to make issue on the old Malayan Railway Land parcel.....
Ricky Lim
John Cheng - International Courts will be the best place to settle all these disputes.
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Derrick Low
Dave by your logic sg also need increase price from 50sen since 2018 is diff from 1962... Y u dun wan talk bouz this but keep harping on the 3 sen...
Georgie Tan
Ricky Lim
This is M rule of law, only can be use in Malaysia. To him there is no law in other country only Malaysia.
This is M rule of law, only can be use in Malaysia. To him there is no law in other country only Malaysia.
Ricky Lim
Dave - An international signed agreement is a legally binding contract. Morally and legally both signed parties shall abide by the contract.
There is no need to "say 3 talk 4" - 说三道四 as a contract or agreement need to be honour has to be honour - that is enforceable in the Court of Law。
If not happy, bring all the Agreements to the International Court of Justice - and settle all the disputes in the Agreements once and for all.
This will stop all the "crooked arguments" and cut all the "say 3 talk 4" - 说三道四.
There is no need to "say 3 talk 4" - 说三道四 as a contract or agreement need to be honour has to be honour - that is enforceable in the Court of Law。
If not happy, bring all the Agreements to the International Court of Justice - and settle all the disputes in the Agreements once and for all.
This will stop all the "crooked arguments" and cut all the "say 3 talk 4" - 说三道四.
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
Georgie Tan - That is why Dr M lose the high moral ground of chanting observing "rule of law", "bersih", "reformasi" ---- because he preach double standard.
To his advantage - he will chant observing "rule of law", "bersih", "reformasi" - and not to his advantage - he will say "rule can bend", "bersih can be grey", "reformasi can take a back seat".
This is all about Dr M - and next time when you hear him chant observing "rule of law", "bersih", "reformasi" ----- all our "goose pimples" will pop out - because he lose all the high moral ground.
To his advantage - he will chant observing "rule of law", "bersih", "reformasi" - and not to his advantage - he will say "rule can bend", "bersih can be grey", "reformasi can take a back seat".
This is all about Dr M - and next time when you hear him chant observing "rule of law", "bersih", "reformasi" ----- all our "goose pimples" will pop out - because he lose all the high moral ground.
Georgie Lee
Jusr want to say again this 92 year old snake's face is thicker than cowhide. 92 year and yet no shame. MFA and LTA just throw the book at that 92 year old snake's face and tell him to talk in court.
So our PM was wrong when he claimed that after the meeting with Tun it was ''warm and fruitful". What will be his thought now..
Raymond Chan
Now it is water, I hope he don't revisit the crooked bridge. Singaporeans should also not take our water resources lightly. Malaysia is still threatening us. We should support the governemt in its effort to be self sufficient in water in the near future
Same OLD bullying Tactics. Trying to test the resilience of our 4th Generation Leadership. Be a MAN. Made a a FIRM Stand......and repel the old foxy.
Dr M using water to negotiate non payment of the RM500m for HSR cancellation. Good try Dr M. Please look after your own health cuz you are not young, later you Up lorry faster
Its a question of which side is dishonest and untrustworthy/ Any agreement is an agreement even if its signed 70 years ago. By the way, Singapore does not actually draw 250 gallon daily from Johor in fact Singapore needs water only in special cases like a long drought .. and in future if there is a war.
There are over 250,000 Malaysians living or working in Singapore. Without them Singapore probably have a lesser concern if Madhathir decides to cut our water supply.
We should have decided long ago to import and export clean mountain water and make a business out of that. That said, we think now is the best time to start thinking about becoming a major exporter of pure water. Hope the Goverment is reading this and referring to our suggestion put up a few months ago.
We were anticipating this nasty old man to be Malaysia's PM accidentally, but not because he is smart younger thinking out of the old box fellow but because everyone in Johor (and throughout Malaysia) were spreadinfg rumours that "BN will surely win but dont give them too many votes"
That trick worked like a charm as the blurry eye kampong voters voted for PH but not expecting Madhathir to become PM.
The election outcome surprised many who naively voted for the opposition, including Madhathir himself. We have cousins in Johor and friends all over Malaysia who said everyone was shocked by the election results.
There are over 250,000 Malaysians living or working in Singapore. Without them Singapore probably have a lesser concern if Madhathir decides to cut our water supply.
We should have decided long ago to import and export clean mountain water and make a business out of that. That said, we think now is the best time to start thinking about becoming a major exporter of pure water. Hope the Goverment is reading this and referring to our suggestion put up a few months ago.
We were anticipating this nasty old man to be Malaysia's PM accidentally, but not because he is smart younger thinking out of the old box fellow but because everyone in Johor (and throughout Malaysia) were spreadinfg rumours that "BN will surely win but dont give them too many votes"
That trick worked like a charm as the blurry eye kampong voters voted for PH but not expecting Madhathir to become PM.
The election outcome surprised many who naively voted for the opposition, including Madhathir himself. We have cousins in Johor and friends all over Malaysia who said everyone was shocked by the election results.
Like · Reply · 3m

Sebastian J Muthu
minsters should take a pay cut and pay for the water - they have been showing off their high salaries and so it reflects that the country can dig deeper into it's coffers - sicne it is going about on investments abroad with GIC and have themselves change both laws and constitution umpteen times since 1965 (like the CPF age, minimum sum, GRC and other such things were relooked - including life expectancy), Or maybe Singapore may need to exchange predra branca for keeping the concession in place or such where it has to be a fair deal buying water at 3 sens but selling it back 50 sens per 1000 gallons, i guess maybe treated. So if mayalsia has kept it's prices for so low for so long how can PAP explain the 30% water price hike? I think Mahatir ir doing this to help Singaporeans - if the PAP will not increase our water by 30% i do not think Mahatir will need to relook at water rates so much but it is because PAP is increasing water prices ...
Like · Reply · 15 · 17h · Edited

Bernard Goh
Muthu You seems to love the Mama M . go join him in Malaysia
Like · Reply · 9 · 16h

Meng Zeng
Mahatir helps Singaporean? Best joke in the history of human civilization! Malaysia has no option but to comply with the agreement. Singapore must be firmed and ready to use all resources to ensure all provisions of the agreement is met.
Like · Reply · 12 · 15h

Sebastian J Muthu
It is hard for Singapore to be firm once 1MDB is fully exposed & HSR or other matters. Mahathir is showing us how cowards like pap voters are and how Malaysia boleh change after half century single ruling party - Malaysia boleh but SINGAPORE Tak bodek
Like · Reply · 2 · 14h

PossIble great lies of paying 3 Sen for one thousand gallons of water coz the melayu r not that stupid. Sg must have lined the pockets of Najib n the Johor sultan paying them few ringgit for one thousand gallon of untreated water. Try to think out of the box
Like · Reply · 14h

James Lee
Dave This is a lame excuse. There was an attempt to show other costs that Singapore had borne, land, maintenance, etc.. Bring those calculations, discuss, be fair, and ask for fairness. Nowadays, everyone can do the arithmetic, I hope.
Like · Reply · 12h

Eric Foo
Bernard Goh Sebastian Muthu is probably a double agent for Malaysia
Like · Reply · 1 · 12h

Audrey Khong
Brain enter water!
Like · Reply · 5h

Michael Cheng
Sebastian J Muthu instead of uniting against a foreign element u decide to divide us. very "wise" of u. prata M. loves to exploit such local scums to his advantage
Like · Reply · 1h · Edited

Sebastian J Muthu
minsters should take a pay cut and pay for the water - they have been showing off their high salaries and so it reflects that the country can dig deeper into it's coffers - sicne it is going about on investments abroad with GIC and have themselves change both laws and constitution umpteen times since 1965 (like the CPF age, minimum sum, GRC and other such things were relooked - including life expectancy), Or maybe Singapore may need to exchange predra branca for keeping the concession in place or such where it has to be a fair deal buying water at 3 sens but selling it back 50 sens per 1000 gallons, i guess maybe treated. So if mayalsia has kept it's prices for so low for so long how can PAP explain the 30% water price hike? I think Mahatir ir doing this to help Singaporeans - if the PAP will not increase our water by 30% i do not think Mahatir will need to relook at water rates so much but it is because PAP is increasing water prices ...
Like · Reply · 15 · 17h · Edited

Bernard Goh
Muthu You seems to love the Mama M . go join him in Malaysia
Like · Reply · 9 · 16h

Meng Zeng
Mahatir helps Singaporean? Best joke in the history of human civilization! Malaysia has no option but to comply with the agreement. Singapore must be firmed and ready to use all resources to ensure all provisions of the agreement is met.
Like · Reply · 12 · 15h

Sebastian J Muthu
It is hard for Singapore to be firm once 1MDB is fully exposed & HSR or other matters. Mahathir is showing us how cowards like pap voters are and how Malaysia boleh change after half century single ruling party - Malaysia boleh but SINGAPORE Tak bodek
Like · Reply · 2 · 14h

PossIble great lies of paying 3 Sen for one thousand gallons of water coz the melayu r not that stupid. Sg must have lined the pockets of Najib n the Johor sultan paying them few ringgit for one thousand gallon of untreated water. Try to think out of the box
Like · Reply · 14h

James Lee
Dave This is a lame excuse. There was an attempt to show other costs that Singapore had borne, land, maintenance, etc.. Bring those calculations, discuss, be fair, and ask for fairness. Nowadays, everyone can do the arithmetic, I hope.
Like · Reply · 12h

Eric Foo
Bernard Goh Sebastian Muthu is probably a double agent for Malaysia
Like · Reply · 1 · 12h

Audrey Khong
Brain enter water!
Like · Reply · 5h

Michael Cheng
Sebastian J Muthu instead of uniting against a foreign element u decide to divide us. very "wise" of u. prata M. loves to exploit such local scums to his advantage
Like · Reply · 1h · Edited
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