色界 (Form)(where the physical appearance of a Divinity - 达摩祖师 - has led to his crucification as Jesus, and as Prophet Mohammad has led to jihad) (And when Sakyamuni Buddha appear in person and made known to everyone as the Awakened One - not many people believe him).
(1) Hinduism to Theravada Buddhism - Sakyamuni Buddha. When beceome 斯达多太子 Enlightened and become Sakaymuni Buddha, 四面佛 (that represent Hinduism, 天道教, Christianity, Is-Lam anchor on Theravada Buddhism) come to Sakyamuni Buddha to preach the Universal Dharma to the World. Sakyamuni Buddha when he was a Prince married a Princess and bore a male child (Rahula - who become Arahat after the Prince become the Sakyamuni Buddha). Then the Prince after 苦行 realise that he need to go into Middle Path (as extreme in Wealth and extreme in Poverty - cannot attain Enlightenment). After He met a lady (milk lady) and drink the milk given by the milk lady, the Prince sit in a Bodhi Tree and attain the Supreme Enlightenment (seeing Mara that threaten His life, see Lust, see Wealth) - before he attain Supreme Enlightenment of Nirvana. Then Sakyamuni Buddha turn the Dharma Wheel in a Deer Park and after a while, 2 of his close disciples become his left and right Arahats to help him spread Theravada Buddhism. The 2 Arahats are Ananda Arahat (阿南 阿罗汉)(Compassion Arahat) & 大迦色 阿罗汉 (Panna Wisdom Arahat)。The Princess should be Sakyamuni Buddha 1st Wife. Milk lady should be Sakyamuni Buddha 2nd Wife.
(2) 阿弥陀佛, 观世音菩萨,弥勒未来佛 (son of 阿弥陀佛 & 观世音菩萨 teach 达摩祖师 via 禅 (Zen) in 空界 via Singapor-lah Pureland (新家-净土)。
(3) 达摩祖师 spread 禅 to 中国. 达摩祖师 teach 慧能六祖。
(4) 达摩祖师 teach Zen to Japan.
(5) 慧能六主 teach 达摩祖师 in Silk Road to become Jesus.
(Note :- But 达摩祖师 in 中国 must have learned 道教 because 道教 讲天地,乾坤 that cover 天,地,地狱 that mirror the Christianity that talk about Heaven, Earth and Hell. It uses 禅 through 相 to teach Zen in 空界 in the East.
But in the West, 达摩祖师 rebirth as a white man, Jesus to teach Christianity verbally and not 禅 through 相 to teach Zen in 空界 as the West does not understand 禅 through 相 to understand Zen stimuli and response in 空界 .
Notice that Jesus did not teach Higher Heaven as He uses 道教 and not all the Hinduism various steps of Form and Formless Heavens but instead straight to God.
But God - Go d already (五蕴皆空) as it only see the Form side (色界) but not the 空界 that is why the wrong focus point as God only see one side (the Form side - 色界) but not able to see the Formless side (空界)in whidh the discourse is expounded by 禅 or Zen (through Zen stimuli and Zen response). As Form side (色界)- is subject to the Law of Impermanence - birth, live, decay, demise (but cannot see rebirth).
The focus point should be on 5 Stars (Chinese Divinity) and 9 Grade Lotus Pureland of Red (Chinese Divinity) and White (PAP) - Singapura Pureland (新家-净土))。
(6) When Jesus (达摩祖师)teach Christianity, bible did not mention Christianity evolve from Buddhism. And Roman nail Jesus (达摩祖师)on the cross.
(7) Then Jesus (达摩祖师)rebirth as Prophet Mohammad (达摩祖师).
(8) Prophet Mohammad (达摩祖师)then taught Is-Lam to Mus-Lim. 达摩祖师 all the while has a Bodhi Heart (菩提心)and perform the role as 菩萨 (Bodhisattva). But 达摩祖师 (as Jesus) was crucified and anger arises when He felt that those Ignorance of the Universal Truth refused to listen to His Dharma that will help to salvage themselves. As a result, when 达摩祖师 as Jesus when rebirth as Prophet Mohammad turn to jihad (holy war) when Ignoranace of the Universal Law refuse to believe in Is-Lam - Allah. But we must believe in Bodhi Heart (菩提心)- which is Universal Compassion (大慈大悲)to salvage all 10 Realms (十法界)- "One for All, All for One" - Mutually Inclusive.
(Note :- Thunder roar (symbolising the Lion Roar) at 3.34pm 17 May 2016 in Singapore when i write this).
支派 (branches of their own respective religions) - go to do it yourselves - i don't know.
How to salvage the 十法界 (10 Realms)?
This is done by 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus via 化生 or 胎生 via 大勢至菩萨。
阿弥陀佛,观世音菩萨,大勢至菩萨 will be the 花严三昧 (3-Ring Nirvana Fruition).
达摩祖师 is the 四面佛 (四大天王)that unify all the 4 World Religions (Hinduism, 天道教,Christianity, Is-Lam) into 大乘佛法 (Mahayana Buddhism) and close the loop of Theravada Buddhism (小乘佛法)into 大乘佛法 (Mahayana Buddhism).
To make a complete Pureland specifically Singapura Pureland (新家-净土):-
Singapore- must be made up of 2 Components :-
(1) Spiritual Components - 空 (Formless) (空身)- to provide Spiritual Guidance
(2) Government Ministers - Form(色身)- to formulate National Constitution, Government Polices, Law etc (Proposed the next PM of Singapore to be Mr Heng Swee Keat - Arahat to 自度 Singapore).
What form the Spiritual Components - 空 (Formless) (空身):-
0 - LHL (Proposed next President of Singapore - 横渡)
1-SK 0-LCL 1-PH
Mahayana Buddhism (大乘佛法) - 3 Ring Nirvana Fruition (华严三昧) of :-
(1) No-Self - 阿弥陀佛 (无我)
(2) Universal Compassion - 观世音菩萨 (大慈,大悲)
(3) Panna Wisdom - 大勢至菩萨 (般若智慧)
(4) 弥勒佛 (Matrieya Buddha) - Zen Buddhism (Shinto - I don't know)
(5)(LHL) - proposed to be the next President of Singapore
= 5 Stars (Chinese Divinity) and 9 Grade Lotus Pureland of Red (Chinese Divinity) and White (PAP).

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