一真法界 (One Universal Unity) - "One for All, All for One" (Mutually Inclusiveness of 十法界)- is not a Full Nirvana State - as it comprise of 10 Realms of :-
(1) Buddhas (佛)
(2) Bodhisattvas (菩萨)
(3) Paccekka Buddhas (辟支佛)
(4) Arahats (阿罗汉)
(5) Heavenly Beings (天人)
(6) Asuras (阿修罗)
(7) Humans (人) - I am here
(8) Animals (畜牲)
(9) Hungry Ghosts (饿鬼)
(10) Hell Beings (地狱)
(Note :- For the 3 lowest realm - Animals, Hungry Ghosts, Hell Beings - they will have to be enclosed in the 莲花 (Lotus) of its various Grade).
Once 十法界 is able to receive 禅 in 空界 - it means 十法界 Heart and Mind are in clarity - and 一真法界 (One Universal Unity) can receive Zen stimuli and provide Zen response among 十法界 (10 Realms).
Just receive Zen stimuli from 十法界 (10 Realms) that no one want to be in 涅槃 Nirvana State now as it is not in 一真法界 (One Universal Unity) and everyone will have to start all over again (if there are individual Buddha Purelands in the Universe) due to my 5 Bodhi Vows (菩提愿):-
(1) 十方六道不空,誓不成佛。
(2) 十方六道度尽,方证菩提。
(3) 十方十法界加持及普度。
(4) Leave no one behind.
(5) Leave no sand behind.
The reasons there are why so many natural disasters (eg. 34 earthquake starting from Japan double earthquake - Paradise Hell, flood in Sri Lanka, sandstorm in 新疆, wars, accidents eg. MRT breakdown, fire in flats, coffeshop, road accidents, epidemic - zika etc) - are due to :-
(1) If eg. Sri Lanka want to build their own Buddha Pureland, or others eg. East who want to build their own Pureland ----- then Earth will one day perish because of Law of Impermanence - where everything in Universe is Impermanence - subject to birth, live, decay, death and rebirth.
(2) When Earth expire in life - then all perish and will have to start in another planets.
(3) When all planets perish ......///
That is why 一真法界 (One Universal Unity) - "One for All, All for One" (Mutually Inclusiveness of 十法界) - will resolve all these ONCE and For ALL - by starting 9 Grade Lotus 九品莲花 to 化生 or 胎生。
卍 is a “万” 字 that symbolise 普度十方十法界 with 2 菩萨 (the "+" symbolising Bodhi Heart 菩提心 (that 五蕴皆空)& the 2 bended lines symbolise 2 菩萨 that reaches the circumference of the Universe to 横渡 & 竖度 (that 四大界空)。

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