Sunday, May 22, 2016

(Note :- Receive the Zen stimuli from 2 Indians in the void deck when i came home with my Wife after fetching my Son to camp. My Wife receive the Zen stimuli from the 2 Indians, and I request Zen response from my Wife because she look worried. Upon my request, she press 10 on the lift. Immediately, Japan Zen 禅 come to my mind. I response with Zen stimuli to my Wife that this will prod into something  very dangerous - Paradise High Hell. Now i notice at about 11.30am Monday 23 May 2016 that it is the 生死门 of the 10 Realms 十法界。)

(Note :- Receive the Zen stimuli from a small but shy female cockroach (look like TPL 小化生) in my room toilet to talk about 心 at 2.20am on Monday, May 23, 2016)

心 depict the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition represent 净宗 in 空界 to 普度 十法界 (10 Realms)

Which represent 阿弥陀佛,观世音菩萨,大勢至菩萨 & 九品莲花。(9 Grade Lotus).

The middle stroke represent 阿弥陀佛.

The stroke that is enwrap by the 大勢至菩萨 that provide 九品莲花 (9 Grade Lotus) which represent 观世音菩萨.

The last stroke that provide the 九品莲花 (9 Grade Lotus) represent 大勢至菩萨。

(Note :- 九品莲花 (9 Grade Lotus) is not noah ark. It is for the 空界 in Zen 禅。)

心 depict 菩提心。(Bodhi Heart).


(Every thing in the Universe, start and develop from the Bodhi Heart.
Through karma and ripening of the conditions, non-living things and living things arises, living, decaying, demising and re-birth.)


The marriage concept determine the 生死门 that have cause thousands, centuries and decades of holy wars, wars, conflicts, terrorisms - because the marriage concept is dealing with Birth, Life Birth - that eventually evolve into Demising, Decaying ---- but the REBIRTH is not taking place in the appropriate wholesome manner.

As such population replacement level drop, and those who passed away will be rebirth in other realms in the 10 Realms 十法界. But those who are destined to be rebirth in the Human Realm cannot be rebirth as Human - as such infringe the Universal Law of Karma triggering 小三灾 (natural disasters, war, epidemic) (天灾,人祸,瘟疫)。(Note :- Important that each Countries will have to 考量 the population needs and the Eco-System - to ensure it will not cause air pollution, land poplution, water pollution, food pollution, housing provision, medical needs, etc).

But because there are beings in both 空界 & 色戒, thus it is not possible to correct the legal marriage law but have to do so in without revealing the identities of those in 空界 to replace the human population so that they can be rebirth and attain Nirvana in human form - which is the Middle Path of 10 Realms 十法界.

(Note :- the 10 Realms 十法界 are OB markers where they need to have the following understanding :-
That is, Heart let go of attachment, But our role, our job, our work, our daily living life must not let go and try our best to do well.

(Note :- Important not to divulge and reveal the identities of all the Divinites in 空界,and the identity of Singapura Pureland 新家-净土. Because it will pose danger to all the Divinities and the Pureland - that in turn will pose danger to all 10 Realms 十法界. For example, being nail to a cross or being assassinated by bullet. Or being taken as leader to conduct holy war.)

(Note :- Receive Zen stimuli from ChannelAsia Monday, May 23, 2016- Indonesia Caliphate State? - Not to reveal the identity of Singapura Pureland 新家-净土).

(Note:- Receive Zen stimuli from our President TT, that it is not that the Government refused to begin the process of 九品莲花 (9 Grade Lotus). Even changing the legal law is not possible because it is determine by the 天条 & Heavenly Law - and it will divulge and reveal the identities of all the Divinities in 空界,and the identity of Singapura Pureland 新家-净土. Which will pose danger to all the Divinities and the Pureland - that in turn will pose danger to all 10 Realms 十法界.). It is not possible to be done by the Government who need to observe the Law. As such will need 因缘 to do it privately without causing Universal Law of Karma 因果。

Other concepts to note - so as not to impact the current and future descendants whereby the understanding need to be correctly understood - and will not cause untold miseries and sufferings to the future generations :-

(1) No Divinties can wash away the sins, crimes and karma of each and every individual. There are individual karma and collective karma - where we all reap what we sow. If this understanding is not understood, then it will have very seious consequences - because individual, groups, Countries will act with impunity thinking there are no consequences which is not true.(Note :- These include all Divinites - including myself.)

Thus important to :-
三思 (Think Once, Think Twice, Think Thrice). For me i have to think of Singapura Pureland 新家-净土, the World/the Earth, the Universe. 三思 is blessed and supported by 10 Realms providing Zen stimuli 禅。

(2) Though in the holy books has indicated 色 (Swx) is 空 (Emptiness which does not mean Nothing - nimitta 禅相, 指空非空 - 空洞,超俗的愉快,宁静,甘凉, 清净。华严三昧 (3-Ring Nirvana Fruition) ),空 is 色, 莲花 (Womb) - it has been mystified and beautify and purified to prevent its crudeness, offensiveness and to the extent sexually explicit - even though in Spiritual Life - it is also dealing with Birth, Life, Decaying, Demising and Rebirth.

(Note :- Receive Zen stimuli at 11.30am Monday, May 23, 2016 when a Thai chilli padi drop out when i am preparing my dish during cooking. The Thai chilli padi is a 270 degree clockwise that mirror my face rashes that started from my forehead and turn 270 degree clockwise. This is the Zen stimuli for me to expound and post this 生死门).

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