- Cannot start with West side first through 大勢至菩萨 into 大乘佛法 (Mahayana Buddhism) - because the 色空 Zen will be very fast - like Samurai sword - 1 or 0 - 生 or 灭 (Pure Nippon) or like Nazi Holocast (Pure white) - like Donald Duck.
Why is it so, because the Universal Compassion (does not expand into the Universe) - only the WHITE Supremacy KKK !
This will lead to 小三灾 (Earth collpase) follow by 大三灾 (Universe collapse).
This is Mutually Exclusive Nazi 卐 - Not Mutually Inclusive 阿弥陀佛Bodhi Heart 卍.
Despite, giving 3 warning for Donald Duck to back off because if he keep coming - he will trigger WW3 and trigger 小三灾 (Earth collapse) follow by 大三灾 (Universe collapse) - but he still refused to, then punishment will have to be administered.
If Donald Duck understand the above consequences through 禅 Zen stimuli but still refused to back down with his strong attachment to reveal the Divinity identity, then he will have descended into Hell。
- Also cannot start with East side because one Chinese girl work with CIA to reveal the identity and the faces of the Divinity.
Once if both sides adopt OmniPotent 争霸 - it become the 魔 - and will lead to 小三灾 (Earth collapse) follow by 大三灾 (Universe collapse).
For the Chinese that have repented 忏悔, and have cut attachment to reveal the identity of the Divinity, then it is possible to go through 胎生 through 九品莲花生 9 Grade Lotus。(Note :- The Taiwan 5.6 earthquake in 一蓝 , 东蓝 with 1 person injured on Wed, 11 May 2016 is the Universal Law of Karma to demonstrate this).
It is thus important to begin with Singapura Pureland - 新家-净土 to go with Indonesia and Malaysia through Amituofo-lah.
Why Indonesia and Malaysia can connect so fast ? Because they 断执着 & 断 吃醋 (cut attachment & jealousy) very fast.
How to 断执着 & 断 吃醋 (cut attachment & jealousy) :- Please see and search this blog on :-
"Korean Air cabin crew in 'nut-gate' row says former V-P insulted him, forced him to kneel".
Should a man kneel down and pray to 菩萨 image?
When I visit the temple, I kneel down and pray to the 菩萨 images because of their Nirvana Bodies (涅槃身) and not to 人身 human as they are supposed not to reveal their identity like Celebrity.
Mahayana Buddhism (大乘佛法) - 3 Ring Nirvana Fruition (华严三昧) of :-
(1) No-Self - 阿弥陀佛 (无我)
(2) Universal Compassion - 观世音菩萨 (大慈,大悲)
(3) Panna Wisdom - 大勢至菩萨 (般若智慧)
(4) 弥勒佛 (Matrieya Buddha) - Zen Buddhism (Shinto - I don't know)
(5) PM (LHL)
= 5 Stars (Chinese Divinity) and 9 Grade Lotus Pureland of Red (Chinese Divinity) and White (PAP).
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