(Received Zen stimuli at about 1.45pm Wednesday, May 25, 2016 from my Wife 观世音菩萨, 大勢至菩萨,弥勒佛,南无本师释迦摩尼佛 to expound this to help to salvage West and Middle East and Asia)
Zen 禅 - 色,空。 空,色 is like a 2 Wheels that inter-locked with one another like a Gear.
This is like 8 operating like a pulley system (where i received Zen stimuli from my Son during a dinner previously and then a Man in the temple wielding a yellow fan previously and Channel 8 中国 movie with 中国人 男众,女众 and a Singaporean Malaysian male actor or a Gear i see in a facebook from the West that show 2 wheels of a gear that crush some big objects).
1 Wheel by moving clockwise, will cause the 2nd Wheel to move anti-clockwise and cause the attachment to wrong views, to vexation, to 贪嗔痴 (Unwholesome Greed/Unwholesome attachment to the wrong views, Hatred, Ignorance of the Universal Truth, Universal Law)- to be broken by 色,空。空,色。
And when the unwholesome attachment and wrong views are broken - Heart attain equilibirium, Mind attain Clarity - and 禅, understanding of Zen stimuli, Zen responses emerged. When this happen 般若智慧 Panna Wisdom, Insight emerged.
(Those who understand the peeling of onion - to remove unwholesome attachment of wrong views - is similar to this analogy).
(Received 禅 Zen stimuli during my meditation at 2.30pm Wednesday, May 25, 2016, to expound the following :-
(2) OmniPresence (无所不在)(无我)- where my 3-Ring Fruition 华严三昧encompass the Whole Universe。But my human body is just a human - cannot be OmniPresence to encompass the Whole Universe.
OmniBenevolence (大慈大悲)- where my 菩提心 Bodhi Heart cover everything. But i am also need to 自度,度人 - where i need to “Self Salvage before i can Salvage others" - otherwise like Jesus nail to the cross and die - then how to Salvage others. If no job, not enough money to feed myself and my families - how to survive?
OmniScience (般若智慧)- I only know my Meditative Experience of 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition of the Universal Truth. But i don't many things on Earth - eg. science, technology, medicine etc and need to learn from Education.
OmniPotent (乘霸)- I am not 大鸟神 - the "BIG GOD" where one blink blink everything will get done like magic. The Whole Universe is make up of Zen pieces to form the Universal Zen Set (like all jigs to form a complete Jigsaw Puzzle).
i dislike this most, it is very distasteful to be OmniPotent (乘霸)- the Strong Inflated Ego - which will be the biggest obstacle to attain No-Self 无我 - the sure way to 胎生。And worst, to become a Nazi 魔 卐 - must never go down this path ---- the Vital lessons from World War - WW1, WW2.
Also being OmniPotent (乘霸)will reveal the face, the identity of myself, the 5 Stars Divinities and the 净土 - which will jeopardise all - and 十法界 10 Realms - that may lead to the demise of 十法界 10 Realms - a very Heavy, Weighty Sin。
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