Tuesday, May 31, 2016

法轮 (顺,逆)

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 7.20pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 News, 7.55pm Singapore movie and my Wife 观世音菩萨 at 7.20pm to redraw the above diagrams.)

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 1.14pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 News to post the above new information.)

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 1.35pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 Singaporean actors and actresses and Singaporean 中国 actor and my Wife 观世音菩萨to post the above new information - on security and 阿弥陀佛 菩提心(卍) Bodhi Heart.)

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 4.29pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 台湾 movie - actors and actresses - to update 九品莲花生)。(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 4.32pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - Singaporean Thai male, Singaporean female, Singaporean males and females. to update 九品莲花生)。

Received 禅 Zen stimuli 4.56pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - Singaporean guest speaker - why 九品莲花生 is needed?

Answer :- 九品莲花生 9 Grade Lotus as seen in the 2nd 法轮 Dharma Wheel from the 1st 法轮 Dharma Wheel is used to 普度 all those regardless of the 十法界 10 Realms who fall into the 下三界 - 畜牲,饿鬼,地狱 first。Those in 上三界 - 佛,菩萨,Arahats and 中三界 - 天人,阿秀罗,人will remain.(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 4.59pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - Singaporean males and females and my Wife 观世音菩萨 to post this).

As the 2nd 法轮 Dharma Wheel 转 upwards into the 九品莲花, 下三界 - 畜牲,饿鬼,地狱 who are ready will 化生,化身 but enclosed in the 下三品 3 Lower Realm Grade - 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus. For those who are not ready will continue to 转 in the 1st 法轮 Dharma Wheel. (Received 禅 Zen stimuli 5.11pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - S Korea actresses and actors and my Wife 观世音菩萨 to post this). Received 禅 Zen stimuli 5.24pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - my Wife 观世音菩萨 to post 化生,化身 for 下三品 3 Lower Realm Grade - 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus).

Then as the 2nd 法轮 Dharma Wheel 转 upwards into the 九品莲花, 中三界 - 天人,阿秀罗,人 who are ready will 化生,化身 in the 中三品 3 Middle Realm Grade - 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus. For those who are not ready will continue to 转 in the 1st 法轮 Dharma Wheel.      (Received 禅 Zen stimuli 5.11pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - Singaporean Actor and actors and actresses to post this.) (Received 禅 Zen stimuli 5.11pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - S Korea actors to post this).

Then as the 3rd 法轮 Dharma Wheel 转 upwards into the 九品莲花, 上三界 - 佛,菩萨,Arahats who are ready will 化生,化身 in the 上三品 3 Upper Realm Grade - 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus. For those who are not ready will continue to 转 in the 1st 法轮 Dharma Wheel.      (Received 禅 Zen stimuli 5.19pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - S Korea actors & actresses to post this).

(Notice that the 1st 法轮 Dharma Wheel has become a 轮回 法轮 - including Nirvana Beings such as 佛,菩萨,Arahats - who have already 跳出三界 and no longer subjected to 轮回? Because of my 菩提心 Bodhi Heart that enwrap the Whole Universe 宇宙 with Bodhi Vows (菩提愿)- 十方十法界加持及普度。Leave no one behind. Leave no sand behind. And this will again trigger stray thoughts 妄念 from 佛,菩萨,Arahats in my  Bodhi Vows (菩提愿) to start to help 普度众生 beyond the boundaries of their own Bodhi Vows (菩提愿) - thus eliciting bad karma onto myself.

By doing so, Nirvana Beings such as 佛,菩萨,Arahats again subjected to 轮回 in the 1st 法轮 Dharma Wheel in 色界 - causing disappointment to Nirvana Beings such as 佛,菩萨,Arahats - 多世累劫的修行 to re-emerge from the Nirvana State 涅槃 境 - especially when i am using an unorthodox method of 九品莲花生 9 Grade Lotus Birth where 佛,菩萨,Arahats emphasize 戒 Precepts. But  九品莲花生 9 Grade Lotus Birth is 今世往生 not 过世往生 which is far more superior.

Received 禅 Zen stimuli to post the above:-
About 10pm 10 Jun 2016 and 12pm 11 Jun 2016 - My Wife 观世音菩萨 - who say 轮回 and I discuss with My Wife 观世音菩萨 the karma i am reaping for causing Nirvana Beings such as 佛,菩萨,Arahats to 轮回 again to 大修。
11.43am 11 Jun 2016 - My Son 弥勒佛
11.43am 11 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 - 1 Singaporean male newcaster and 1 Singaporean female newcaster interview MP TPL.

12.02pm 11 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 - 1 Singaporean Thai male newcaster & SMRT that say 大修。

(5.42pm 1 Jun 2016, when i told my Wife 观世音菩萨 - this 2 法轮 Dharma Wheel concept 1st come from my Son 弥勒佛 2 gear & 2 wheel bicycle, my Son during dinner who show me a “8” when playing a game on my smartphone (the "8" give me the concept of a cross pulley system) and see my Son's facebook of a US video about 2 rotating gear clockwise and anti-clockwise crushing big objects). (Also remember the - 3/4 cup empty, 1/4 cup full by Minister Khaw Boon Wan - refer to my 270 degree face skin rashes & my Wife 观世音菩萨 to post this)..

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 9.55am (9 品,5 新星,5 中星)2 Jun 2016, when i woke up this morning from my Wife 观世音菩萨 and CSK my 2nd Wife 大势至菩萨 - to post this "禅宗有净,净宗有禅“。)(心经 Heart Sutra - 禅 讲 宇宙 生。无量寿经 净 讲 新家-净土 Singapura-Pureland is make up of 佛,菩萨,Arahats). (Received 禅 Zen stimuli 11.36am ChannelNews Asia - Singaporean Eurasian male host and Kuala Lumpur Malaysian 1 tudung female and 1 young girl without tudung - to post the above statement). (Received 禅 Zen stimuli 12.37am ChannelNews Asia - Singaporean female guest speaker, and 1 Singaporean female newscaster and Singaporean Eurasian male newscaster and 12.43am 1 female guest speaker and 1 male guest speaker - to post this :-

心经 Heart Sutra - 禅 讲 宇宙 生 ----- 0, oo, 1。

无量寿经 净 讲 新家-净土 Singapura-Pureland is make up of 佛,菩萨,Arahats  ----- 1, oo, 0。 (Mr LKY say in the 1960s "Today this place is a marshland. 10 years from now, i will make this place a cosmopolitan city.    From marshland to bustling city. 新家-净土 Singapura-Pureland ).

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 12.52am ChannelNews Asia Malaysia PM Najib - & 12.52am 1 guest male White speaker and 1 Singaporean female newcaster voice and another 1 male White speaker and 1 Singaporean male to post this :-

My 阿弥陀佛 2nd Dharma Wheel 2nd 法轮 (逆转法轮)(Horizontal Salvation)

“禅宗有净,净宗有禅“(禅宗有净 - 0, oo, 1. 净宗有禅 - 1, oo, 0.)

心经 Heart Sutra - 禅 讲 宇宙 生 ----- 0, oo, 1。

无量寿经 净 讲 新家-净土 Singapura-Pureland is make up of 佛,菩萨,Arahats  ----- 1, oo, 0。 (Mr LKY say in the 1960s "Today this place is a marshland. 10 years from now, i will make this place a cosmopolitan city.    From marshland to bustling city. 新家-净土 Singapura-Pureland ).

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 1.17pm Channel 8 news - 1 Singaporean Male newcaster - Hongkong court case - to append "Horizontal Salvation" to above.)

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli from my Son 弥勒佛,my Wife 观世音菩萨 and CSK my 2nd Wife 大势至菩萨 - to post this ”禅宗有净,净宗有禅“

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 1.56pm Channel 8 - 1 Singaporean male guest speaker, 1 Singaporean Thai male and 1 Singaporean male to post this - 禅宗有净 - 0, oo, 1. 净宗有禅 - 1, oo, 0.)

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 10.03am (1,0 定生)2 Jun 2016, when i wake up to brush my teeth in my Son 弥勒佛 room, when i see a pillow guarding my Son 弥勒佛 backside. I realise i need to insert 四大天王 into the diagram beside Singapore Security. Received 禅 Zen stimuli 11.46am 2 Jun 2016 ChannelNewsAsia Singaporean Euraian male to post this).Received 禅 Zen stimuli about 1.30 am 2 Jun 2016 Channel U S Korea actors and actresses - When walking into my Son 弥勒佛 room. an Indian neighbor (Hinduism Nothingness and No-Nothingness Heavenly Realm) gesture that many environmental problem is coming out. When i went to my Son's 弥勒佛 room toilet, i notice my 弥勒佛 1 big faeces emerged from the toilet bowl (4 Great Basic Elements move, 四大)and then 1 medium cockroach run around my bathing standing tub. I flush down the faeces and leave the medium cockroach alone. Then i walk to the kitchen, and see a big cockroach with 1 lizard gazing at it. Then i realise that without "Security" and without "九品莲花生“ 9 Grade Lotus in place, "security" and "environmental problem" will be a problem. Then the lizard leave, but the big cockroach refuse to budge. Then I silently say, if you still don't leave, I will take action but the big cockroach still refuse to budge. Then i prevent to be angry and stamp my feet and say "shove". The big cockroach got frightened and run away.

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 11.56am 2 Jun 2016 ChannelNewsAsia Singaporean Euraian male to post this - Singaporean Euraian male host interview - KL 4 tudung wives with 1 husband and few children. But the husband tell the Singaporean Euraian male host say 4 wives with 1 husband cannot and shake his head. Must be 1 husband and 2 wives.)

(1)Received 禅 Zen stimuli 1.08am (1定8)1 Jun 2016 (普度六道)from S Korea actresses and actors to post the above.
(2) Received 禅 Zen stimuli 8.03am (8定3)1 Jun 2016 (普度六道)from myself - when i recall earlier I hear very distinct 阿弥陀佛 chanting from my 阿弥陀佛 chanting statue even though i don't use to hearing the chanting voice. It daunt on me that the 阿弥陀佛 chanting - come from 十法界 10 Realms to post the above.
(3) Strong whooping wind blow after posting this. 10.54am 1 Jun 2016. Also recieved 禅 Zen stimuli at 10.45am and 10.54am 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 台湾 talkshow and movie - actresses and actors to post the above statements.
(4) Also received 禅 Zen stimuli at 11am 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 台湾 movie - actresses and actors to post Human Middle Path.

(5) Also received 禅 Zen stimuli at 11.06am 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 台湾 movie - actresses and actors say “加油,加油,加油”。Thunder roar after posting the above statement. Received 禅 Zen stimuli at 11.06am 1 Jun 2016 from my Wife 观世音菩萨 to post this.

(6) And rain fall at 11.11am 1 Jun 2016  Singapore - 风雷雨 响应。Also received 禅 Zen stimuli at 11.11am 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 台湾 movie - actresses and actors,

(7) Thunder roar loudly at 11.15am 1 Jun 2016 in Singapore - Also received 禅 Zen stimuli at 11.15am 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 台湾 movie - actresses and actors,开张。

(8)Received Zen stimuli 禅 at 11.10am 2 Jun 2016 from my Son 弥勒佛& ChannelNewsAsia - Malaysia security, Indonesia Sumatra 6.5 earthquake also felt in Singapore, Singapore with US on security. 

6.5-magnitude quake rattles Indonesia's Sumatra, no damage reported
The 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck off the Indonesian island of Sumatra on Thursday morning, the US Geological Survey reported. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. 
18 minutes ago

Tremors felt in Singapore as earthquake hits Sumatra
People reported feeling tremors in areas including Bukit Panjang, Siglap, Punggol and Toa Payoh.
Posted 02 Jun 2016 07:29 Updated 02 Jun 2016 09:55

Video Obama to host PM Lee at White House for official visit
During the visit, Mr Lee and Mr Obama will celebrate the bilateral relationship between the two countries, that has "served as an anchor for the US rebalance to Asia", the White House said in a press release.

10 minutes ago

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