Now what I am going to blog here could be "sexually explicit" and can be offensive for those who are staunchly religious (because of all the holy books and teachings). But i feel lthat I have 超越了一 彻。(exceed all Dharma) :-
(1) Mundane Life - is nothing but about Birth and Death
(2) Spiritual Life - is nothing but about Birth and Death 色 & 空
Thus I have to seek the permission from 十法界 (10 Realms) to 超越一却法 (to exceed all Dharma, all Holy Teachings) - to save Singapore, the Earth and the Universe.The Permission i seek are :-
(1) the Zen Stimuli from the PSuccess - from my sms - Singapura PM (LHL)
(2) the Zen Stimuli from the East - from the yahoo Singapore social media - 道教
(3) the Zen stimuli from the West - from the facebook - Christianity, Greek gods and goddess.
(4) the Zen stimuli from a Singapore soldier from the facebook - Singapore Chief-of-Army
(5) the Zen stimuli from many chirping birds - Shinto from Japan
(6) the Zen stimuli from the TV - with doctors talking about bacteria nd micro-organisms - to seek permission from the Medical - about birth and death. And doctor see the naked bodies to treat lives (naked big deal) - all these holy religious goondo.
(7) then I need to seek permission from all the 佛 Buddhas and 菩萨 Bodhisattvas - and then u receive Zen Stimuli from 弥勒佛 Matrieya Buddha - when i see the Matrieya Buddha image with a wide bare body and then i notice the Matrieya Buddha aura is shining very brightly on the photo image and then i notice the Matrieya Buddha laught very loudly and i also laugh very loudly.
(8) then i need to seek permission from all the 佛 and 菩萨 - thus I pray to all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas - and i receive Zen stimuli to go ahead - because i need 九品莲花生 (9 Grade Lotus) to 普度 9 Realms beings and all the Buddhas. By doing so, I can salvage the 3 lower realms into the 9 Grade Lotus.
(9) then i receive Zen stimuli that - my wife visit to Malaysia - to go ahead. Because the purpose of the visit, is for my wife to spread the 禅相 Zen target from Earth and expand it to the Universe (于宙)- to fetch 大勢至菩萨 to start the 9 Grade Lotus 九品莲花生。This will help to enwrap the Whole Universe with my 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 anchor on the Singapura Pureland 心家-境土.
I was going through my blog at about 8am on 11 May 2016 with my smartphone and then i received a notification that say "PSSuccess".
I think is a Zen Stimuli from the Singapor-lah PS that - what i have posted in my Blog make sense.
Then I start to go through the Yahoo Singapore social media and I notice that in one article that say one China office have workers that are sleeping in office due to overwork.
I think it is a Zen stimuli that Chinese workers is in 空界 listening to my Dharma.
Then i go through my son's facebook and as i go through some videos, one video that strike me very hard is a video from the US.
A white male come in with a white female - and i receive Zen stimuli from him and the female to look at their - male (2 nipples) and the female (2 breasts).
(All babies are born naked - male (with bird) and female (with oyster) - so what is the big deal? If no life - then death lah.) (Did you see dogs wearing clothes? Did you see horse wearing bra and underwear?) (Ada nampak moget pakai baju) - Stupid. - Bodoh.
Now let come back to the US video to talk about very serious stuff - the collapse of the Earth and the Universe if not address ---- about birth, life and death.
The male (Husband) 2 nipples 色 Zen stimuli 禅相 - are 2 small nipples - that indicate 四大界空 - expanding out to hold the Earth and the Universe from collapsing inwards. (Note :- if indicate the Husband is 明心见性 (mirror) - No-Self see sex). And 1 Husband with 2 nipples - is 1 Husband with 2 Wives.
The 2 female breasts 色禅相 Zem stimuli - indicates 五蕴界空 - attached to the Husband.
I have to write this to 破戒 - as Light of Wisdom to eradicate the Ignorance. As Ignorance is the Cause of All Sufferings.
4 Noble Truth :-
(1) Ignorance is the Cause of All Sufferings
(2) All sufferings are due to attachment to wrong views (wrong Dharma teachings) - like each one touch one part of the Elephant and say they see the whole Elephant. Thus all the Zen piece must be put together to see the whole Zen. This is only done in Singapura.
(3) To eradicate all sufferings - have to cut attachment (断执着)。
(4) And this will attain Enlightenment (Nirvana) - 涅槃。
All this are summarise in 苦,集,灭,道。(四圣谛)
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