Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Economic well-beings of each individual, families, communities, organisation, Government can play a part starting with a Bodhi Heart (菩提心)in their respective Countries

Government for eg. should consider whether Raw Capitalism is a way to go - that is elongated whereby the Economic income disparity are too far apart. This can be done with proper tax system and redistribution of wealth using a wholesome Universal System. This will ensure a more compact Economic Model and not a elongated Economic Model.

The Economic Model can adopt the 9 Grade Income Status (that mirror the 9 Grade Lotus) :-
(1) Upper-Upper Income Status
(2) Middle-Upper Income Status
(3) Lower-Upper Income Status
(4) Upper-Middle Income Status
(5) Middle-Middle Income Status  ----- I am at this level.
(6) Lower-Middle Income Status
(7) Upper-Lower Income Status
(5) Middle-Lower Income Status
(6) Lower-Lower Income Status

(Note :- the above income status will correspond to the 9 Grade Lotus) - More Wealth, Less Spiritual. Less Wealth, More Spiritual).

Organisation can start with a system anchor on a Bodhi Heart (菩提心)to ensure sustainable revenue and profit - and yet improve the income and welfare of the staff and workers.

Communities can start with a system to lookout for their vertical communities anchor on a Bodhi Heart (菩提心) and then integrated approach that link up all the vertical communities with horizontal approach to ensure the welfare and income level are not too far apart.

Families and individual should look out for one another and ensure the welfare of each family members are taken care off. The wife must love and take care of the husband and the husband must love and take care of the wife. The children must love and respect the elders and the Elders must take care and love the children.

The marriage must not be an arranged marriage but based on mutual attraction.

All Humans are equal and should not have a caste system based on mutual respect and not based on caste or wealth.

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