Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Story of Journey to the West (西游记)along Silk Road

- 唐三藏 learn 大乘佛法 Mahayana Buddhism going to its West (西方取经)along Silk Road to  China to fetch 大乘经 from  阿弥陀佛 净土 help by 观世音菩萨 along the way going through many trials and tribulations。

(Note :- Sakyamuni Buddha 南无本师释迦摩尼佛 taught Theravada Buddhism 小乘佛法)

- 唐三藏  骑白马  跟 孙悟空,猪八戒,沙僧 去 (西方取经) - 大乘经 - 阿弥陀经。

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