Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Karma in Form Realm 色界 & Karma in Formless Realm 空界

(Received Zen stimuli in Channel 8 news 1.10pm to expound this - to remind 下三界 about Karma).

Whatever we think, speak and do with action, it will always come with karma.

Karma can be good or bad (Please do not always attached negative connotation that karma is bad.)
Karma means we reap what we sow,

If we do something wholesome anchor on Bodhi Heart (菩提心)with Panna Wisdom 般若智慧 through Zen stimuli and Zen responses 禅 - then will reap good karma.

If we do something unwholesome anchor on selfish Heart due to Ignorance of the Universal Truth, Legal Law, Heavenly Law 天条. then will reap bad karma.

Karma can be in Form Realm 色界 when one get caught by the law or encounter other unhappy incidents or accidents.

Karma can be in Formless Realm 空界,when one experience good feelings or unhappy feelings or even like heart attack.

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