Friday, May 6, 2016

Friday, May 6, 2016


My face has rashes - anti-clockwise from forehead to right cheek of the face, to 2 behind left and right base of my head, to left side of the left cheek of the face. Left side of the cheek about a week ago - red and bleed but now recovering but still have scar --- 270 degree anti-clockwise.

Another 90 degree on the left cheek still free from rashes or scar.

My front side of the right ear lobe also got rashes.

The above are some signs of Earth (Form) facing severe distress.

There are other 空相 eg. :-

(1) Ghost face
(2) Asura face
(3) Human face
(4) Animal face (eg. even Mr Bean face)

etc ---- as the Mind transcend across the respective realms when receiving the Zen stimuli from the respective realms - and provide Zen response to that particular Zen stimuli.

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