Friday, May 13, 2016

Not True that the Order of Heavens have to demise before a New World Order

Because we are not 魔.

There are 2 sides that are trying to pierce into Singapore and want to force Singapore to do their whims and fancies using bullying tactics.

They are USA and Australia - forcing Singapore to reveal everyone's identity and Singapore.

Why this 2 are behaving this way?

Because they refused to acknowledge :-
"Both 达摩祖师 & 慧能六祖 taught Mahayana Buddhism (大乘佛法)to Jesus. This is not reveal in the Bible. Jesus then spread Christianity via Silk Road."

Who is telling lies?
Bible is telling lies right?

Exercise for this should cut. It is very sharp - and many will drop off.

This is because :-
(1) Arahats 阿罗汉 are 1 time Nirvana Fruition Perfection
(2) 菩萨 Bodhisattvas are 2 times Nirvana Fruition Perfection
(3) 阿弥陀佛 Buddhas are 3 times Nirvana Fruition Perfection

If the Salvation exercise is carry out only by Arahats - it will be very sharp. It is more appropriate for internal 自度 and not external 横渡.

This will be the last chance because Step (3) 阿弥陀佛 Buddhas are 3 times Nirvana Fruition Perfection - are ready and in place.

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