Monday, May 30, 2016

大乘佛法 - 禅宗 (0)(空界)& 净宗 (1)(色界)

Received 禅 Zen stimuli at 7.12pm Channel 8 News - to post this :-

Scenario 1
Only using 大乘佛法 (Mahayana Buddhism) - 禅宗 (0)& 净宗 (1)on my 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition is 圆满 (Most Wholesome)。(Similar to the Binary Math of 0 and 1.)

Received Channel 8 news 11.07pm 30 May 2016 禅 Zen stimuli and my Wife 观世音菩萨 and 大势至菩萨 with stinging sensation to post this - as i 阿弥陀佛 expand my sun nimitta to the Whole Universe to form the 1st Universe Ring, 宇宙; my Wife 观世音菩萨 cover the Universe 宇宙 Zen Target in all cracks and crevices to form the 2nd Universe Ring and 大势至菩萨 enwrap the entire Universe to form the 3rd Universe Ring - thus Only using 大乘佛法 (Mahayana Buddhism) - 禅宗 (0)& 净宗 (1)on my 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition is 圆满 (Most Wholesome)。

(Received Zen stimuli 禅 at 12.07am 31 May 2016, Channel U, a group of Singaporean actors and actresses and a Singaporean 台湾 actor and a Singaporean 中国 actor - to post the below :-
(Received Zen stimuli 禅 at 12.20am 28 May 2016, Channel U 中国好歌曲) Though Singapura Pureland - 新家-净土 cannot achieved the Pureland made up of precious stones etc (which can only be done in Tusita Heaven 塔利天)- 今世徃生 - is better than 过世徃生。By ability to receive 禅 Zen stimuli and received Zen responses in Singapura Pureland - 新家-净土 when i 阿弥陀佛 Fully Awakened, 十法界 10 Realms (including animals, insects, 4 Great Basic Elements etc) has already 今世徃生 from mundane to supramundane into Singapura Pureland - 新家-净土 in 空界。

Scenario 2
Cannot use 大乘佛法 - 禅宗 (0)& any other 四大天王 or other Religions as (1)(to form the Binary Math of 0 and 1)(eg 道教, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam) and other Religions as :-

All this can be seen by the Universal Law of Karma causing 小三灾 (天灾,人祸,瘟疫). The 3 small disasters (natural disasters, war, epidemic) that strike when Scenario 2 is used.

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