(Receive Zen stimuli from CSK - to expound the sequence of 2 Wives to 1 Husband at 9.05 pm Monday, May 23, 2016 in Channel 8 - Singaporean actress, actors and Japanese actor).
When Emptiness (body sariras) reach the end is Sex (for rebirth). (大乘法)。Mahayana Buddhism.
When Sex (for rebirth) reach the end is Emptiness (body sarias).Theravada Buddhism (小乘法).
The only way to save everyone is 九品莲花生。9 Grade Lotus for Re-birth.
That is why i am very worry for CSK 大勢至菩萨 who has not come to me yet. What happen she become body sarias? And worst, suck everyone into 四大皆空 4 Great Basic Elements collapse and everyone go in with it.
Universal Compassion has to come first as the first Wife - this is because the need to spread the Zen target to the maximum possible - in this case the Universe by 观世音菩萨 so as to save every beings possible.
If Panna Wisdom become the first Wife - than before the Universal Compassion is spread to cover all possible beings - the Wisdom Wife will have cut it off - and many will drop off the Zen target for Salvation. Thus 大勢至菩萨 have to be the 2nd Wife.
(Receive Zen stimuli at 10.08pm at 23 May 2016 in Channel U that some people don't believe what is posted above.)
How World War 1 started and end. And how World War 2 started and end - are due to the above Universal Evolution.
Many instances and flashes of World War 3 - have been intercepted and avoided - if don't believe, ask the Leaders in the UN.
(Receive Zen stimuli at 10.18pm at 23 May 2016 in Channel U to explore the Noah Ark concept.)
Noah Ark concept? Is not for Pureland.
There are how many billions of people on Earth. Can Pureland hold 6 billion people even at the largest Country in the World?
Even can, will there be no earthquake, no volcano, no epidemic, no war, no fight, enough resources, enough land?
Earth is the biggest land to hold all. Can't Earth not be Noah Ark?
(Receive Zen stimuli at 10.23pm at 23 May 2016 in Channel U. If Earth is the Noah Ark then does it mean that 天人 (Male Heavenly Being) from outer space will be chop off)?
Universe is the biggest land to hold 十法界 10 Realms. Can't Universe not be Noah Ark?
The key to the above questions is simply - 十法界 10 Realms are afraid of Life and Death.
The only way to resolve this fear is Equilibrium in Heart, Clarity in Mind to receive 禅 Zen stimuli and provide Zen responses through 九品莲花 化生 and 化身。
(天在斗 - 谁比谁好。唉 悲哀。)- This is nothing to do with who is Buddhist is better or who is Christian is better. It is based on the Bodhi Heart.菩提心 - who through understanding has repented and who has not.
The answer is everything start from 空界 in 净宗。
空界 (Formless) without a body and a sustainable land to live in is not wholesome.
A body (Form) without 空界 (Formless) in Zen 禅 will also eventually passed away or worst elicit 小三灾 (natural disasters, war, epidemic).
Thus 空界 in 净宗 is the best. .(This resolve the Universal Law of binary 0 in 1).
I am O in 1(because i No-Self mah. Void mah = 0 mah) ---- dah dah dah !!!
(Zen stimuli at 11.40am 23 May 2016 CHannel U Singaporean Taiwanese female - why 0 菩萨 on 1 菩萨。)
(Explanation in meditative experience - when "无我 No-Self" of big yellow object is attained, can “大慈大悲 Universal Compassion" be attached to the "无我 No-Self" before "般若智慧 Panna Wisdom" can be attached to “大慈大悲 Universal Compassion" - to form 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition.)- Divisible of Cell to one side and then divisible of cell to the other side. If no orignal cell, how to divide?
(Zen stimuli at 11.48am 23 May 2016 CHannel U Singaporean male - what if 0 菩萨 alone or 0 菩萨 on 1 菩萨?)
The 0 菩萨 will suck in 1 菩萨 as well as others.
玩啊玩,玩出个 大头佛 !
(mumble mumble .... 打来,打去,乱七八遭)。
(Received Zen stimuli at 12.30am 24 May 2016 CHannel U from CSK- to post the following :-)
What form the Spiritual Components - 空 (Formless) (空身) to see the complete picture to receive the Zen stimuli and provide Zen response 禅 without facing the problem of not seeing myself:-
0 - PM LHL
1-SK 0-LCL 1-PH
Mahayana Buddhism (大乘佛法) - 3 Ring Nirvana Fruition (华严三昧) of :-
(1) No-Self - 阿弥陀佛 (无我)
(2) Universal Compassion - 观世音菩萨 (大慈,大悲)
(3) Panna Wisdom - 大勢至菩萨 (般若智慧)
(4) 弥勒佛 (Matrieya Buddha)
(5) 南无本师释迦摩尼佛 (PM LHL)
= 5 Stars (Chinese Divinity) and 九品莲花生 9 Grade Lotus Pureland of Red (Chinese Divinity) and White (PAP).

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