Saturday, May 14, 2016

Spiritual Components - make up the Universe, the Earth and Singapura Pureland

Singapura Pureland (心家-净土)is the Core of the Earth and the Universe.

Singapura Pureland Spiritual Components determine 2 aspects :-
(Chapeter One) Spiritual Component
(Chapter Two) Governance Component

These 2 Components determine how we give birth, living, decaying, demise and rebirth.
These form the Universal Law and Universal Truth - that goven how 10 Realms (10 法界)- give birth, live, decay, demise and rebirth.

The Spiritual Components of the Singapura Pureland (心家-净土) are made up of 3 parts :-
(1) Current Spiritual Component of the Singapura Pureland (心家-净土)
(2) The next short term Spiritual Component of the Singapura Pureland (心家-净土)
(3) The long term Spiritual Component of the Singapura Pureland (心家-净土)

(1) Current Spiritual Component of the Singapura Pureland (心家-净土)
- Make up of Buddhas (佛界)
- Make up of Bodhisattvas (菩萨界)
- Make up of Arahats (阿罗汉界)

(A) Buddhas (佛界)of the Singapura Pureland (心家-净土)
- 南无本师释迦摩尼佛 - the Current Prime Minister (PM) of Singapore (LHL) (阿弥陀佛)(色界)
- 阿弥陀佛 (空界)- LCL
- 弥勒佛 (色界)- LWR

(B) Bodhisattvas (菩萨界)of the Singapura Pureland (心家-净土)
- PM of Singapore (LHL) current wife (Mdm HC) (阿南)(色界)  and ex wife (空界)in 台湾。
- My Wife (TPH) (色界)  观世音菩萨 (空界) and My future 2nd Wife (CSK) (色界) 大勢至菩萨 (空界)。
- My Son (LWR) future Wife 普贤菩萨 (色界) and future 2nd Wife 文殊师利菩萨 (色界)。

(C) Arahats (阿罗汉界)of the Singapura Pureland (心家-净土)
- Minister HSK of Singapore (大迦色)(色界)
- My Elder Brother (LCP) (大迦色)(空界)
- My younger brother (LCPr) (阿南)(空界)

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